[comp.unix.shell] Reading a file from withing a C-shell script

wes@uh.msc.umn.edu (Wes Barris) (11/15/90)

Suppose one has a file containing names of other files like this:


From a C-shell script, I would like to, one-by-one, get the names out
of this data file and do something with them like this:

#!/bin/csh -f
foreach file (my_file_list)
   echo $file
   process $file

Does anyone know how I do that?

      o o o o o o o . . .   ________________________________ _____=======_____
    o      _____            |Wes Barris                    | | wes@msc.edu   |
  .][__n_n_|DD[  ====_____  |Minnesota Supercomputer Center| |(612) 626-1854 |
 >(________|__|_[_________]_|University of Minnesota_______|_|_FAX:_624-6550_|_
 _/oo OOOOO oo`  ooo   ooo  'o^o^o                    o^o^o` 'o^o         o^o`
Noblemen make promises, but peasants have to keep them. -- Russian proverb

afsipmh@cid.aes.doe.CA (Patrick Hertel) (11/15/90)

In article <2945@uc.msc.umn.edu> wes@msc.edu writes:
>Suppose one has a file containing names of other files like this:
>From a C-shell script, I would like to, one-by-one, get the names out
>of this data file and do something with them like this:
>#!/bin/csh -f
>foreach file (my_file_list)
>   echo $file
>   process $file
>Does anyone know how I do that?

where $1 is the name of your list file 
in the scipt call:

#!/bin/csh -f
foreach file (`cat $1`)
   echo $file
   process $file

Pat Hertel                 Canadian Meteorological Centre
Analyst/Programmer         2121 N. Service Rd.        % rm God
phertel@cmc.aes.doe.ca     Dorval,Quebec              rm: God non-existent
Environment Canada         CANADA           H9P1J3

dberg@informix.com (David I. Berg) (11/16/90)

In article <2945@uc.msc.umn.edu> wes@msc.edu writes:
>Suppose one has a file containing names of other files .......
>From a C-shell script, I would like to, one-by-one, get the names out
>of this data file and do something with them like this:
>foreach file (my_file_list)
>   echo $file
>   process $file
>Does anyone know how I do that?

foreach file (`cat my_file_list`)
   echo $file
   process $file