[net.ham-radio] Ham Exams: new schedule

rjr@mgweed.UUCP (11/15/83)

FCC Drastically Reduces Ham Testing

        The days are numbered for those applicants  who  simply
want  to  walk  into  an  FCC  facility  and  take a Commission
administered amateur radio examination.

        The FCC Field Operations Bureau has issued an  internal
mimeographed   memorandum   indicating   that   amateur   radio
examinations given at all District FCC Offices  throughout  the
country will be limited to a total of four during calendar year
1984. The author of the memo was  the  FCC's  Field  Operations
Bureau Chief, Richard M. Smith.

        The internal notice is now  in  the  process  of  being
printed  and  will be distributed shortly. No examinations will
be given by the Commission (either at regular testing points or
at  remote locations) more often than quarterly. An appointment
must be requested in advance. Needless to say, the  opportunity
for upgrading will be drastically reduced next year.

        The examinations will be offered at FCC  Field  Offices
during these periods:

Quarter Testing Dates ------- -------------
  1    February 6 through 10, 1984
      (Applications received by January 15).

  2    May 7 through 11, 1984
      (Applications received by April 15).

  3    August 6 through 10, 1984
      (Applications received by July 15).

  4    November 5 through 9, 1984
      (Applications received by October 15).

        All FCC facilities will give both  the  commercial  and
amateur  examinations  on  those  dates. Amateurs should submit
their Form 610 applications at least one month  in  afvance  of
the  above dates if they want to take a particular examination.
If the situation warrants, more than one day will be  scheduled
for testing during the above periods.

        It is my understanding that the FCC will be looking for
a  free facility other than their current testing rooms to hold
the exams because their offices would not be  large  enough  to
accomodate the large number of anticipated applicants.

        While field  offices  have  not  received  instructions
regarding  any  correlation between the new FCC testing program
and the volunteer examination procedures recently  approved  by
the Commission, the FCC feels that these will be numerous other
testing  opportunities  at   hamfests   and   other   volunteer
supervised  examination  sessions. ''We are working very closely
with the Private Radio bureau to get that thing moving.''