[comp.unix.internals] opcodes in unix ...

mayer@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (Mayer Goldberg) (01/14/91)

I have some files written in VAX assembly lang., and I would like to
see the opcode they get assembled into. Is there any clean way to do
this? I know VMS for example will generate a listing of the opcode
upon request.


Mayer Goldberg

josef@nixpbe.nixdorf.de (josef Moellers) (01/15/91)

In <1991Jan13.210448.18040@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu> mayer@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (Mayer Goldberg) writes:

>I have some files written in VAX assembly lang., and I would like to
>see the opcode they get assembled into. Is there any clean way to do
>this? I know VMS for example will generate a listing of the opcode
>upon request.

There are a couple of assemblers that accept some kind of "-L"-option to
produce a listing. As two of the basic principles of UNIX are
- use high level languages and
- let a program do ONE thing right rather than two things half-right
usually assemblers don't list!

If You're interested in only selected examples, use "adb" to look at
Generally, You can use "adb" to get the start addresses of the opcodes:
then extract just these start addresses and build an adb-script to print
them using e.g.
This would list them in octal.

| Josef Moellers		| c/o Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG |
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