[comp.unix.internals] System

vilva@csvax.csc.lsu.edu (Vilva Natarajan) (10/23/90)

I am trying to do system("man cat | wc -c") in my program, and i need
to store the value returned by "wc" in a variable declared in my program.
I dont want to redirect it to a file and then read from the file.
Please advice.


jik@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan I. Kamens) (10/23/90)

  I fail to see how this has anything to do with Unix internals.  It is
clearly a question about programming under Unix, which means that it clearly
belongs in comp.unix.programmer.

  I've cross-posted to comp.unix.programmer and directed followups there.

In article <24826@adm.BRL.MIL>, vilva@csvax.csc.lsu.edu (Vilva Natarajan) writes:
|> I am trying to do system("man cat | wc -c") in my program, and i need
|> to store the value returned by "wc" in a variable declared in my program.

  Use popen("man cat | wc -c", "r"), which will return a FILE *, and you can
read the output of wc from the FILE *.  See popen(3).

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				11 Ashford Terrace
jik@Athena.MIT.EDU				Allston, MA  02134
Office: 617-253-8085			      Home: 617-782-0710

mchinni@pica.army.mil (Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E) (10/23/90)


>I am trying to do system("man cat | wc -c") in my program, and i need
>to store the value returned by "wc" in a variable declared in my program.
>I dont want to redirect it to a file and then read from the file.

The way to do this is via a "popen". Small segment of code to do this follows:
#include <stdio.h>
{	FILE	*pipe;
	int	chars;

	pipe=popen("man cat | wc -c", "r");
	fscanf(pipe, "%d", &chars);

This gets the result of "man cat | wc -c" and stores it in chars. This code
doesn't do any error checking (like on the value of pipe after the popen to
check the success of the popen; on the return status of the fscanf, or the
return status of the pclose).

			    Michael J. Chinni
              Simulation Techniques and Workplace Automation Team
	 US Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
 User to skeleton sitting at cobweb   () Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey  
    and dust covered workstation      () ARPA: mchinni@pica.army.mil
      "System been down long?"        () UUCP: ...!uunet!pica.army.mil!mchinni

olav@nososl.UUCP (Olav Eide) (10/24/90)

In article <24826@adm.BRL.MIL> vilva@csvax.csc.lsu.edu (Vilva Natarajan) writes:
>I am trying to do system("man cat | wc -c") in my program, and i need
>to store the value returned by "wc" in a variable declared in my program.
>I dont want to redirect it to a file and then read from the file.
>Please advice.
Why not use the popen call ?

		 fd = popen("man cat | wc -c","r");

You should of course check the return values for popen and fgets

sparks@power.viewlogic.com (Alan Sparks) (10/24/90)

In article <24826@adm.BRL.MIL> vilva@csvax.csc.lsu.edu (Vilva Natarajan) writes:
>I am trying to do system("man cat | wc -c") in my program, and i need
>to store the value returned by "wc" in a variable declared in my program.
>I dont want to redirect it to a file and then read from the file.
>Please advice.

Use popen(1) and pclose(1).  Try something more like this:

	  char retval[100];
	  FILE *pp;

	  pp = popen("man cat |wc -c","r");


Alan Sparks      voice: (508) 480-0881  Internet: sparks@viewlogic.com
VIEWlogic Systems Inc., 293 Boston Post Rd. W., Marlboro MA 01752
Disclaimer: VIEWlogic didn't say this; I might have.  Who wants to know?

chapman@sco.COM (Brian Chapman) (10/26/90)

vilva@csvax.csc.lsu.edu (Vilva Natarajan) writes:

>I am trying to do system("man cat | wc -c") in my program, and i need
>to store the value returned by "wc" in a variable declared in my program.
>I dont want to redirect it to a file and then read from the file.
>Please advice.

Try looking in to popen() rater than system().  popen()
is the same thing except you get pipes to and from the

Brian Chapman		uunet!sco!chapman
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

boyd@necisa.ho.necisa.oz (Boyd Roberts) (11/05/90)

In article <8419@scolex.sco.COM> chapman@sco.COM (Brian Chapman) writes:
>Try looking in to popen() rater than system().  popen()
>is the same thing except you get pipes to and from the

That's pipe, singular; to _or_ from.  It's uni-directional.

Boyd Roberts			boyd@necisa.ho.necisa.oz.au

``When the going gets wierd, the weird turn pro...''