[comp.unix.shell] Redirecting stdin in CSH

jukoff@parc.xerox.com (11/06/90)

How do I redirect stdin in a Csh script?  For example, a simple "cat" command.

Here is the equivalent code in Bourne sh:

exec 9<&0 < /etc/passwd			# Input any file here 
while read line
        echo $line...
exec 0<&9 9<&-

It's very easy in Perl:


while (<>) { print ; }

But I'm stumped in Csh.  For example, this doesn't work (the Csh converts
newlines to spaces on input -AND- foreach is space-delimited):

foreach line (`cat /etc/passwd`)
        echo $line...

| Steven Jukoff,             Phone: (415)494-4316         |
| Xerox PARC                 DDN:   jukoff@parc.xerox.com |