[comp.unix.internals] Has anyone hacked ftpd to keep a log of outgoing files?

datta@vacs.uwp.wisc.edu (David Datta) (12/13/90)

I guess the Subject says it all, except we are running BSD V4.3
and the release of ftpd is 4.162. (if that means anything)

On another closely related question, has anyone written anything that
runs stats on the log created by logwtmp?

-Dave 	datta@vacs.uwp.wisc.edu [....uwm!uwpvacs!datta]

Don't you wish there was good fractal technology in the 60's?

bhoughto@cmdnfs.intel.com (Blair P. Houghton) (12/14/90)

In article <8295@uwm.edu> datta@vacs.uwp.wisc.edu (David Datta) writes:
>I guess the Subject says it all, except we are running BSD V4.3
>and the release of ftpd is 4.162. (if that means anything)

If you're not concerned strictly with anonymous-ftp, you'll
also want to fix ftp(1) to record outgoing files.  Anyone
(other than anonymous) who can ftp in and 'get' through
ftpd will be able to log in as a user and 'put', as well,
thus circumventing your ftpd.

				  "That's worth about 2 cents, I guess."