[net.ham-radio] Packet Radio Meeting

dna@dsd.UUCP (10/25/83)

To: All Persons Interested in Packet Radio
From: Hank Magnuski, KA6M
Date: October 21st, 1983

Subject: PPRS November Meeting

The next meeting of the Pacific Packet Radio Society will be held on:

          Tuesday, November 1st, 8:00 pm

             AMPEX Cafeteria
             401 Broadway
             Redwood City, California

On Route 84 at 101 or 280, proceed south on Broadway in Redwood City about
2 to 3 blocks. The cafeteria is glass enclosed and is adjacent to a small
fountain area. It will be on your right as you travel south.

Our November meeting will be a discussion and tutorial on MODEMS,
specifically, those types which could be used for packet radio service.
We will discuss some of the constraints and requirements for a good
radio modem, and review some of the modems currently in use.
In particular, we will take a close look at the TAPR modem, as the
circuitry used there has appeared in a number of other designs.

In addition, other current topics and the latest news will be discussed.

See you at the meeting --- 73,  Hank

P. S. Mark your calendar for these future meetings of PPRS:

        December 6th, 8 pm, AMPEX Cafeteria

dna@dsd.UUCP (12/01/83)

The next meeting of the Pacific Packet Radio Society will be held on:

          Tuesday, December 6th, 8:00 pm

             AMPEX Cafeteria
             401 Broadway
             Redwood City, California

On Route 84 at 101 or 280, proceed south on Broadway in Redwood City about
2 to 3 blocks. The cafeteria is glass enclosed and is adjacent to a small
fountain area. It will be on your right as you travel south.

The new TAPR kits have arrived, and the Tucson crew has outdone itself
again! Packed in a magnificent shipping carton, and accompanied by a
manual in a gold-embossed brown vinyl binder (and weighing as much as a
phone book), the first few "gamma" boards have arrived in Northern
California. If you think I'm kidding, come to the meeting to see
Packet Radio's latest creation.

Our featured speaker will be Mike Spaan, WB6KTN, formerly of the
Chico packet repeater, who will talk about contention. Mike will
review the problems, strategy and theory behind contention protocols.
He'll discuss the currently used contention algorithm in the VADCG sw,
and will discuss some problems noticed when our channel gets busy.

Also, I'll give a report on the AMSAT General Meeting, and a summary
of the ARRL Digital Communications Committee meeting held recently
(we've allocated the lower 100kHz of 20 meters to be exclusively

We also hope to have a short report on Cal Teague's experiments with
Miller encoding (for high speed packet) and on two new host systems
put on the air by WB2GDQ and WB6KTN.

And, of course, any other news that might come up.

See you at the meeting --- 73,  Hank

P. S. Mark your calendar for these future meetings of PPRS:

        January 10th, February 7th