[comp.unix.internals] Tuning the Kernal

michaelb@wshb.csms.com ( WSHB Operations Eng) (12/15/90)

I need some advice on kernal tuning for SCO Xenix 2.3.2 on a 20 MHz
machine with 9 MB memory. 

Until recently my machine has been most heavily loaded during the day 
with only a few uucp connections and a login or two happening at night. 
Now - as the night crews are becoming more familiar with the machine, 
we start processing more reports with cron and all three modems 
fire up - I have started running into the maximum process limit. 
I don't really think there is a big problem of running out of memory. 
My swap space is huge and the 9 MB of ram should handle bunches of stuff 

I have looked at /usr/sys/conf/master and found that procs is set to 60.
As I have never had to tune a kernal before I am curious what will happen
if I just raise this limit to 120 and re-link. Are there any other things 
I should change at the same time to prevent bad things. I have included 
the tunable parameters list.

(Does anyone have recomendations for a good book which explains what all
of this stuff does?)

* The following entries form the tunable parameter table.
buffers 	NBUF      0
sabufs  	NSABUF    0
npbuf   	NPBUF     10
hashbuf 	NHBUF     128
dmaexcl 	DMAEXCL   1
inodes  	NINODE    100
files   	NFILE     100
mounts  	NMOUNT    8
calls   	NCALL     70
procs   	NPROC     60
clists  	NCLIST    100
locks   	NFLOCKS   50
shdata  	NSDSEGS   25
sdslots 	NSDSLOTS  3
maxproc 	MAXUPRC   30
memlim  	MEMLIM    100
swplim  	SWPLIM    30
timezone	TIMEZONE  (8*60)
pages   	NCOREL    0
daylight	DSTFLAG   1
cmask   	CMASK     0
maxprocmem	MAXMEM    0
maxbuf  	MAXBUF    600
screens 	NSCRN     0
emaps   	NEMAP     10
shlsess 	NSXT      1
disks   	NDISK     2
nodename	NODE      ""
msgmap  	MSGMAP    (MSGSEG/2+1)
msgmni  	MSGMNI    10
msgtql  	MSGTQL    60
msgssz  	MSGSSZ    8
msgseg  	MSGSEG    1024
semmap  	SEMMAP    (SEMMNS/2+1)
semmni  	SEMMNI    10
semmnu  	SEMMNU    20
semmsl  	SEMMSL    10
semopm  	SEMOPM    5
semume  	SEMUME    5
semvmx  	SEMVMX    32766
semaem  	SEMAEM    16384
semmns  	SEMMNS    40
shmmax  	SHMMAX    (1024*4096)
shmmin  	SHMMIN    1
shmmni  	SHMMNI    25
shmseg  	SHMSEG    6
shmbrk  	SHMBRK    0
shmall  	SHMALL    4096
nqueue  	NQUEUE    1
nstream 	NSTREAM   1
nblk8192	NBLK8192  0
nblk4096	NBLK4096  0
nblk2048	NBLK2048  0
nblk1024	NBLK1024  0
nblk512 	NBLK512   0
nblk256 	NBLK256   0
nblk128 	NBLK128   0
nblk64  	NBLK64    0
nblk32  	NBLK32    0
nblk16  	NBLK16    0
nblk4   	NBLK4     1
nblk1   	NBLK1     NBLK8192+NBLK4096+NBLK2048+NBLK1024+NBLK512+NBLK256
nblk0   	NBLK0     NBLK128+NBLK64+NBLK32+NBLK16+NBLK4
ndblock 	NDBLOCK   NBLK0+NBLK1
nmuxlink	NMUXLINK  1
nstrpush	NSTRPUSH  0
nstrevent	NSTREVENT 1
maxsepgcnt	MAXSEPGCNT 0
strmsgsz	STRMSGSZ  0
strctlsz	STRCTLSZ  0
strlofrac	STRLOFRAC 0
strmedfrac	STRMEDFRAC 0
evqueues	EVQUEUES  8
evdevs  	EVDEVS    16
evdevsperq	EVDEVSPERQ 3
scrnmem 	SCRNMEM   0
kbtype  	KBTYPE    0


Thanks for any help.

Michael Batchelor--Systems/Operations Engineer #compliments and complaints
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michaelb@wshb.csms.com         +1 803 625 4880 #   letterbox-tech@csms.com