[comp.unix.internals] Format of SVR4 UUCP lockfiles?

egray@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu (Emmet P. Gray) (12/30/90)

Can someone give me a clue as to the format of the new SVR4 UUCP
lockfiles?  I've figured out the second and third numbers (major and
minor devices numbers), but what is the first number?

Also, what book is this in?  I didn't purchase *all* the SRV4 hardcopy
books, so obviously it's in one I don't have.

Emmet P. Gray				US Army, HQ III Corps & Fort Hood
...!uunet!uiucuxc!fthood!egray		Attn: AFZF-DE-ENV
fthood!egray@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu		Directorate of Engineering & Housing
					Environmental Management Office
					Fort Hood, TX 76544-5057

dcm@baldur.dell.com (Dave McCracken) (12/31/90)

egray@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu (Emmet P. Gray) writes:

>Can someone give me a clue as to the format of the new SVR4 UUCP
>lockfiles?  I've figured out the second and third numbers (major and
>minor devices numbers), but what is the first number?

The first number is the major device number for the file system the
inode of the device came from (ie st_dev in the stat structure).  This
is primarily to support remote devices under RFS, but also allows for
multiple /dev directories (but who would do that? :-)).

>Also, what book is this in?  I didn't purchase *all* the SRV4 hardcopy
>books, so obviously it's in one I don't have.

I found it in the System Administrator's Guide (after I looked it up 
in the source code).  If you have it, look in Chapter 7, Network Services
in the section on Basic Networking Utilities, subsection Administrative
Support Files (page 7-62 in the Prentiss-Hall book).

In general, I think with the way the information is spread around the
manuals, any serious SVR4 developer or administrator will need the
complete manual set.
Dave McCracken      dcm@dell.dell.com      (512) 343-3720
Dell Computer       9505 Arboretum Blvd    Austin, TX 78759-7299

dcm@moria.UUCP (David C. Miller) (01/14/91)

In article <1990Dec29.235751.12480@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> egray@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu (Emmet P. Gray) writes:
>Can someone give me a clue as to the format of the new SVR4 UUCP
>lockfiles?  I've figured out the second and third numbers (major and
>minor devices numbers), but what is the first number?

You're right, the 2nd and 3rd numbers are the major and minor of the
st_dev field of stat.  The first number is the major of the st_rdev
