[comp.unix.internals] The Jargon File v2.2.1 15 DEC 1990, part 8 of 10

eric@snark.thyrsus.com (Eric S. Raymond) (12/16/90)

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# This is a shell archive (shar 3.10)
# made 12/16/1990 03:01 UTC by eric@snark.thyrsus.com
# Source directory /usr2/eric/jargon
# existing files WILL be overwritten
# This shar contains:
# length  mode       name
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#  52381 -rw-r--r-- jsplit.ah
touch 2>&1 | fgrep '[-amc]' > /tmp/s3_touch$$
if [ -s /tmp/s3_touch$$ ]
rm -f /tmp/s3_touch$$
# ============= jsplit.ah ==============
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > jsplit.ah &&
XSNARK [Lewis Carroll, via the Michigan Terminal System] n. 1. A system
X   failure.  When a user's process bombed, the operator would get a
X   message "Help, Help, Snark in MTS!".  2. More generally, any kind
X   of unexplained or threatening event on a computer.  Often used to
X   refer to events or log file entries which might indicate an
X   attempted security violation.  3. UUCP name of snark.thyrsus.com,
X   home site of the Jargon File 2.x.x versions.
XSNEAKERNET n. Term used (generally with ironic intent) for transfer of
X   electronic information by physically carrying tape, disks, or some
X   other media from one machine to another.  "Never underestimate the
X   bandwidth of a station wagon filled with magtape, or a 747 filled
X   with CD-ROMs." Also called "Tennis-Net", "Armpit-Net".
XSNIFF v.,n. Synonym for POLL.
XS.O. /ess-oh/ n. Acronym for Significant Other, almost invariably
X   written abbreviated and pronounced "ess-oh" by hackers.  In fact
X   the form without periods "SO" is most common.  Used to refer to
X   one's primary relationship, esp. a live-in to whom one is not
X   married.  See MOTAS, MOTOS, MOTSS.
XSOFTCOPY n. [back-formation from `hardcopy'] A machine readable form
X   of corresponding hardcopy.  See BITS.
XSOFTWARE ROT n. (Also known as BIT DECAY, BIT ROT) Hypothetical
X   disease the existence of which has been deduced from the
X   observation that unused programs or features will often stop
X   working after sufficient time has passed, even if "nothing has
X   changed".  The theory explains that bits decay as if they were
X   radioactive.  As time passes, the contents of a file or the code in
X   a program will become increasingly garbled.  There actually are
X   physical processes that produce such effects (the alpha particles
X   such as are found in cosmic rays can change the contents of a
X   computer memory unpredictably, and various kinds of subtle media
X   failures can corrupt files in mass storage) but they are quite
X   rare.  Nevertheless, when you can't figure out why something
X   stopped working, it is often humorously convenient to blame
X   Historical note: software rot in an even funnier sense than the
X   mythical one was a real problem on early research computers (e. g.
X   the R1, see GRIND CRANK).  If a program that depended on a peculiar
X   instuction hadn't been run in quite a while, the user might
X   discover that the opcodes no longer did the things as they used to.
X   ("Hey, so-and-so needs an instruction to do such-and-such.  We can
X   snarf this one, right?  No one uses it.")
XSOFTWARILY /soft-weir'i-lee/ adv.  In a way pertaining to software.
X   "The system is softwarily unreliable."  The adjective
X   "softwary" is *not* used.  See HARDWARILY.
XSOME RANDOM X adj. Used to indicate a member of class X, with the
X   implication that the particular X is interchangeable with most
X   other Xs in whatever context was being discussed. "I think some
X   random cracker tripped over the guest timeout last night."
XSORCERER'S APPRENTICE MODE n. A bug in a protocol where, under some
X   circumstances, the receipt of a message causes more than one
X   message to be sent, each of which, when received, triggers the same
X   bug.  Used esp. of such behavior caused by BOUNCE MESSAGE loops in
X   EMAIL software.  Compare BROADCAST STORM.
XSPACE-CADET KEYBOARD n. The Knight keyboard, a now-legendary device
X   used on MIT LISP machines which inspired several still-current
X   slang terms and influenced the design of EMACS (q.v.).  It was
X   inspired by the Stanford keyboard and equipped with no less than
X   *seven* shift keys: four BUCKY BIT (q.v.) keys (`control', `meta',
X   `hyper', and `super') and three like the regular shift key, called
X   `shift', `top', and `front'.  Many keys have three symbols on them:
X   a letter and a symbol on the top, and a Greek letter on the front.
X   For example, the "L" key has an "L" and a two-way arrow on the
X   top, and the Greek letter lambda on the front.  If you press this
X   key with the right hand while playing an appropriate "chord" with
X   the left hand on the shift keys, you can get the following results:
X     L               lower-case "l"
X     shift-L         upper-case "L"
X     front-L         Greek lower-case lambda
X     front-shift-L   Greek upper-case lambda
X     top-L           two-way arrow (front and shift are ignored)
X   And of course each of these may also be typed with any combination
X   of the control, meta, hyper, and super keys.  On this keyboard you
X   can type over 8000 different characters!  This allows the user to
X   type very complicated mathematical text, and also to have thousands
X   of single-character commands at his disposal.  Many hackers were
X   actually willing to memorize the command meanings of that many
X   characters if it will reduce typing time (this view rather
X   obviously shaped the interface of EMACS).  Other hackers, however,
X   thought having that many bucky bits is overkill, and object that
X   such a keyboard can require three or four hands to operate.  See
XSPACEWAR n. A space-combat simulation game first implemented on the
X   PDP-1 at MIT in 1960-61. SPACEWAR aficionados formed the core of
X   the early hacker culture at MIT. Ten years later a descendant of
X   the game motivated Ken Thompson to build, in his spare time on a
X   scavenged PDP-7, the operating system that became UNIX (q.v.). Ten
X   years after that, SPACEWAR was commercialized as one of the first
X   video games; descendants are still feeping in video arcades
X   everywhere.
XSPAGHETTI CODE n. Describes code with a complex and tangled control
X   structure, esp. one using many GOTOs, exceptions or other
X   `unstructured' branching constructs.  Pejorative.  The synonym
X   "kangaroo code" has been reported.
XSPAGHETTI INHERITANCE n. [Encountered among users of object-oriented
X   languages that use inheritance, such as Smalltalk] A convoluted
X   class-subclass graph, often resulting from carelessly deriving
X   subclasses from other classes just for the sake of reusing their
X   code.  Coined in a (successful) attempt to discourage such
X   practice, through guilt by association with SPAGHETTI CODE.
XSPIFFY /spi'fee/ adj. 1. Said of programs having a pretty, clever or
X   exceptionally well-designed interface. "Have you seen the spiffy X
X   version of EMPIRE yet?" 2. Said sarcastically of programs which
X   are perceived to have little more than a flashy interface going for
X   them.  Which meaning should be drawn depends delicately on tone of
X   voice and context.
XSPIN v. Equivalent to BUZZ (q.v.). More common among C and UNIX
X   programmers.
XSPIN-LOCK [Cambridge] n. A BUSY-WAIT.  Preferred in Britain.
XSPLAT n. 1. Name used in many places (DEC, IBM, and others) for the
X   ASCII asterisk ("*") character.  2. [MIT] Name used by some
X   people for the ASCII number-sign ("#") character.  3. [Stanford]
X   Name used by some people for the Stanford/ITS extended ASCII
X   circle-x character.  (This character is also called "circle-x",
X   "blobby", and "frob", among other names.)  4. [Stanford] Name
X   for the semi-mythical extended ASCII circle-plus character.  5.
X   Canonical name for an output routine that outputs whatever the
X   local interpretation of splat is.  Usage: nobody really agrees what
X   character "splat" is, but the term is common.
XSPOOGE /spooj/ 1. n. Inexplicable or arcane code, or random and
X   probably incorrect output from a computer program.  2. v. To
X   generate code or output as in definition 1.
XSPOOL [fr. early IBM "Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line",
X   but this acronym is widely thought to have been contrived for
X   effect] v. To send files to some device or program (a `spooler')
X   that queues them up and does something useful with them later.  The
X   spooler usually understood is the `print spooler' controlling
X   output of jobs to a printer, but the term has been used in
X   connection with other peripherals (especially plotters and graphics
X   devices).
XSTACK n. See PDL. The STACK usage is probably more common outside
X   universities.  The usual physical example of a stack is to be found
X   in a cafeteria: a pile of plates sitting on a spring in a well in a
X   cart, so that when you put a plate on the top they all sink down,
X   and when you take one off the top the rest spring up a bit.
XSTACK PUKE n. Some micros are said to "puke their guts onto the
X   stack" to save their internal state during exception processing.
X   On a pipelined machine this can take a while (up to 92 bytes for a
X   bus fault on the 68020, for example).
XSTALE POINTER BUG n. Synonym for ALIASING BUG used esp. among
X   microcomputer hackers.
XSTATE n. Condition, situation.  "What's the state of your latest
X   hack?"  "It's winning away."  "The system tried to read and
X   write the disk simultaneously and got into a totally wedged
X   state."  A standard question is "What's your state?" which means
X   "What are you doing?" or "What are you about to do?"  Typical
X   answers might be "I'm about to GRONK OUT", or "I'm hungry".
X   Another standard question is "What's the state of the world?"
X   meaning "What's new?" or "What's going on?". The more terse and
X   humorous way of asking these conventions would be "State-p?".
XSTIR-FRIED RANDOM alt. STIR-FRIED MUMBLE n. Term used for frequent
X   best dish of those hackers who can cook.  Consists of random fresh
X   veggies and meat wokked with random spices.  Tasty and economical.
XSTOMP ON v.  To inadvertently overwrite something important, usually
X   automatically.  Example: "All the work I did this weekend got
X   stomped on last night by the nightly-server script." Compare
XSTOPPAGE /sto'p@j/ n. Extreme lossage (see LOSSAGE) resulting in
X   something (usually vital) becoming completely unusable.  "The
X   recent system stoppage was caused by a FRIED transformer."
XSTUBROUTINE /stuhb'roo-teen/ [contr. of "stub routine"] n. Tiny,
X   often vacuous placeholder for a subroutine to be written or fleshed
X   out later.
XSTUNNING adj. Mind-bogglingly stupid.  Usually used in sarcasm. "You
X   want to code *what* in ADA? That's...a stunning idea!" See also
XSUBSHELL [UNIX, MS-DOS] n. An OS command interpreter (see SHELL)
X   spawned from within a program, such that exit from the command
X   interpreter returns one to the parent program in a state that
X   allows it to continue execution.  Oppose CHAIN.
XSUIT n. 1. Ugly and uncomfortable `business clothing' often worn by
X   non-hackers.  Invariably worn with a `tie', a strangulation device
X   which partially cuts off the blood supply to the brain.  It is
X   thought that this explains much about the behavior of suit-
X   wearers. 2. A person who habitually wears suits, as distinct from a
X   techie or hacker.  See LOSER, BURBLE and BRAIN-DAMAGED. English,
X   BTW, is relatively kind; our Soviet correspondent informs us that
X   the corresponding idiom in Russian hacker jargon is `sovok', lit. a
X   tool for grabbing garbage.
XSUNSPOTS n. Notional cause of an odd error. "Why did the program
X   suddenly turn the screen blue?" "Sunspots, I guess".  Also cause
X   of bitrot, from the genuine, honest-to-god fact that sunspots will
X   increase cosmic radiation which can flip single bits in memory.
X   Needless to say, although real sunspot errors happen, they are
X   extremely rare.  See PHASE OF THE MOON.
XSUN-STOOLS n. Unflattering hackerism for SunTools, a pre-X windowing
X   environment notorious in its day for size, slowness and misfeatures
X   (X, however, is larger and slower; see SECOND SYSTEM EFFECT).
XSUPDUP /soop'doop/ v. To communicate with another ARPAnet host using
X   the SUPDUP program, which is a SUPer-DUPer TELNET talking a special
X   display protocol used mostly in talking to ITS sites.  Sometimes
X   abbreviated to SD.
XSUPERPROGRAMMER n.  A prolific programmer; one who can code
X   exceedingly well and quickly.  Not all hackers are
X   superprogrammers, but many are.  (Productivity can vary from one
X   programmer to another by factors of as much as 1000.  For example,
X   programmer A might be able to write an average of 3 lines of
X   working code in one day, while another, with the proper tools and
X   skill, might be able to write 3,000 lines of working code in one
X   day.  This variance is astonishing, appearing in very few other
X   areas of human endeavor.)  The term SUPERPROGRAMMER is more
X   commonly used within such places as IBM than in the hacker
X   community.  It tends to stress productivity rather than creativity
X   or ingenuity.  Hackers tend to prefer the terms HACKER and WIZARD.
XSUZIE COBOL /soo'zee koh'bol/ 1. [IBM, prob. fr.  Frank Zappa's
X   "little Suzy Creamcheese"] n. A coder straight out of training
X   school who knows everything except the benefits of comments in
X   plain English.  Also (fashionable among personkind wishing to avoid
X   accusations of sexism) `Sammy Cobol' or (in some non-IBM circles)
X   `Cobol Charlie'.  2.  [proposed] Meta-name for any CODE GRINDER,
X   analogous to J. RANDOM HACKER.
XSWAB [From the PDP-11 "byte swap" instruction, and immortallized in
X   the option "conv=swab" to DD (q.v.)] 1. v. to solve the NUXI
X   PROBLEM by swapping bytes in a file. 2. Also, the program in V7
X   UNIX used to perform this action, or anything functionally
X   equivalent to it.  See also BIG-ENDIAN, LITTLE-ENDIAN, BYTESEXUAL.
XSWAP SPACE n. Storage space. "I'm just using that corner of the machine
X   room for swap space".
XSWAPPED adj. From the older (per-task) method of using secondary
X   storage devices to implement support for multitasking.  Something
X   which is SWAPPED IN is available for immediate use in main memory,
X   and otherwise is SWAPPED OUT.  Often used metaphorically to refer
X   to people's memories ("I read the Scheme Report every few months
X   to keep the information swapped in.") or to their own availability
X   ("I'll swap you in as soon as I finish looking at this other
X   problem.").  Compare PAGE IN, PAGE OUT.
XSWIZZLE v. To convert external names or references within a data
X   structure into direct pointers when the data structure is brought
X   into main memory from external storage; also called "pointer
X   swizzling"; the converse operation is sometimes termed UNSWIZZLING.
XSYNC /sink/ [UNIX] n.,v. 1. To force all pending I/O to the disk.  2.
X   More generally, to force a number of competing processes or agents
X   to a state that would be `safe' if the system were to crash; thus,
X   to checkpoint.  See FLUSH.
XSYNTACTIC SUGAR n. Features added to a language or formalism to make
X   it `sweeter' for humans, that do not affect the expressiveness of
X   the formalism (compare CHROME). Used esp.  when there is an obvious
X   and trivial translation of the `sugar' feature into other
X   constructs already present in the notation.  Example: C's "a[i]"
X   notation in syntactic sugar for "*(a + i)".  Coined by Peter
X   Landin. "Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon." - Alan
X   Perlis.
XSYS-FROG [the PLATO system] n. Playful hackish variant of "sysprog"
X   which is in turn short for "systems-programmer".
XSYSTEM n. 1. The supervisor program or OS on a computer.  2. n.  The
X   entire computer system, including input/output devices, the
X   supervisor program or OS, and possibly other software.  3. Any
X   large-scale program.  4. Any method or algorithm.  5. The way
X   things are usually done.  Usage: a fairly ambiguous word.  "You
X   can't beat the system."  SYSTEM HACKER: one who hacks the system
X   (in sense 1 only; for sense 2 one mentions the particular program:
X   e.g., LISP HACKER)
X                                {= T =}
XT /tee/ 1. [from LISP terminology for "true"] Yes.  Usage: used in
X   reply to a question, particularly one asked using the "-P"
X   convention).  See NIL.  In LISP, the name T means "true", among
X   other things.  Some hackers use "T" and "NIL" instead of
X   "yes" and "no" almost reflexively.  This sometimes causes
X   misunderstandings.  When a waiter or flight attendant asks whether
X   a hacker wants coffee, he may well respond "T", meaning that he
X   wants coffee; but of course he will be brought a cup of tea
X   instead.  As it happens, most hackers like tea at least as well as
X   coffee, particularly those who frequent Chinese restaurants, so
X   it's not that big a problem.  2. See TIME T. 3. In
X   transaction-processing circles, an abbreviation for the noun
X   "transaction". 4. [Purdue] Alternate spelling of TEE (q.v.)
XTALK MODE n. The state a terminal is in when linked to another via a
X   bidirectional character pipe to support on-line dialogue between
X   two or more users.  Talk mode has a special set of jargon words,
X   used to save typing, which are not used orally:
X     BCNU    Be seeing you.
X     BTW     By the way...
X     BYE?    Are you ready to unlink?  (This is the standard way to
X             end a talk mode conversation; the other person types
X             BYE to confirm, or else continues the conversation.)
X     CUL     See you later.
X     ENQ?    Are you busy? Expects ACK or NAK in return.
X     FOO?    A greeting, also meaning R U THERE?  Often used in the
X             case of unexpected links, meaning also "Sorry if I
X             butted in" (linker) or "What's up?" (linkee).
X     FYI     For your information...
X     FYA     For your amusement...
X     GA      Go ahead (used when two people have tried to type
X             simultaneously; this cedes the right to type to
X             the other).
X     HELLOP  A greeting, also meaning R U THERE?  (An instance
X             of the "-P" convention.)
X     JAM     Just a minute... Equivalent to SEC...
X     NIL     No (see the main entry for NIL).
X     O       Over to you (lower-case works too).
X     OO      Over and out (lower-case works too).
X     /       Another form of "Over to you"
X     OBTW    Oh, by the way...
X     R U THERE?      Are you there?
X     SEC     Wait a second (sometimes written SEC...).
X     T       Yes (see the main entry for T).
X     TNX     Thanks.
X     TNX 1.0E6       Thanks a million (humorous).
X     WTF     The universal interrogative particle. WTF knows what
X        it means?
X     WTH     What the hell
X     <double CRLF>When the typing party has finished, he types
X             two CRLFs to signal that he is done; this leaves a
X             blank line between individual "speeches" in the
X             conversation, making it easier to re-read the
X             preceding text.
X     <name>:	When three or more terminals are linked, each speech
X             is preceded by the typist's login name and a colon (or
X             a hyphen) to indicate who is typing.  The login name
X             often is shortened to a unique prefix (possibly a
X             single letter) during a very long conversation.
X     /\/\/\	A giggle or chuckle (rare).
X   Most of the above "sub-jargon" is used at both Stanford and MIT.
X   Several of these are also common in EMAIL, esp.  FYI, FYA, BTW,
X   BCNU, and CUL.  A few other abbreviations have been reported from
X   commercial networks such as GEnie and Compuserve where on-line
X   `live' chat including more than two people is common and usually
X   involves a more `social' context, notably
X     <g>     grin
X     BRB     be right back
X     HHOJ    ha ha only joking
X     LOL     laughing out loud
X     ROTF    rolling on the floor
X     AFK     away from keyboard
X     b4      before
X     CU l8tr see you later
X     MORF    Male or Female?
X     TTFN    ta-ta for now
X     OIC     Oh, I see
X     rehi    hello again
X   These are not used at universities or in the UNIX world;
X   conversely, most of the people who know these are unfamiliar with
XTANKED adj. Same as DOWN, used primarily by UNIX hackers.  See also
X   HOSED. Popularized as a synonym for "drunk" by Steve Dallas in
X   the late lamented "Bloom County" comics.
XTAR AND FEATHER [from UNIX tar(1)] v. To create a transportable
X   archive from a group of files by first sticking them together with
X   the tape archiver tar(1) and then compressing the result (see
X   COMPRESS). The latter is dubbed `feathering' by analogy to what you
X   do with an airplane propeller to decrease wind resistance; smaller
X   files, after all, slip through comm links more easily.
XTASTE n. [primarily MIT-DMS] The quality in programs which tends to be
X   inversely proportional to the number of features, hacks, and kluges
X   programmed into it.  Also, TASTY, TASTEFUL, TASTEFULNESS.  "This
X   feature comes in N tasty flavors."  Although TASTEFUL and
X   FLAVORFUL are essentially synonyms, TASTE and FLAVOR are not.
X   TASTE refers to sound judgement on the part of the creator; a
X   program or feature can *exhibit* taste but cannot "have" taste.
X   On the other hand, a feature can have FLAVOR.  Also, FLAVOR has the
X   additional meaning of "kind" or "variety" not shared by TASTE.
X   FLAVOR is a more popular word among hackers than TASTE, though both
X   are used.
XTCB /tee see bee/ [IBM] 1. Trouble Came Back.  Intermittent or
X   difficult-to reproduce problem which has failed to respond to
X   neglect.  Compare HEISENBUG. Not to be confused with: 2. Trusted
X   Computing Base, an "official" jargon term from the ORANGE BOOK
X   (q.v.).
XTECO /tee'koh/ v. obs. Originally, to edit using the TECO editor in
X   one of its infinite variations (see Appendix B); sometimes still
X   used to mean "to edit" even when not using TECO! Usage: rare and
X   now primarily historical.
XTEE n.,v. [Purdue] A carbon copy of an electronic transmisson, "Oh,
X   you're sending him the BITS to that?  Slap on a tee for me."  From
X   the UNIX command tee(1).  Can also mean `save one for me' as in
X   "Tee a slice for me!". Also spelled `T'.
XTELERAT /tel'@-rat/ n. Unflattering hackerism for "Teleray", a line
X   of extremely losing terminals.  See also TERMINAK, SUN-STOOLS,
XTELNET /telnet/ v. To communicate with another ARPAnet host using the
X   TELNET program.  TOPS-10 people use the word IMPCOM since that is
X   the program name for them.  Sometimes abbreviated to TN.  "I
X   usually TN over to SAIL just to read the AP News."
XTEN FINGER INTERFACE n. The interface between two networks which
X   cannot be directly connected for security reasons; refers to the
X   practice of placing two terminals side by side and having an
X   operator read from one and type into the other.
XTENSE adj. Of programs, very clever and efficient.  A tense piece of
X   code often got that way because it was highly BUMMED, but sometimes
X   it was just based on a great idea.  A comment in a clever display
X   routine by Mike Kazar, a student hacker at CMU: "This routine is
X   so tense it will bring tears to your eyes.  Much thanks to Craig
X   Everhart and James Gosling for inspiring this HACK ATTACK."  A
X   tense programmer is one who produces tense code.
XTENURED GRADUATE STUDENT n.  One who has been in graduate school for
X   ten years (the usual maximum is five or six): a "ten-yeared"
X   student (get it?).  Students don't really get tenure, of course,
X   the way professors do, but a tenth-year graduate student has
X   probably been around the university longer than any non-tenured
X   professor.
XTERAFLOP CLUB /ter'a-flop kluhb/ [FLOP = Floating Point Operation] n.
X   Mythical group of people who consume outragous amounts of computer
X   time in order to produce a few simple pictures of glass balls with
X   intricate ray tracing techniques.  Cal Tech professor James Kajiya
X   is said to have been the founding member.
XTERMINAK /ter'mi-nak/ [Caltech, ca. 1979] n. Any malfunctioning
X   computer terminal.  A common failure mode of Lear-Siegler ADM3a
X   terminals caused the "L" key to produce the "K" code instead;
X   complaints about this tended to look like "Terminak #3 has a bad
X   keyboard.  Pkease fix." See SUN-STOOLS, TELERAT, HP-SUX.
XTERMINAL ILLNESS n. 1. Syn. with RASTER BURN.  2.  The `burn-in'
X   condition your CRT tends to get if you don't have a screen saver.
XTERPRI /ter'pree/ [from the LISP 1.5 (and later, MacLISP) function to
X   start a new line of output] v. To output a CRLF (q.v.). Now rare.
X   It is a contraction of "TERminate PRInt line".
XTEX /tekh/ n. An extremely powerful MACRO-based text-formatter written
X   by Donald E. Knuth, very popular in the computer-science community
X   (it is good enough to have displaced UNIX troff(1), the other
X   favored formatter, even at many UNIX installations).  TeX fans
X   insist on the correct (guttural) pronunciation and mixed-case
X   spelling (TeX) of the name.  They like to proliferate names from
X   the word `TeX' --- such as TeXnichian (TeX user), TeXhacker (TeX
X   programmer), TeXmaster (competent TeX programmer), TeXhax,
X   TeXnique.
XTHANKS IN ADVANCE [USENET] Conventional net.politeness ending a posted
X   request for information or assistance.  Sometimes written
X   "advTHANKSance". See "NET.", NETIQUETTE.
XTHEOLOGY n. 1. Ironically used to refer to RELIGIOUS ISSUES.  2.
X   Technical fine points of an abstruse nature, esp. those where the
X   resolution is of theoretical interest but relatively MARGINAL with
X   respect to actual use of a design or system.  Used esp. around
X   software issues with a heavy AI or language design component.
X   Example: the deep- vs. shallow-binding debate in the design of
X   dynamically-scoped LISPS.
XTHEORY n. Used in the general sense of idea, plan, story, or set of
X   rules.  This is a generalization and abuse of the technical
X   meaning. "What's the theory on fixing this TECO loss?"  "What's
X   the theory on dinner tonight?"  ("Chinatown, I guess.")
X   "What's the current theory on letting lusers on during the day?"
X   "The theory behind this change is to fix the following well-known
X   screw..."
XTHINKO /thin'ko/ [by analogy with `typo'] n. A bubble in the stream of
X   consciousness; a momentary, correctable glitch in mental
X   processing, especially one involving recall of information learned
X   by rote.  Syn. BRAINO.  Compare MOUSO.
XTHIS TIME, FOR SURE!  Ritual affirmation frequently uttered during
X   protracted debugging sessions involving numerous small obstacles
X   (as, in for example, attempts to bring up a UUCP connection). For
X   the proper effect, this must be uttered in a fruity imitation of
X   Bullwinkle the Moose.  Also heard: "Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a
X   rabbit out of my hat!".  The canonical response is, of course,
X   "Oh, Bullwinkle...that trick *never* works!". See HUMOR,
XTHRASH v. To move wildly or violently, without accomplishing anything
X   useful.  Paging or swapping systems which are overloaded waste most
X   of their time moving data into and out of core (rather than
X   performing useful computation), and are therefore said to thrash.
X   Someone who keeps changing his mind is said to be thrashing.
XTHREAD /thred/ n. [USENET, GEnie] Common abbreviation of `topic
X   thread', a more or less continuous chain of postings on a single
X   topic. Also in 2. UPTHREAD: earlier in the discussion. "As Joe
X   pointed out upthread..."
XTHUNK n. [from the implementation model for ALGOL-60's "call by
X   name", a design accident that resulted from a THINKO when
X   attempting to describe "call by reference"] 1. An expression,
X   frozen together with its environment for later evaluation if and
X   when needed.  The process of unfreezing a THUNK is called
X   `forcing'.  2. Stub routine, in an overlay programming environment,
X   which loads and jumps to the correct overlay.  3. People and and
X   activities scheduled in a thunklike manner. "It occurred to me the
X   other day that I am rather accurately modelled by a thunk --- I
X   frequently need to be forced to completion." --- paraphrased from a
X   .plan file.
XTICK n. 1. The width of one tick of the system clock on the computer.
X   Often 1 AC cycle time (1/60 second in the U.S. and 1/50 elsewhere)
X   but more recently 1/100 sec has become common.  Syn JIFFY.  2. In
X   simulations, the discrete unit of time that passes "between"
X   iterations of the simulation mechanism.  In AI applications, this
X   amount of time is often left unspecified, since the only constraint
X   of interest is that caused things happen after their causes.  This
X   sort of AI simulation is often pejoratively referred to as
X   "tick-tick-tick" simulation, especially when the issue of
X   simultaneity of events with long, independent chains of causes is
X   handwaved.
XTICK-LIST FEATURES [Acorn Computers] n. Features in software or
X   hardware that customers insist on but never use (calculators in
X   desktop TSRs and that sort of thing).
XTIME T /tiem tee/ n. 1. An unspecified but usually well-understood
X   time, often used in conjunction with a later time T+1.  "We'll
X   meet on campus at time T or at Louie's at time T+1." means, in the
X   context of going out for dinner, "If we meet at Louie's directly,
X   we can meet there a little later than if we meet on campus and then
X   have to travel to Louie's."  (Louie's is a Chinese restaurant in
X   Palo Alto that is a favorite with hackers.  Had the number 30 been
X   used instead of "one", it would have implied that the travel time
X   from campus to Louie's is thirty minutes; whatever time T is (and
X   that hasn't been decided on yet), you can meet half an hour later
X   at Louie's than you could on campus and end up eating at the same
X   time.  2. SINCE (or AT) TIME T EQUALS MINUS INFINITY: A long time
X   ago; for as long as anyone can remember; at the time that some
X   particular frob was first designed.  Sometimes the word "time" is
X   omitted if there is no danger of confusing "T" as a time with
X   "T" meaning "yes".
XTIP OF THE ICE-CUBE [IBM] n. The visible part of something small and
X   insignificant.  Used as an ironic comment in situations where "tip
X   of the iceberg" might be appropriate if the subject were actually
X   nontrivial.
XTIRED IRON [IBM] n. Hardware that is perfectly functional but enough
X   behind the state of the art to have been superseded by new
X   products, presumably with enough improvement in bang-per-buck that
X   the old stuff is starting to look a bit like a DINOSAUR.
XTITS ON A KEYBOARD n. Small bumps on certain keycaps to keep
X   touch-typists registered.  (Usually on the 5 of a numeric keypad,
X   and on F and J of a QWERTY keyboard.)
XTLA /tee el ay/ [Three-Letter-Acronym] n. 1. Self-describing acronym
X   for a species with which computing terminology is infested.  2. Any
X   confusing acronym at all.  Examples include MCA, FTP, SNA, CPU,
X   MMU, SCCS, DMU, FPU, TLA, NNTP.  People who like this looser usage
X   argue that not all TLAs have three letters, just as not all four
X   letter words have four letters. One also hears of "ETLA"
X   (Extended Three Letter Acronym, pronounced /ee tee el ay/ ) being
X   used to describe four-letter acronyms.
XTOAST 1. n. Any completely inoperable system, esp. one that has just
X   crashed; "I think BUACCA is toast." 2. v. To cause a system to
X   crash accidentally, especially in a manner that requires manual
X   rebooting. "Rick just toasted harp again."
XTOASTER n. 1. The archetypal really stupid application for an embedded
X   microprocessor controller esp. `toaster oven'; often used in
X   comments which imply that a scheme is inappropriate technology.
X   "DWIM for an assembler?  That'd be as silly as running UNIX on
X   your toaster!" 2.  A very very dumb computer. "You could run this
X   program on any dumb toaster." See BITTY BOX, TOASTER, TOY.
XTOGGLE v. To change a BIT from whatever state it is in to the other
X   state; to change from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.  This probably comes
X   from "toggle switches", such as standard light switches, though
X   the word "toggle" apparently originally referred to the mechanism
X   that keeps the switch in the position to which it is flipped,
X   rather than to the fact that the switch has two positions.  There
X   are four things you can do to a bit: set it (force it to be 1),
X   clear (or zero) it, leave it alone, or toggle it.  (Mathematically,
X   one would say that there are four distinct boolean-valued functions
X   of one boolean argument, but saying that is much less fun than
X   talking about toggling bits.)
XTOOL 1. n. A program primarily used to create other programs, such as
X   a compiler or editor or cross-referencing program.  Oppose APP,
X   OPERATING SYSTEM. 2. [UNIX] An application program with a simple,
X   "transparent" (typically text-stream) interface designed
X   specifically to be used in programmed combination with other tools
X   (see FILTER).  3. [MIT] v.i. To work; to study.  See HACK (def #9).
XTOPS-10 /tops-ten/ n. DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled PDP-10
X   machines, long a favorite of hackers but now effectively extinct.
X   A fountain of hacker folklore; see Appendix B. See also ITS,
XTOPS-20 /tops-twen'tee/ n. See TWENEX.
XTOURIST [from MIT's ITS system] n. A guest on the system, especially
X   one who generally logs in over a network from a remote location for
X   games and other trivial purposes.  One step below LUSER.
XTOURISTIC adj. Having the quality of a TOURIST (q.v.).  Often used as
X   a pejorative, as in "losing touristic scum".
XTOY n. A computer system; always used with qualifiers.  1. NICE TOY:
X   One which supports the speaker's hacking style adequately. 2.  JUST
X   A TOY: A machine that yields insufficient COMPUTRONS for the
X   speaker's preferred uses. This is not condemnatory as is BITTY BOX;
X   toys can at least be fun. See also GET A REAL COMPUTER, BITTY BOX.
XTOY PROBLEM [AI] n. A deliberately simplified or even oversimplified
X   case of a challenging problem used to investigate, prototype, or
X   test algorithms for the real problem.  Sometimes used pejoratively.
X   See also GEDANKEN.
XTRAP 1. n. A program interrupt, usually used specifically to refer to
X   an interrupt caused by some illegal action taking place in the user
X   program.  In most cases the system monitor performs some action
X   related to the nature of the illegality, then returns control to
X   the program.  See UUO in Appendix B.  2. v. To cause a trap.
X   "These instructions trap to the monitor."  Also used transitively
X   to indicate the cause of the trap.  "The monitor traps all
X   input/output instructions." This term is associated with assembler
X   programming (INTERRUPT is more common among HLL programmers) and
X   appears to be fading into history as the role of assembler
X   continues to shrink.
XTRAP DOOR alt. TRAPDOOR n. Syn. with BACK DOOR (q.v.).
XTRASH v. To destroy the contents of (said of a data structure). The
X   most common of the family of near-synonyms including MUNG, MANGLE
XTRIVIAL adj. 1. In explanation, too simple to bother detailing. 2. Not
X   worth the speaker's time. 3. Complex, but solvable by methods so
X   well-known that anyone not utterly CRETINOUS would have thought of
X   them already.  Hackers' notions of triviality may be quite at
X   variance with those of non-hackers.  See NONTRIVIAL, UNINTERESTING.
XTROGLODYTE [Commodore] n. A hacker who never leaves his cubicle.  The
X   term `Gnoll' (from D&D) is also reported.
XTROGLODYTE MODE [Rice University] n. Programming with the lights
X   turned off, sunglasses on, and the (character) terminal inverted
X   (black on white) because you've been up for so many days straight
X   that your eyes hurt.  Loud music blaring from a stereo stacked in
X   the corner is optional but recommended.  See LARVAL STAGE, MODE.
XTROJAN HORSE n. A program designed to break security or damage a
X   system that is disguised as something else benign, such as a
X   directory lister or archiver.  See VIRUS, WORM.
XTRUE-HACKER [analogy with "trufan" from SF fandom] n.  One who
X   exemplifies the primary values of hacker culture, esp.  competence
X   and helpfulness to other hackers.  A high complement.  "He spent
X   six hours helping me bring up UUCP and netnews on my FOOBAR 4000
X   last week --- unequivocally the act of a true-hacker."  Compare
XTTY /tee-tee-wie/ [UNIX], /ti'tee/ [ITS, but some UNIX people say it
X   this way as well] n. 1. Terminal of the teletype variety,
X   characterized by a noisy mechanical printer, a very limited
X   character set, and poor print quality.  Usage: antiquated (like the
X   TTYs themselves).  2.  [especially UNIX] Any terminal at all;
X   sometimes used to refer to the particular terminal controlling a
X   given job.
XTUBE n. A CRT terminal.  Never used in the mainstream sense of TV;
X   real hackers don't watch TV, except for Loony Toons and Rocky &
X   Bullwinkle and the occasional cheesy old swashbuckle movie.
XTUNE [from automotive or musical usage] v. To optimize a program or
X   system for a particular environment.  One may `tune for time'
X   (fastest execution) `tune for space' (least memory utilization) or
X   `tune for configuration' (most efficient use of hardware). See BUM,
XTWEAK v. 1. To change slightly, usually in reference to a value.  Also
X   used synonymously with TWIDDLE.  If a program is almost correct,
X   rather than figuring out the precise problem, you might just keep
X   tweaking it until it works.  See FROBNICATE and FUDGE FACTOR.
X   2. To TUNE or BUM a program. This is preferred usage in England.
XTWENEX /twe-neks/ n. The TOPS-20 operating system by DEC.  TOPS-10 was
X   a typically crufty DEC operating system for the PDP-10, so TOPS-20
X   was the obvious name choice for the DEC-20 OS. Bolt, Beranek and
X   Newman (BBN) had developed their own system, called TENEX (TEN
X   EXecutive), and in creating TOPS-20 DEC copied TENEX and adapted it
X   for the 20. The term TWENEX was therefore a contraction of "twenty
X   TENEX".  DEC people cringed when they heard TOPS-20 referred to as
X   "Twenex", but the term caught on nevertheless.  The written
X   abbreviation "20x" was also used.  TWENEX was successful and very
X   popular; in fact, there was a period in the 1980s when it commanded
X   almost as fervent a culture of partisans as UNIX or ITS --- but
X   DEC's decision to scrap all the internal rivals to the VAX
X   architecture and the relatively stodgy VMS OS killed the DEC-20 and
X   put a sad end to TWENEX's brief day in the sun.
XTWIDDLE n. 1. tilde (ASCII 176, "~").  Also called "squiggle",
X   "sqiggle" (sic---pronounced "skig'gul"), and "twaddle", but
X   twiddle is by far the most common term.  2. A small and
X   insignificant change to a program.  Usually fixes one bug and
X   generates several new ones.  3. v. To change something in a small
X   way.  Bits, for example, are often twiddled.  Twiddling a switch or
X   knob implies much less sense of purpose than toggling or tweaking
X   it; see FROBNICATE.  To speak of twiddling a bit connotes
X   aimlessnes, and at best doesn't specify what you're doing to the
X   bit; by contrast, TOGGLING a bit has a more specific meaning.
XTWINK /twink/ [UCSC] n. Equivalent to READ-ONLY USER.
XTWO-TO-THE-N q.  Used like N, but referring to bigger numbers. "I
X   have two to the N things to do before I can go out for lunch"
X   means you probably won't show up.
XTWO-PI q. The number of years it takes to finish one's thesis.  Occurs
X   in stories in the form: "He started on his thesis; two pi years
X   later...".
X                                {= U =}
XUBD [abbreviation for "User Brain Damage"] An abbreviation used to
X   close out trouble reports obviously due to utter cluelessness on
X   the user's part. Compare PBD; see also BRAIN-DAMAGED.
XUNINTERESTING adj. 1. Said of a problem which, while NONTRIVIAL, can
X   be solved simply by throwing sufficient resources at it. 2. Also
X   said of problems for which a solution would neither advance the
X   state of the art nor be fun to design and code.  True hackers
X   regard uninteresting problems as an intolerable waste of time, to
X   be solved (if at all) by lesser mortals.  See WOMBAT, SMOP; oppose
XU*IX, UN*X n. Used to refer to the Unix operating system (trademark
X   and/or copyright AT&T) in writing, but avoiding the need for the
X   ugly (tm) typography.  Also used to refer to any or all varieties
X   of Unixoid operating systems.  Ironically, lawyers now say (1990)
X   that the requirement for superscript-tm has no legal force, but the
X   asterisk usage is entrenched anyhow.  It has been suggested that
X   there may be a psychological connection to practice in certain
X   religions where the name of the deity is never written out in full,
X   e.g. JHWH or G-d is used.
XUNWIND THE STACK v. 1. During the execution of a procedural language
X   one is said to `unwind the stack' from a called procedure up to a
X   caller when one discards the stack frame and any number of frames
X   above it, popping back up to the level of the given caller.  In C
X   this is done with longjmp/setjmp; in LISP with THROW/CATCH.  This
X   is sometimes necessary when handling exceptional conditions.  See
X   also SMASH THE STACK. 2. People can unwind the stack as well, by
X   quickly dealing with a bunch of problems "Oh hell, let's do lunch.
X   Just a second while I unwind my stack".
XUNWIND-PROTECT [MIT, from the name of a LISP operator] n. A task you
X   must remember to perform before you leave a place or finish a
X   project.  "I have an unwind-protect to call my advisor."
XUNIX /yoo'nix/ [In the authors' words, "A weak pun on MULTICS"] n. A
X   popular interactive time-sharing system originally invented in 1969
X   by Ken Thompson after Bell Labs left the MULTICS project, mostly so
X   he could play SPACEWAR on a scavenged PDP7. Dennis Ritchie, the
X   inventor of C, is considered a co-author of the system.  The
X   turning point in UNIX's history came when it was reimplemented
X   almost entirely in C in 1974, making it the first source-portable
X   operating system.  Fifteen years and a lot of changes later UNIX is
X   the most widely used multiuser general-purpose operating system in
X   the world.  This fact probably represents the single most important
X   victory yet of hackerdom over industry opposition.  See VERSION 7,
XUNIXISM n. A piece of code or coding technique that depends on of the
X   protected multi-tasking environment with relatively low
X   process-spawn overhead that exists on UNIX systems. Common UNIXISMs
X   include: gratuitous use of fork(2); the assumption that certain
X   undocumented but well-known features of UNIX libraries like
X   stdio(3) are supported elsewhere; reliance on OBSCURE side-effects
X   of sytem calls (use of sleep(2) with a zero argument to clue the
X   scheduler that you're willing to give up your time-slice, for
X   example); the assumption that freshly-allocated memory is empty,
X   the assumption that it's safe to never free() memory, etc.
XUP adj. 1. Working, in order.  "The down escalator is up."  2.
X   BRING UP: v. To create a working version and start it.  "They
X   brought up a down system."
XUPLOAD /uhp'lohd/ v. 1. To transfer code or data over a digital comm
X   line from a smaller `client' system to a larger `host' one.  Oppose
X   DOWNLOAD.  2. [speculatively] To move the essential patterns and
X   algorithms which make up one's mind from one's brain into a
X   computer.  Only those who are convinced that such patterns and
X   algorithms capture the complete essence of the self view this
X   prospect with aplomb.
XUSENET /yoos'net/ or /yooz'net/ [from `User's Network'] n. A
X   distributed bulletin board system supported mainly by UNIX
X   machines, international in scope and probably the largest
X   non-profit information utility in existence.  As of early 1990 it
X   hosts over 700 topic groups and distributes up to 15 megabytes of
X   new technical articles, news, discussion, chatter, and FLAMAGE
X   every day.  See NEWSGROUP.
XUSER n. 1. Someone doing "real work" with the computer, who uses a
X   computer as a means rather than an end.  Someone who pays to use a
X   computer.  See REAL USER.  2. A programmer who will believe
X   anything you tell him.  One who asks silly questions.  (This is
X   slightly unfair.  It is true that users ask questions (of
X   necessity).  Sometimes they are thoughtful or deep.  Very often
X   they are annoying or downright stupid, apparently because the user
X   failed to think for two seconds or look in the documentation before
X   bothering the maintainer.)  See LUSER.  3. Someone who uses a
X   program from the outside, however skillfully, without getting into
X   the internals of the program.  One who reports bugs instead of just
X   going ahead and fixing them.  Basically, there are two classes of
X   people who work with a program: there are implementors (hackers)
X   and users (losers).  The users are looked down on by hackers to a
X   mild degree because they don't understand the full ramifications of
X   the system in all its glory.  (The few users who do are known as
X   REAL WINNERS.)  The term is a relative one: a consummate hacker may
X   be a user with respect to some program he himself does not hack.  A
X   LISP hacker might be one who maintains LISP or one who uses LISP
X   (but with the skill of a hacker).  A LISP user is one who uses
X   LISP, whether skillfully or not.  Thus there is some overlap
X   between the two terms; the subtle distinctions must be resolved by
X   context.
XUSER FRIENDLY adj. Programmer-hostile.  Generally used by hackers in a
X   critical tone, to describe systems which hold the user's hand so
X   obsessively that they make it painful for the more experienced and
X   knowledgeable to get any work done.  See MENUITIS, DROOL-PROOF
XUSER-OBSEQUIOUS adj. Emphatic form of USER FRIENDLY. Connotes a system
X   so verbose, inflexible, and determinedly simple-minded that it is
X   nearly unusable. "Design a system any fool can use and only a fool
X   will want to use it".
XUSG UNIX /yoo-ess-jee yoo'nix/ n. Refers to AT&T UNIX versions after
X   VERSION 7, especially System III and System V releases 1, 2 and 3.
X   So called because at that time AT&T's support crew was called the
X   `Unix Support Group'. See BSD UNIX.
XUUCPNET n. The store-and-forward network consisting of all the world's
X   UNIX machines (and others running some clone of the UUCP
X   (Unix-to-Unix Copy Program) software). Any machine reachable via a
X                                {= V =}
XVADDING /vad'ing/ [from VAD, a permutation of ADV (i.e. ADVENT
X   (q.v.)), used to avoid a particular sysadmin's continual
X   search-and-destroy sweeps for the game] n. A leisure-time activity
X   of certain hackers involving the covert exploration of the
X   "secret" parts of large buildings --- basements, roofs, freight
X   elevators, maintenance crawlways, steam tunnels and the like.  A
X   few go so far as to learn locksmithing in order to synthesize
X   vadding keys.  The verb is `to vad'. The most extreme and dangerous
X   form of vadding is ELEVATOR RODEO, aka ELEVATOR SURFING, a sport
X   played by wrasslin' down a thousand-pound elevator car with a
X   three-foot piece of string, and then exploiting this mastery in
X   various stimulating ways (such as elevator hopping, shaft
X   exploration, rat-racing and the ever-popular drop experiments).
X   Kids, don't try this at home!
XVANILLA adj. Ordinary flavor, standard.  See FLAVOR.  When used of
X   food, very often does not mean that the food is flavored with
X   vanilla extract!  For example, "vanilla-flavored wonton soup" (or
X   simply "vanilla wonton soup") means ordinary wonton soup, as
X   opposed to hot and sour wonton soup.  Applied to hardware and
X   software.  As in "Vanilla Version 7 UNIX can't run on a vanilla
X   11/34".  Also used to orthogonalize TTL nomenclature; for instance
X   a 74V00 is what TI calls a 7400, as distinct from a 74LS00, etc.
X   This word differs from [CANONICAL in that the latter means "the
X   thing you always use (or the way you always do it) unless you have
X   some strong reason to do otherwise", whereas VANILLA simply means
X   "ordinary".  For example, when hackers go on a GREAT WALL (q.v.),
X   hot-and-sour wonton soup is the CANONICAL wonton soup to get
X   (because that is what most of them usually order) even though it
X   isn't the VANILLA wonton soup.
XVANNEVAR /van'@-var/ n. A bogus technological prediction or foredoomed
X   engineering concept, esp. one which fails by implicitly assuming
X   that technologies develop linearly, incrementally, and in isolation
X   from one another when in fact the learning curve tends to be highly
X   nonlinear, revolutions are common, and competition is the rule.
X   The prototype was Vannevar Bush's prediction of "electronic
X   brains" the size of the Empire State Building with a
X   Niagara-Falls-equivalent cooling system for their tubes and relays,
X   at a time when the semiconductor effect had already been
X   demonstrated.  Other famous vannevars have included magnetic-bubble
X   memory, LISP machines and a paper from the late 1970s that
X   purported to prove limits on maximum areal densities for ICs less
X   than those routinely achieved five years later.
XVAPORWARE n. Products announced far in advance of any shipment (which
X   may or may not actually take place).
XVAR /veir/ or /vahr/ n. Short for "variable". Compare ARG, PARAM.
XVAX /vaks/ n. 1. [from Virtual Address eXtension] The most successful
X   minicomputer design in industry history, possibly excepting its
X   immediate ancestor the PDP-11. Between its release in 1978 and
X   eclipse by KILLER MICROS after about 1986 the VAX was probably the
X   favorite hacker machine of them all, esp. after the 1982 release of
X   4.2BSD UNIX (see BSD UNIX). Esp. noted for its large,
X   assembler-programmer-friendly instruction set, an asset which
X   became a liability after the RISC revolution following about 1985.
X   2. A major brand of vacuum cleaner in Britain.  Cited here because
X   its alleged sales pitch, "Nothing sucks like a VAX!" became a
X   sort of battle-cry of RISC partisans.  Ironically, the slogan was
X   actually that of a rival brand called Electrolux.
XVAXEN /vak'sn/ [from "oxen", perhaps influenced by "vixen"] n. pl.
X   The plural standardly used among hackers for the DEC VAX computers.
X   "Our installation has four PDP-10's and twenty VAXEN."  See
XVAXISM n. A piece of code that excebits VAXOCENTRISM (q.v.) in
X   critical areas. Compare PC-ISM, UNIXISM, PC-WARE.
XVAXOCENTRISM /vak`soh-sen'trizm/ [analogy with "ethnocentrism"] n. A
X   notional disease said to afflict C programmers who persist in
X   coding according to certain assumptions valid (esp. under UNIX) on
X   VAXEN, but false elsewhere (this can create substantial portability
X   problems). Among these are:
X  1.    The assumption that dereferencing a null pointer is safe
X        because location 0 is readable and zero (it may instead
X        cause an illegal-address trap on non-VAXEN, and even on
X        VAXEN under OSs other than BSD UNIX).
X  2.    The assumption that pointer and integer types are the same
X        size, and that pointers can be stuffed into integer
X        variables and drawn back out without being truncated or
X        mangled.
X  3.    The assumption that a data type of any size may begin at
X        any byte address in memory (for example, that you can
X        freely construct and dereference a pointer to a word-sized
X        object at an odd address). On many (esp. RISC) architectures
X        better optimized for HLL execution speed this is invalid and
X        can cause an illegal address fault or bus error.
X  4.    The (related) assumption that there is no `padding' at the
X        end of types and that in an array you can thus step right
X        from the last byte of a previous component to the first
X        byte of the next one.
X  5.    The assumption that memory address space is globally flat
X        and that the array reference foo[-1] is necessarily valid
X        This is not true on segment-addressed machines like Intel
X        chips (yes, segmentatation is universally considered a
X        BRAIN-DAMAGED way to design but that is a separate issue).
chmod 0644 jsplit.ah || echo "restore of jsplit.ah fails"
if [ $TOUCH = can ]
    touch -am 1215215290 jsplit.ah
exit 0