[comp.unix.shell] zsh: job table full

pp@wsinti01.info.win.tue.nl (Peter Peters) (05/30/91)

I recently started exploring the possibilities of the z-shell (zsh) and
so far it looks great.

Upto now I encountered two problems.

1 - When using open windows the window that is assigned as console
    acts weird ! It looks as if I have to type all characters twice
    to have it recognize anything. Furthermore the ">" prompt keeps
    popping up after every command I give. I use the "normal"
    open windows shelltool as a console window....

2 - I get error messages on invokation of certain commands. Some
    commands do it all the time (giving the error message i.e.),
    other commands do it once in a while. I really don't know
    what is going on !
    One of the commands that always generates the error message is
    "mkdir". The error message is :

		"zsh: job table full"

Anybody care to shed some light on these matters.

| Peter Peters                              | UUCP  : pp@win.tue.nl     |
| Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)  | PHONE : +31-(0)40-474120  |
| Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science | TUE   : HG 8.82 / 4120    |
| Disclaimer : I said WHAT ???              | VHF   : pa0ppe            |
| Peter Peters                              | UUCP  : pp@win.tue.nl     |
| Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)  | PHONE : +31-(0)40-474120  |
| Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science | TUE   : HG 8.82 / 4120    |
| Disclaimer : I said WHAT ???              | VHF   : pa0ppe            |

subbarao@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Kartik Subbarao) (05/30/91)

In article <1962@svin02.info.win.tue.nl> pp@info.win.tue.nl writes:
>I recently started exploring the possibilities of the z-shell (zsh) and
>so far it looks great.
>Upto now I encountered two problems.
>1 - When using open windows the window that is assigned as console
>    acts weird ! It looks as if I have to type all characters twice
>    to have it recognize anything. Furthermore the ">" prompt keeps
>    popping up after every command I give. I use the "normal"
>    open windows shelltool as a console window....

Yeah. zsh has problems running under openwindows. There are still some more
bugs to be worked out. 

>2 - I get error messages on invokation of certain commands. Some
>    commands do it all the time (giving the error message i.e.),
>    other commands do it once in a while. I really don't know
>    what is going on !

Weird. Which patchlevel are you running? What architecture?

>    One of the commands that always generates the error message is
>    "mkdir". The error message is :
>		"zsh: job table full"

That's bizarre. Are you sure your job table *isn't* full though? (i.e did
you run a bunch of jobs in the background and stopped them or something?)

Well, Paul (the author) went home earlier this week, but he might be in to
check mail from time to time this summer. Be sure to drop him a line.


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