(Eric S. Raymond) (12/16/90)
---- Cut Here and unpack ---- #!/bin/sh # This is a shell archive (shar 3.10) # made 12/16/1990 03:00 UTC by # Source directory /usr2/eric/jargon # # existing files WILL be overwritten # # This shar contains: # length mode name # ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------ # 53066 -rw-r--r-- # touch 2>&1 | fgrep '[-amc]' > /tmp/s3_touch$$ if [ -s /tmp/s3_touch$$ ] then TOUCH=can else TOUCH=cannot fi rm -f /tmp/s3_touch$$ # ============= ============== sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > && XPERL [Practical Extraction and Report Language, aka Pathologically X Eclectic Rubbish Lister] n. An interpreted language developed by X Larry Wall (, author of patch(1)) and distributed X over USENET. Superficially resembles awk(1), but is much more X arcane (see AWK). Increasingly considered a LANGUAGE OF CHOICE by X UNIX sysadmins, who are almost always incorrigible hackers. Perl X has been described, in a parody of a famous remark about lex(1), as X the "Swiss-army chainsaw" of UNIX programming. X XPESSIMAL /pes'i-ml/ [Latin-based antonym for "optimal"] adj. X Maximally bad. "This is a pessimal situation." Also PESSIMIZE v. X to make as bad as possible. These words are the obvious X Latin-based antonyms for "optimal" and "optimize", but for some X reason they do not appear in most English dictionaries, although X "pessimize" is listed in the Oxford English Dictionary. X XPESSIMIZING COMPILER /pes'i-miez-ing kuhm-pie'lr/ [antonym of X `optimizing compiler'] n. A compiler that produces object code that X is worse than the straightforward or obvious translation. The X implication is that the compiler is actually trying to optimize the X program, but through stupidity is doing the opposite. A few X pessimizing compilers have been written on purpose, however, as X pranks. X XPHANTOM n. At Stanford, the term PHANTOM was formerly used to mean a X DRAGON (q.v.). X XPHASE 1. n. The phase of one's waking-sleeping schedule with respect X to the standard 24-hour cycle. This is a useful concept among X people who often work at night according to no fixed schedule. It X is not uncommon to change one's phase by as much as six hours/day X on a regular basis. "What's your phase?" "I've been getting in X about 8 PM lately, but I'm going to work around to the day schedule X by Friday." A person who is roughly 12 hours out of phase is X sometimes said to be in "night mode". (The term "day mode" is X also , but less frequently, used, meaning you're working 9 to 5 (or X more likely 10 to 6)) 2. CHANGE PHASE THE HARD WAY: To stay awake X for a very long time in order to get into a different phase. 3. X CHANGE PHASE THE EASY WAY: To stay asleep etc. However, some claim X that either staying awake longer or sleeping longer is easy, an X that it's *shortening* your day or night that's hard. The X phenomenon of "jet lag" that afflicts travelers who cross many X time-zone boundaries may be attributed to two distinct causes: the X strain of travel per se, and the strain of changing phase. Hackers X who suddenly find that they must change phase drastically in a X short period of time, particularly the hard way, experience X something very like jet lag without travelling. X XPHASE OF THE MOON n. Used humorously as a random parameter on which X something is said to depend. Sometimes implies unreliability of X whatever is dependent, or that reliability seems to be dependent on X conditions nobody has been able to determine. "This feature X depends on having the channel open in mumble mode, having the foo X switch set, and on the phase of the moon." X X True story: Once upon a time, a program written by Gerry Sussman X (professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT) and Guy Steele had a X bug that really did depend on the phase of the moon! There is a X little subroutine that had traditionally been used in various X programs at MIT to calculate an approximation to the moon's true X phase; the phase is then printed out at the top of program X listings, for example, along with the date and time, purely for X fun. (Actually, since hackers spend a lot of time indoors, this X might be the only way they would ever know what the moon's phase X was!) Steele incorporated this routine into a LISP program that, X when it wrote out a file, would print a `timestamp" line almost X 80 characters long. Very occasionally the first line of the message X would be too long and would overflow onto the next line, and when X the file was later read back in the program would BARF. The length X of the first line depended on the precise time when the timestamp X was printed, and so the bug literally depended on the phase of the X moon! X XPIG, RUN LIKE A adj. To run very slowly on given hardware, said of X software. Distinct from HOG, q.v. X XPING /ping/ [from TCP/IP terminology] n.,v. 1. Slang term for a small X network message (ICMP ECHO) sent by a computer to check for the X presence and aliveness of another. Occasionally used as a phone X greeting. See ACK, also ENQ. 2. To verify the presence of. 3. To X get the attention of. From the Unix command by the same name (an X acronym of "Packet INternet Groper) that sends an ICMP ECHO packet X to another host. This was probably contrived to match submariners' X "ping" (sonar ranging pulse). X XPINK SHIRT BOOK "The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC". X The original cover featured a picture of Peter Norton with a silly X smirk on his face, wearing a pink shirt. Perhaps in recognition of X this usage, the current edition has a different picture of Norton X wearing a pink shirt. X XPIP /pip/ v. obs. To copy, from the program PIP on CP/M and RSX-11 X that was used for file copying (and in RSX for just about every X other file operation you might want to do). Obsolete, but still X occasionally heard. X XPIPELINE [UNIX, orig. by Doug McIlroy; now also used under MS-DOS and X elsewhere] n. A chain of FILTER programs connected X "head-to-tail", so that the output of one becomes the input of X the next. Under UNIX, user utilities can often be implemented or X at least prototyped by a suitable collection of pipelines and X temp-file grinding encapsulated in a shell script; this is much X less effort than writing C every time, and the capability is X considered one of UNIX's major WINNING features. X XPIZZA, ANSI STANDARD /pee'tz@, an'see stan'd@rd/ [CMU] Pepperoni and X mushroom pizza. Coined allegedly because most pizzas ordered by X CMU hackers during some period leading up to mid-1990 were of that X flavor. See also ROTARY DEBUGGER. X XPLAYPEN [IBM] n. A room where programmers work. Compare SALT MINES. X XPLAYTE /din'r/ 16 bits, by analogy with NYBBLE and BYTE. Usage: rare X and extremely silly. See also DYNNER. X XPLINGNET /pling'net/ n. See UUCPNET. (Usage: British) X XPLONK [USENET] The sound a NEWBIE makes as he falls to the bottom of a X KILL FILE. Almost exclusively used in the NEWSGROUP X "talk.bizarre", this term (usually written "*plonk*") is a form X of public ridicule. X XPLUGH /ploogh/ [from the ADVENT game] v. See XYZZY. X XPM /pee em/ 1. [from "preventive maintenence"] v. to bring down a X machine for inspection or test purposes; see SCRATCH MONKEY. 2. n. X Abbrev. for "Presentation Manager", an ELEPHANTINE OS/2 graphical X user interface. X XP.O.D. /pee-oh-dee/ Acronym for `Piece Of Data' (as opposed to a code X section). Usage: pedantic and rare. X XPOD n. A diablo 630 (or, latterly, any impact letter quality printer). X From the DEC-10 PODTYPE program used to feed formatted text to X same. X XPOLL v.,n. 1. The action of checking the status of an input line, X sensor, or memory location to see if a particular external event X has been registered. 2. To ask. "I'll poll everyone and see where X they want to go for lunch." X XPOLYGON PUSHER n. A chip designer who spends most of his/her time at X the physical layout level (which requires drawing *lots* of X multi-colored polygons). Also "rectangle slinger". X XPOM /pee-oh-em/ n. Phase of the moon (q.v.). Usage: usually used in X the phrase "POM dependent" which means FLAKEY (q.v.). X XPOP also POPJ /pop-jay/ [based on the stack operation that removes the X top of a stack, and the fact that procedure return addresses are X saved on the stack] 1. v. To remove something from a stack or PDL. X If a person says he has popped something from his pdl, he means he X has finally finished working on it and can now remove it from the X list of things hanging over his head. 2. To return from a X digression (the J-form derives specifically from a PDP-10 assembler X instruction). By verb doubling, "Popj, popj" means roughly, X "Now let's see, where were we?" See RTI. X XPRECEDENCE LOSSAGE /pre's@-dens los'j/ [C programmers] n. Coding error X in an expression due to unexpected grouping of arithmetic or X logical operators by the compiler. Used esp. of certain common X coding errors in C due to the nonintuitively low precedence levels X of &, | and ^. Can always be avoided by suitable use of X parentheses. See ALIASING BUG, MEMORY LEAK, SMASH THE STACK, X FANDANGO ON CORE, OVERRUN SCREW. X XPRETTY PRINT or PRETTYPRINT v. 1. To generate `pretty' human-readable X output from a hairy internal representation; esp. used for the X process of GRINDing (sense #2) LISP code. 2. To format in some X particularly slick and nontrivial way. See GRIND. X XPRIME TIME [from TV programming] n. Normal high-usage hours on a X timesharing system, the `day shift'. Avoidance of prime time is a X major reason for NIGHT MODE hacking. X XPRIORITY INTERRUPT [from the hardware term] n. Describes any stimulus X compelling enough to yank one right out of HACK MODE. Classically X used to describe being dragged away by an SO for immediate sex, but X may also refer to more mundane interruptions such as a fire alarm X going off in the near vicinity. Also called an NMI (non maskable X interrupt) especially in PC-land. X XPROGRAMMER'S CHEER "Shift to the left! Shift to the right! Push X down, pop up! Byte! Byte! Byte!" A joke so old it has hair on X it... X XPROPELLER HEAD n. Used by hackers, this is syn. with COMPUTER GEEK. X Non-hackers sometimes use it to describe all techies. Prob. X derives from SF fandom's tradition of propeller beanies as fannish X insignia (though nobody actually wears them except as a joke). X XPROTOCOL n. See DO PROTOCOL. X XPROWLER [UNIX] n. A DEMON that is run periodically (typically once a X week) to seek out and erase core files, truncate administrative X logfiles, nuke lost+found directories, and otherwise clean up the X cruft that tends to pile up in the corners of a file system. See X also GFR, REAPER. X XPSEUDO /soo'do/ [USENET] n. 1. An electronic-mail or USENET persona X adopted by a human for amusement value or as a means of avoiding X negative repercussions of his/her net.behavior; a `nom de USENET', X often associated with forged postings designed to conceal message X origins. Perhaps the best-known and funniest hoax of this type is X BIFF (q.v.). 2. Notionally, a FLAMAGE-generating AI program X simulating a USENET user. Many FLAMERS have been accused of X actually being such entities, despite the fact that no AI program X of the required sophistication exists. However, in 1989 there was a X famous series of forged postings that used a phrase-frequency-based X travesty generator to simulate the styles of several well-known X flamers based on large samples of their back postings. A X significant number of people were fooled by these, and the debate X over their authenticity was only settled when the perpetrator of X the hoax came publicly forward to admit the deed. X XPSEUDOPRIME n. A backgammon prime (six consecutive occupied points) X with one point missing. This term is an esoteric pun derived from X a mathematical method which, rather than determining precisely X whether a number is prime (has no divisors), uses a statistical X technique to decide whether the number is "probably" prime. A X number that passes this test is called a pseudoprime. The hacker X backgammon usage stems from the idea that pseudoprime is almost as X good as a prime: it does the job of a prime until proven otherwise, X and that probably won't happen. X XPSEUDOSUIT n. A SUIT wannabee; a hacker who's decided that he wants to X be in management or administration and begins wearing ties, sport X coats and (shudder!) suits voluntarily. Chacun a son gout... X XPUNT [from the punch line of an old joke referring to American X football: "Drop back 15 yards and punt"] v. To give up, typically X without any intention of retrying. "Let's punt the movie X tonight." "I was going to hack all night to get this feature in, X but I decided to punt" may mean that you've decided not to stay up X all night, and may also mean you're not ever even going to put in X the feature. X XPURPLE BOOK, THE n. The System V Interface Definition. The covers of X the first editions were an amazingly nauseating shade of X off-lavender. See also RED BOOK, BLUE BOOK, GREEN BOOK, SILVER X BOOK, ORANGE BOOK, WHITE BOOK, PINK-SHIRT BOOK, DRAGON BOOK. X XPUSH [based on the stack operation that puts the current information X on a stack, and the fact that procedure call addresses are saved on X the stack] Also PUSHJ (push-jay), based on the PDP-10 procedure X call instruction. 1. To put something onto a stack or PDL. If a X person says something has been pushed onto his pdl, he means yet X another thing has been added to the list of things hanging over his X head for him to do. 2. v. To enter upon a digression, to save the X current discussion for later. Antonym of POP, POPJ; see also PDL. X XPSYCHEDELICWARE [Great Britain] n. Syn. DISPLAY HACK. X X {= Q =} X XQUADRUPLE BUCKY n., obs. On a SPACE-CADET KEYBOARD (q.v.), use of all X four of the shifting keys control, meta, hyper, and super while X typing a character key. This was very difficult to do! One X accepted technique was to press the left-control and left-meta keys X with your left hand, the right-control and right-meta keys with X your right hand, and the fifth key with your nose. Thus, this X combination was very seldom used in practice, because when you X invent a new command you usually assign it to some character that X is easier to type. If you want to imply that a program has X ridiculously many commands or features, you can say something like X "Oh, the command that makes it spin all the tapes while whistling X Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is quadruple-bucky-cokebottle". See X DOUBLE BUCKY, BUCKY BITS. X XQUANTUM BOGODYNAMICS /kwahn'tm boh`goh-die-nam'iks/ n. Theory X promulgated by ESR which characterizes the universe in terms of X bogon sources (such as politicians, used-car salesmen, TV X evangelists, and SUITs in general), bogon sinks (such as taxpayers X and computers), and bogosity potential fields. Bogon absorption, X of course, causes human beings to behave mindlessly and machines to X fail (and may cause them to emit secondary bogons as well); X however, the precise mechanics of the bogon-computron interaction X are not yet understood and remain to be elucidated. Quantum X bogodynamics is most frequently invoked to explain the sharp X increase in hardware and software failures in the presence of X suits; the latter emit bogons which the former absorb. See BOGON, X COMPUTRON, SUIT. X XQUES /kwess/ 1. n. The question mark character ("?"). 2. interj. X What? Also QUES QUES? See WALL. X XQUX /kwuhks/ The fourth of the standard metasyntactic variables, after X BAZ and before the QUU*X series. See FOO, BAR, BAZ, QUUX. Note X that this appears to a be recent mutation from QUUX, and that many X versions of the standard series just run FOO, BAR, BAZ, QUUX, X QUUUX... X XQUUX /kwuhks/ [invented by Steele] Mythically, from the Latin X semi-deponent verb QUUXO, QUUXARE, QUUXANDUM IRI; noun form X variously QUUX (plural QUUCES, Anglicized to QUUXES) and QUUXU X (genitive plural is QUUXUUM, four U's in seven letters).] 1. X Originally, a meta-word like FOO and FOOBAR. Invented by Guy X Steele for precisely this purpose when he was young and naive and X not yet interacting with the real computing community. Many people X invent such words; this one seems simply to have been lucky enough X to have spread a little. In an eloquent display of poetic justice, X it has returned to the originator in the form of a nickname, as X punishment for inventing this bletcherous word in the first place. X 2. interj. See FOO; however, denotes very little disgust, and is X uttered mostly for the sake of the sound of it. 3. Guy L. Steele X in his persona as "The Great Quux", which is somewhat infamous X for light verse and for the "Crunchly" cartoons. 4. QUUXY: adj. X Of or pertaining to a QUUX. X XQWERTY /kwer'tee/ adj. Pertaining to a standard English typewriter X keyboard, as opposed to Dvorak or foreign-language layouts or a X SPACE-CADET or APL keyboard. X X {= R =} X XRANDOM adj. 1. Unpredictable (closest to mathematical definition); X weird. "The system's been behaving pretty randomly." 2. X Assorted; undistinguished. "Who was at the conference?" "Just X a bunch of random business types." 3. Frivolous; unproductive; X undirected (pejorative). "He's just a random loser." 4. X Incoherent or inelegant; not well organized. "The program has a X random set of misfeatures." "That's a random name for that X function." "Well, all the names were chosen pretty randomly." X 5. Gratuitously wrong, i.e., poorly done and for no good apparent X reason. For example, a program that handles file name defaulting X in a particularly useless way, or an assembler routine that could X easily have been coded using only three registers, but randomly X uses seven for assorted non-overlapping purposes, so that no one X else can invoke it without first saving four extra registers. 6. X In no particular order, though deterministic. "The I/O channels X are in a pool, and when a file is opened one is chosen randomly." X n. 7. A random hacker; used particularly of high school students X who soak up computer time and generally get in the way. 8. X (occasional MIT usage) One who lives at Random Hall. J. RANDOM is X often prefixed to a noun to make a "name" out of it (by X comparison to common names such as "J. Fred Muggs"). It means X roughly "some particular" or "any specific one". The most X common uses are "J. RANDOM HACKER, "J. Random Loser" and "J. X Random Nerd" ("Should J. Random Loser be allowed to gun down other X people?"), but it can be used just as an elaborate version of X RANDOM in any sense. See also SOME RANDOM X. X XRANDOM NUMBERS n. When one wishes to specify a large but random number X of things, and the context is inappropriate for `N' (q.v.), certain X numbers are preferred by hacker tradition (that is, easily X recognized as placeholders). These include X X 17 Long described at MIT as "the least random number", see 23. X 23 Sacred number of Eris, Goddess of Discord (along with 17 & 5). X 42 The Answer to the Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. X 69 From the sexual act. This one was favored in MIT's ITS culture. X 666 The Number of the Beast. X X For further enlightenment, consult the _Principia_Discordia_, X _The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_To_The_Galaxy_, any porn movie, and the X Christian Bible's _Book_Of_Revelations_. See also DISCORDIANISM. X XRANDOMNESS n. An unexplainable misfeature; gratuitous inelegance. X Also, a HACK or CROCK which depends on a complex combination of X coincidences (or rather, the combination upon which the crock X depends for its accidental failure to malfunction). "This hack X can output characters 40-57 by putting the character in the X accumulator field of an XCT and then extracting 6 bits --- the low X two bits of the XCT opcode are the right thing." "What X randomness!" X XRAPE v. To (metaphorically) screw someone or something, violently; in X particular, to destroy a program or information irrecoverably X Usage: often used in describing file-system damage. "So-and-so X was running a program that did absolute disk I/O and ended up X raping the master directory." X XRARE [UNIX] adj. CBREAK mode (character-by-character with interrupts X enabled). Distinguished from `raw' and `cooked', but unlike them X this term is strictly a creature of folklore, not found in the X manuals (though it is alleged that some versions of the V7 manuals X used the term `half-cooked'). Usage: rare. X XRASTER BLASTER n. [Cambridge] Specialized hardware for BITBLT (q.v.) X operations. Allegedly inspired by analogy with `Rasta Blasta', X British slang for the sort of portable stereo/radio/tapedeck X Americans call a `boom box' or `ghetto blaster'. X XRASTER BURN n. Eyestrain brought on by too many hours of looking at X low-res, poorly tuned or glare-ridden monitors, esp. graphics X monitors. See TERMINAL ILLNESS. X XRAVE [WPI] v. 1. To persist in discussing a specific subject. 2. To X speak authoritatively on a subject about which one knows very X little. 3. To complain to a person who is not in a position to X correct the difficulty. 4. To purposely annoy another person X verbally. 5. To evangelize. See FLAME. Also used to describe a X less negative form of blather, such as friendly bullshitting. RAVE X differs slightly from FLAME in that RAVE implies that it is the X manner or persistence of speaking that is annoying, while FLAME X implies somewhat more strongly that the subject matter is annoying X as well. X XRAVE ON! imp. Sarcastic invitation to continue a RAVE, often by X someone who wishes the raver would get a clue but realizes this is X unlikely. X XRAVS /ravz/, also CHINESE RAVS n. Kuo-teh. A Chinese appetizer, X known variously in the plural as dumplings, potstickers and (around X Boston) `Peking Ravioli'. The term "rav" is short for X "ravioli", which among hackers always means the Chinese kind X rather than the Italian kind. Both consist of a filling in a pasta X shell, but the Chinese kind uses a thinner pasta and is cooked X differently, either by steaming or frying. A rav or dumpling can X be steamed or fried, but a potsticker is always the fried kind (so X called because it sticks to the frying pot and has to be scraped X off). "Let's get hot-and-sour soup and three orders of ravs." X See also ORIENTAL FOOD. X XREAD.ME FILE n. By convention, the top-level directory of a UNIX X source distribution always contains a file named `READ.ME' (or X README, or (rarely) ReadMe) which is a hacker's-eye introduction X containing a pointer to more detailed documentation, credits, X miscellaneous revision history notes, etc. X XREAD-ONLY USER n. Describes a LUSER who uses computers almost X exclusively for reading USENET, bulletin boards and email, as X opposed to writing code or purveying useful information. See X TWINK. X XREAL PROGRAMMER [indirectly, from the book "Real Men Don't Eat X Quiche"] n. A particular sub-variety of hacker, one possessed of a X flippant attitude towards complexity that is arrogant even when X justified by experience. The archetypal `real programmer' likes to X program on the BARE METAL, and is very good at same; he remembers X the binary opcodes for every machine he's every programmed and X thinks that HLLs are for wimps. Real Programmers aren't satisfied X with code that hasn't been BUMmed into a state of TENSEness just X short of rupture. Real Programmers never use comments or write X documentation; "If it was hard to write", says the Real X Programmer, "it should be hard to understand." Real Programmers X can make machines do things that were never in their spec sheets; X in fact, they're seldom really happy unless doing so. A Real X Programmer's code can awe you with its fiendish brilliance even as X it appalls by its level of CROCKISHNESS. Real Programmers live on X junk food and coffee, hang line-printer art on their walls, and X terrify the crap out of other programmers --- because someday, X somebody else might have to try to understand their code in order X to change it. Their successors generally consider it a GOOD THING X that there aren't many Real Programmers around any more. X XREAL SOON NOW [orig. from SF's fanzine community. popularized by Jerry X Pournelle's BYTE column] adj. 1. Supposed to be available (or X fixed, or cheap, or whatever) real soon now according to somebody, X but the speaker is quite skeptical. 2. When the gods/fates/other X time commitments permit the speaker to get to it. Often X abbreviated RSN. X XREAL TIME adv. Doing something while people are watching or waiting. X "I asked her how to find the calling procedure's program counter X on the stack and she came up with an algorithm in real time." X XREAL USER n. 1. A commercial user. One who is paying "real" money X for his computer usage. 2. A non-hacker. Someone using the system X for an explicit purpose (research project, course, etc.). See X USER. Hackers who are also students may also be REAL USERS. "I X need this fixed so I can do a problem set. I'm not complaining out X of randomness, but as a real user." See also LUSER. X XREAL WORLD, THE n. 1. In programming, those institutions at which X programming may be used in the same sentence as FORTRAN, COBOL, X RPG, IBM, etc. Places where programs do such commercially X necessary but intellectually uninspiring things as compute payroll X checks and invoices. 2. To programmers, the location of X non-programmers and activities not related to programming. 3. A X universe in which the standard dress is shirt and tie and in which X a person's working hours are defined as 9 to 5. 4. The location of X the status quo. 5. Anywhere outside a university. "Poor fellow, X he's left MIT and gone into the real world." Used pejoratively by X those not in residence there. In conversation, talking of someone X who has entered the real world is not unlike talking about a X deceased person. See also FEAR AND LOATHING, MUNDANE, and X UNINTERESTING. X XREAPER n. A PROWLER which GFRs files (see GFR). A file removed in this X way is said to have been "reaped". X XRECTANGLE SLINGER n. See POLYGON PUSHER. X XRECURSION n. See RECURSION, TAIL RECURSION. X XRECURSIVE ACRONYMS pl.n. A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition is X to choose acronyms which refer humorously to themselves or to other X acronyms. The classic examples were two MIT editors called EINE X ("EINE Is Not EMACS") and ZWEI ("ZWEI Was EINE Initially"). X More recently, GNU (q.v., sense #1) is said to stand for "GNU's X Not UNIX!" X XRED BOOK n. 1. Informal name for one of the three standard references X on PostScript; the others are known as the GREEN BOOK and BLUE X BOOK. 2. Any of the 1984 standards issued by the CCIT 8th plenary X assembly. They change color each review cycle (1988 was BLUE BOOK, X 1992 will be GREEN BOOK). These include, among other things, the X X.400 email spec and the Group 1 through 4 fax standards. See also X GREEN BOOK, BLUE BOOK, PURPLE BOOK, SILVER BOOK, ORANGE BOOK, WHITE X BOOK, PINK-SHIRT BOOK, DRAGON BOOK. X XREGEXP /reg'exp/ [UNIX] n. 1. Common written and spoken abbreviation X for `regular expression', one of the wildcard patterns used, e.g., X by UNIX utilities such as grep(1), sed(1) and awk(1). These use X conventions similar to but more elaborate than those described X under GLOB. 2. Name of a well-known PD regexp-handling package in X portable C, written by revered USENETter Henry Spencer X (henry@utzoo.uucp). X XREINCARNATION, CYCLE OF n. Term used to refer to a well-known effect X whereby function in a computing system family is migrated out to X special purpose peripheral hardware for speed, then the peripheral X evolves towards more computing power as it does its job, then X somebody notices that it's inefficient to support two asymmetrical X processors in the architecture and folds the function back into the X main CPU, at which point the cycle begins again. Several X iterations of this cycle have been observed in graphics processor X design, and at least one or two in communications and X floating-point processors. Also known as "the Wheel of Life", X "the Wheel of Samsara", and other variations of the basic X Hindu/Buddhist theological idea. X XRELIGIOUS ISSUES n. Questions which seemingly cannot be raised without X touching off a HOLY WAR, such as "What is the best X editor/language/operating system/architecture/shell/mail X reader/news reader". See also THEOLOGY. X XREPLICATOR n. Any construct that acts to produce copies of itself; X this could be a living organism, an idea (see MEME), a program (see X WORM, WABBIT and VIRUS), a pattern in a cellular automaton (see X LIFE, sense #1), or (speculatively) a robot. X XRETCON /ret'-con/ ["retroactive continuity", from USENET's X rec.arts.comics] 1. n. the common situation in pulp fiction (esp. X comics, soaps) where a new story "reveals" new things about X events previous stories, usually leaving the "facts" the same X (thus preserving "continuity") while completely changing their X interpretation. E.g., revealing that a whole season's episodes of X Dallas was a dream was a retcon. 2. v.t. To write such a story X about (a character or fictitious object). Thus, "Byrne has X retconned Superman's cape so that it is no longer unbreakable". X 3. v.i. Used of something "transformed" in this way - X "Marvelman's old adventures were retconned into synthetic X dreams", "Swamp Thing was retconned from a transformed person X into a sentient vegetable." X X [Ed.note: This is included because it's a good example of hackish X innovation in a field completely unrelated to computers. The word X "retcon" will probably spread through comics fandom and lose its X association with hackerdom within a couple of years; for the X record, it started here.] X XRETROCOMPUTING /ret'-roh-k@m-pyoo'ting/ n. Refers to emulations of X way-behind-the state-of-the-art hardware or software, or X implementations of never-was-state-of-the-art; esp. if such X implementations are elaborate practical jokes and/or parodies of X more `serious' designs. Perhaps the most widely distributed X retrocomputing utility was the pnch(6) program on V7 and other X early UNIX versions, which would accept up to 80 characters of text X argument and display the corresponding pattern in Hollerith card X code. Other well-known retrocomputing hacks have included the X programming language INTERCAL (q.v.), a jcl-emulating shell for X UNIX, the card-punch-emulating editor named 029, and various X elaborate PDP-11 hardware emulators and RT-11 OS emulators written X just to keep an old, sourceless ZORK binary running. X XRFC /ahr ef see/ n. Request For Comment. One of a long-established X series of numbered Internet standards widely followed by commercial X and PD software in the Internet and UNIX communities. Perhaps the X single most influential one has been RFC-822 (the Internet X mail-format standard). The RFCs are unusual in that they are X floated by technical experts acting on their own initiative and X reviewed by the Internet at large, rather than formally promulgated X through an institution such as ANSI. For this reason they remain X known as RFCs even once adopted. X XRICE BOX [from ham radio slang] n. Any Asian-made commodity computer, X esp. an 8086, 80286, 80386 or 80486-based machine built to IBM X PC-compatible ISA or EISA-bus standards. X XRIGHT THING, THE n. That which is "obviously" the correct or X appropriate thing to use, do, say, etc. Use of this term often X implies that in fact reasonable people may disagree. "Never let X your conscience keep you from doing the right thing!" "What's X the right thing for LISP to do when it reads a mod 0? Should it X return a, or give a divide-by-zero error?" Antonym: WRONG THING, X THE (q.v.). X XROACH [Bell Labs] v. To destroy, esp. of a data structure. Hardware X gets TOASTed, software gets roached. X XROBUST adj. Said of a system which has demonstrated an ability to X recover gracefully from the whole range of exception conditions in X a given environment. One step below BULLETPROOF. Compare SMART, X oppose BRITTLE. X XROOT n. [UNIX] 1. The top node of the system directory structure (home X directory of the root user). 2. The "superuser" account that X ignores permission bits, user number zero on a UNIX system. This X account has the user name `root'. 3. By extension, the privileged X system-maintenance login on any OS. 4. Thus, ROOT MODE: Syn. with X WIZARD MODE or WHEEL MODE. Like these, it is often generalized to X describe privileged states in systems other than OSs. 5. GO ROOT: X to temporarily enter ROOT MODE in order to perform a privileged X operation. This use is deprecated in Australia, where v. "root" X is slang for "to have sex with". X XROTARY DEBUGGER [Commodore] n. Essential equipment for those late X night or early morning debugging sessions. Mainly used as X sustenance for the hacker. Comes in many decorator colors such as X Sausage, Pepperoni, and Garbage. See ANSI-STANDARD PIZZA. X XROGUE [UNIX] n. Graphic Dungeons-And-Dragons-like game written under X BSD UNIX and subsequently ported to other UNIX systems. The X original BSD curses(3) screen-handling package was hacked together X by Ken Arnold to support ROGUE, and has since become one of UNIX's X most important and heavily used application libraries. See HACK. X XROOM-TEMPERATURE IQ [IBM] 80 or below. Used in describing the X expected intelligence range of the LUSER. As in "Well, but how's X this interface gonna play with the room-temperature IQ crowd?" See X DROOL-PROOF PAPER. X XROT13 /rot-ther'teen/ [USENET, from "rotate alphabet 13 places"] X n.,v. The simple encryption of replacing each English letter with X the one 13 places forward or back along the alphabet, so that "The X butler did it!" becomes "Gur ohgyre qvq vg!" Most Usenet news X reading and posting programs include a rot13 feature. It is used X as if to enclose the text in a sealed wrapper that the reader must X choose to open, for posting things that might offend some readers, X answers to puzzles, or discussion of movie plot surprises. X XRTFM /ahr-tee-ef-em/ [UNIX] Abbrev. for "Read The Fucking Manual". X 1. Used by GURUs to brush off questions they consider trivial or X annoying. Compare DON'T DO THAT, THEN. 2. Used when reporting a X problem to indicate that you aren't just asking out of RANDOMNESS. X "No, I can't figure out how to interface UNIX to my toaster and X yes I have RTFM." Unlike sense #1 this use is considered polite. X XRTI /ahr-tee-ie/ interj. The mnemonic for the `return from interrupt' X instruction on Intel microprocessors. Equivalent to "Now, where X was I?" or used to end a conversational digression. See POP, X POPJ. X XRUDE [WPI] adj. 1. (of a program) Badly written. 2. Functionally X poor, e.g. a program which is very difficult to use because of X gratuitously poor (random?) design decisions. See CUSPY. X XRUNES pl.n. 1. Anything that requires HEAVY WIZARDRY or BLACK ART to X PARSE; core dumps, JCL commands, or even code in a language you X don't have the faintest idea how to read. Compare CASTING THE X RUNES. 2. Special display characters (for example, the high-half X graphics on an IBM PC). 3. RUNIC adj. Syn. OBSCURE. VMS fans X sometimes refer to UNIX as `Runix'; UNIX fans return the compliment X by expanding VMS to `Vachement Mauvais Systeme'. X X {= S =} X XSACRED adj. Reserved for the exclusive use of something (a X metaphorical extension of the standard meaning). "Accumulator 7 X is sacred to the UUO handler." Often means that anyone may look X at the sacred object, but clobbering it will screw whatever it is X sacred to. Example: The comment "Register 7 is sacred to the X interrupt handler" appearing in a program would be interpreted by X a hacker to mean that one part of the program, the "interrupt X handler", uses register 7, and if any other part of the program X changes the contents of register 7 dire consequences are likely to X ensue. X XSADISTICS /s@'dis'tiks/ n. University slang for statistics and X probability theory, often used by hackers. X XSAGA [WPI] n. A cuspy but bogus raving story dealing with N random X broken people. X XSAIL n. Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab. An important X site in the early development of LISP; with the MIT AI LAB, CMU and X the UNIX community, one of the major founts of hacker culture X traditions. The SAIL machines were shut down in late May 1990, X scant weeks after the MIT AI lab's ITS cluster went down for the X last time. X XSALESCRITTER /sayls'kri-tr/ n. Pejorative hackerism for a computer X salesperson. Hackers tell the following joke: X X Q. What's the difference between a used car dealer and a X computer saleman? X A. The used car dealer knows he's lying. X X This reflects the widespread hacker belief that salescritters are X self-selected for stupidity (after all, if they had brains and the X inclination to use them they'd be making more money programming). X Compare MARKETROID, SUIT. X XSALT MINES n. Dense quarters housing large numbers of programmers X working long hours on grungy projects, with some hope of seeing the X end of the tunnel in N years. Noted for their absence of sunshine. X Compare PLAYPEN. X XSANDBENDER [IBM] n. A person involved with silicon lithography and the X physical design of chips. Compare IRONMONGER, POLYGON PUSHER. X XSCIENCE-FICTION FANDOM n. Another voluntary subculture having a very X heavy overlap with hackerdom; most hackers read SF and/or fantasy X fiction avidly, and many go to "cons" (SF conventions) or are X involved in fandom-connected activities like the Society for X Creative Anachronism. Some hacker slang originated in SF fandom; X see DEFENESTRATION, GREAT-WALL, CYBERPUNK, H INFIX, HA HA ONLY X SERIOUS, IMHO, MUNDANE, NEEP-NEEP, REAL SOON NOW. Additionally, X the jargon terms CYBERSPACE, DE-REZZ, GO FLATLINE, ICE, VIRUS, X WIREHEAD and WORM originated in SF itself. X XSCRATCH [from "scratchpad"] 1. adj. A device or recording medium X attached to a machine for testing or temporary-use purposes; one X which can be SCRIBBLED on without loss. Usually in the combining X forms SCRATCH MEMORY, SCRATCH DISK, SCRATCH TAPE, SCRATCH VOLUME. X See SCRATCH MONKEY. 2. [primarily IBM] v. To delete (as in a file). X XSCRATCH MONKEY n. As in, "Before testing or reconfiguring, always X mount a". A proverb used to advise caution when dealing with X irreplacable data or devices. Used in memory of Mabel, the X Swimming Wonder Monkey who expired when a computer vendor PM'd a X machine which was regulating the gas mixture that the monkey was X breathing at the time. See Appendix A. See SCRATCH. X XSCREW [MIT] n. A LOSE, usually in software. Especially used for X user-visible misbehavior caused by a bug or misfeature. X XSCREWAGE /scroo'@j/ n. Like LOSSAGE (q.v.) but connotes that the X failure is due to a designed-in misfeature rather than a simple X inadequacy or mere bug. X XSCROG /skrog/ [Bell Labs] v. To damage, trash or corrupt a data X structure. "The cblock got scrogged." Also reported as SKROG, X and ascribed to "The Wizard of Id" comix. Equivalent to SCRIBBLE X or MANGLE (q.v.) X XSCROZZLE /skroh'zl/ v. Used when a self-modifying code segment runs X incorrectly and corrupts the running program, or vital data. "The X damn compiler scrozzled itself again!" X XSCRIBBLE n. To modify a data structure in a random and unintentionally X destructive way. "Bletch! Somebody's disk-compactor program went X berserk and scribbled on the i-node table." "It was working fine X until one of the allocation routines scribbled on low core." X Synonymous with TRASH; compare MUNG, which conveys a bit more X intention, and MANGLE, which is more violent and final. X XSEARCH-AND-DESTROY MODE n. Hackerism for the search-and-replace X facility in an editor, so called because an incautiously chosen X match pattern can cause INFINITE damage. X XSECOND-SYSTEM EFFECT n. When designing the successor to a relatively X small, elegant and successful system, there is a tendency to become X grandiose in one's success and perpetrate an ELEPHANTINE X feature-laden monstrosity. The term was first used by Fred Brooks X in his classic book "The Mythical Man-Month". It described the jump X from a set of nice, simple, operating monitors on the IBM 70xx X series to OS/360 on the 360 series. X XSEGGIE /seg'ee/ [UNIX] n. Reported from Britain as a shorthand for X `segment violation', an attempted access to a protected memory area X usually resulting in a CORE DUMP. X XSEGMENT v. To CORE DUMP with a segment violation error (see SEGGIE). X Used of programs. X XSELF-REFERENCE n. See SELF-REFERENCE. X XSELVAGE /selv'@j/ [from sewing] n. See CHAD (sense #1). X XSEMI /se'mee/ 1. n. Abbreviation for "semicolon", when speaking. X "Commands to GRIND are prefixed by semi-semi-star" means that the X prefix is ";;*", not 1/4 of a star. 2. Prefix with words such as X "immediately", as a qualifier. "When is the system coming up?" X "Semi-immediately." (That is, maybe not for an hour). "We did X consider that possibility semi-seriously." X XSERVER n. A kind of DAEMON which performs a service for the requester, X which often runs on a computer other than the one on which the X server runs. A particularly common term on the Internet, which is X rife with "name servers" "domain servers" "news servers" X "finger servers" and the like. X XSEX [Sun User's Group & elsewhere] n. 1. Software EXchange. A X technique invented by the blue-green algae hundereds of millions of X years ago to speed up their evolution, which had been terribly slow X up until then. Today, SEX parties are popular among hackers and X others. 2. The rather Freudian mnemonic often used for Sign Extend, X a machine instruction found in many architectures. The Intel 8048 X even had logical-or and logical-and instructions ORL and ANL. X XSHAREWARE n. FREEWARE for which the author requests some payment, X usually in the accompanying documentation files or in an X announcement made by the software itself. Such payment may or may X not buy additional support or functionality. See GUILTWARE, X CRIPPLEWARE. X XSHELFWARE n. Software purchased on a whim (by an individual user) or X in accordance with policy (by a corporation or government) but not X actually required for any particular use. Therefore, it often ends X up on some shelf. X XSHELL [UNIX, now used elsewhere] n. 1. The command interpreter used to X pass commands to an operating system. 2. More generally, any X interface program which mediates access to a special resource or X SERVER for convenience, efficiency or security reasons; for this X meaning, the usage is usually "a shell around" whatever. This sort X of program is also called a "wrapper". X XSHELL OUT [UNIX] n. To spawn an interactive subshell from within a X program such as a mailer or editor. "BANG FOO runs FOO in a X SUBSHELL, while BANG alone shells out." X XSHIFT LEFT (or RIGHT) LOGICAL [from any of various machines' X instruction sets] 1. v. To move oneself to the left (right). To X move out of the way. 2. imper. "Get out of that (my) seat! You X can move to that empty one to the left (right)." Usage: often X used without the "logical", or as "left shift" instead of X "shift left". Sometimes heard as LSH (lish), from the PDP-10 X instruction set. X XSHITOGRAM /shit'oh-gram/ n. A *really* nasty piece of email. Compare X NASTYGRAM, FLAME. X XSHRIEK See EXCL. Occasional CMU usage, also in common use among X mathematicians, especially category theorists. X XSIG /sig/ or SIG BLOCK /sig blok/ [UNIX; often written ".sig" X there] n. Short for "signature", used specifically to refer to X the electronic signature block which most UNIX mail- and X news-posting software will allow you to automatically append to X outgoing mail and news. The composition of one's sig can be quite X an art form, including an ASCII logo or one's choice of witty X sayings (see SIG QUOTE); but many consider large sigs a waste of X bandwidth, and it has been observed that the size of one's sig X block is usually inversely proportional to one's longevity and X level of prestige on THE NETWORK. X XSIG QUOTE /sig kwoht/ [USENET] n. A maxim, quote, proverb, joke or X slogan embedded in one's SIG (q.v.) and intended to convey X something of one's philosophical stance, pet peeves, or sense of X humor. "He *must* be a Democrat --- he posted a sig quote from Dan X Quayle." X XSILICON n. Hardware, esp. ICs or microprocessor-based computer X systems (compare IRON). Contrasted with software. X XSILLY WALK [from Monty Python] v. A ridiculous procedure required to X accomplish a task. Like GROVEL, but more RANDOM and humorous. "I X had to silly-walk through half the /usr directories to find the X maps file." X XSILO n. The FIFO input-character buffer in an RS-232 line card. So X called from DEC terminology used on DH and DZ line cards for the X VAX and PDP-11. X XSILVER BOOK, THE n. Jensen & Wirth's infamous "Pascal User Manual and X Report", so called because of the silver cover of the X widely-distributed Springer-Verlag second edition of 1978. See X RED BOOK, GREEN BOOK, BLUE BOOK, WHITE BOOK, PURPLE BOOK, ORANGE X BOOK, PINK-SHIRT BOOK, DRAGON BOOK. X XSITENAME [UNIX/Internet] n. The unique electronic name of a computer X system, used to identify it in UUCP mail, USENET or other forms of X electronic information interchange. The folklore interest of X sitenames stems from the creativity and humor they often display. X Interpreting a sitename is not unlike interpreting a vanity license X plate; one has to mentally unpack it, allowing for mono-case and X length restrictions and the lack of whitespace. Hacker tradition X deprecates dull, institutional-sounding names in favor of punchy, X humorous and clever coinages (except that it is considered X appropriate for the official public gateway machine of an X organization to bear the organization's name or acronym). X Mythological references, cartoon characters, animal names, and X allusions to SF or fantasy literature are probably the most popular X sources for sitenames (in roughly that order). See also NETWORK X ADDRESS. X XSLEEP v. On a timesharing system, a process which relinquishes its X claim on the scheduler until some given event occurs or a specified X time delay elapses is said to `go to sleep'. X XSLOP n. 1. A one-sided fudge factor (q.v.), that is, an allowance for X error but only in one of two directions. For example, if you need X a piece of wire ten feet long and have to guess when you cut it, X you make very sure to cut it too long, by a large amount if X necessary, rather than too short by even a little bit, because you X can always cut off the SLOP but you can't paste it back on again. X When discrete quantities are involved, slop is often introduced to X avoid the possibility of a FENCEPOST ERROR (q.v.). 2. n. The ratio X of the size code generated by a compiler to the size of equivalent X HAND-HACKED assembler code, minus 1; i.e., the space (or maybe X time) you lose because you didn't do it yourself. This number is X often used as a measure of the goodness of a compiler; slop below X 5% is very good, and 10% is usually acceptable for most purposes. X With modern compiler technology, esp. on RISC machines, the X compiler's slop may actually be *negative*; that is, humans may be X unable to generate code as good. This is one of the reasons X assembler programming is no longer common. X XSLOPSUCKER n. A lowest-priority task that must wait around until X everything else has "had its fill" of machine resources. Only X when the machine would otherwise be idle is the task allowed to X "suck up the slop." Also called a HUNGRY PUPPY. One common X variety of slopsucker hunts for large prime numbers. Compare X BACKGROUND. X XSLUGGY /sluh'gee/ adj. Hackish variant of `sluggish'. Used only of X people, esp. someone just waking up after a long GRONK-OUT. X XSLURP v. To read a large data file entirely into core before working X on it (This may be contrasted with the strategy of reading a small X piece at a time, processing it, and then reading the next piece). X "This program slurps in a 1K-by-1K matrix and does an FFT." X XSMART adj. Said of a program that does the RIGHT THING (q.v.) in a X wide variety of complicated circumstances. There is a difference X between calling a program smart and calling it intelligent; in X particular, there do not exist any intelligent programs (yet). X Compare ROBUST (smart programs can be BRITTLE). X XSMART TERMINAL n. A terminal that has enough computing capability to X perform useful work independently of the main computer. The X development of workstations and personal computers has made this X term and the product it describes semi-obsolescent, but one may X still hear variants of the phrase "act like a smart terminal" X used to describe the behavior of workstations/PCs with respect to X programs that execute almost entirely out of a remote SERVER's X storage, using said devices as displays. X X There's a classic quote from Rob Pike (inventor of the BLIT (q.v.) X terminal): "A smart terminal is not a smart*ass* terminal, X but rather a terminal you can educate." This illustrates a common X design problem; the attempt to make peripherals (or anything else) X intelligent sometimes results in finicky, rigid "special X features" that become just so much dead weight if you try to use X the device in any way the designer didn't anticipate. Flexibility X and programmability, on the other hand, are *really* smart. X XSMASH THE STACK [C programming] n. On many C implementations it is X possible to corrupt the execution stack by writing past the end of X an array declared auto in a routine. Code that does this is said X to `smash the stack', and can cause return from the routine to jump X to a random text address. This can produce some of the most X insidious data-dependent bugs known to mankind. Variants include X `trash the stack', `SCRIBBLE ON the stack', `MANGLE the stack'; X `MUNG the stack' is not used as this is never done intentionally. X See ALIASING BUG, FANDANGO ON CORE, MEMORY LEAK, PRECEDENCE X LOSSAGE, OVERRUN SCREW. X XSMILEY n. See EMOTICON. X XSMOKE TEST n. 1. A rudimentary form of testing applied to electronic X equipment following repair or reconfiguration in which AC power is X applied and during which the tester checks for sparks, smoke, or X other dramatic signs of fundamental failure. 2. By extension, the X first run of a piece of software after construction or a critical X change. See MAGIC SMOKE. X XSMOKING CLOVER [ITS] n. A DISPLAY HACK originally due to Bill Gosper. X Many convergent lines are drawn on a color monitor in AOS mode (so X that every pixel struck has its color incremented). The color map X is then rotated. The lines all have one endpoint in the middle of X the screen; the other endpoints are spaced one pixel apart around X the perimeter of a large square. This results in a striking, X rainbow-hued, shimmering four-leaf clover. Gosper joked about X keeping it hidden from the FDA lest it be banned. X XSMOP /smop/ [Simple (or Small) Matter of Programming] n. 1. A piece of X code, not yet written, whose anticipated length is significantly X greater than its complexity. Usage: used to refer to a program X that could obviously be written, but is not worth the trouble. It X is also used ironically to imply that a difficult problem can be X easily solved because a program can be written to do it; the irony X is that it is very clear that writing such a program will be a X great deal of work. Example: "It's easy to change a FORTRAN X compiler to compile COBOL as well; it's just a Small Matter of X Programming." 2. Often used ironically by the intended victim X when a suggestion for a program is made which seems easy to the X suggester, but is obviously a lot of work to the programmer. X XSNAIL-MAIL n. Paper mail, as opposed to electronic. Sometimes written X as the single word `SnailMail'. Derives from earlier coinage X `USnail' for which there have been parody posters and stamps made. X Oppose EMAIL. X XSNARF /snarf/ v. 1. To grab, esp. a large document or file for the X purpose of using it either with or without the author's permission. X See BLT. Variant: SNARF (IT) DOWN. to snarf, sometimes with the X connotation of absorbing, processing, or understanding. "I think X I'll snarf down the list of DDT commands so I'll know what's X changed recently." 2. [in the UNIX community] to fetch a file or X set of files across a network. See also BLAST. X XSNARF & BARF /snarf-n-barf/ n. The act of grabbing a region of text X using a WIMP (q.v.) environment and then stuffing the contents of X that region into another region or into the same region, to avoid X re-typing a command line. SHAR_EOF chmod 0644 || echo "restore of fails" if [ $TOUCH = can ] then touch -am 1215215290 fi exit 0