[comp.unix.xenix.sco] Dial-in USR 2400 modem answers only at 1200 baud

artadi@archer.UUCP (Dante Artadi) (09/28/90)

Hello netters!  I'm having a dial-in baud rate problem with my USR
Courier 2400 modem.  I can't connect to the modem at 2400, only at
1200 (from another modem).

Our Xenix SV 386 manuals suggest trying this command:
     cu -s2400 -l(our ttynn line) dir

When I press return, I get the following response:
     Lost Carrier

The manual says that this command, followed by other "AT"-type
commands, will allow me to configure the (dial in & out) modem to
accept calls at 2400.  But, as you can see, I am "disconnected" before
I can type in the other crucial commands.  

Please e-mail.  Your assistance will be trully appreciated.  Trying to
work at 1200 is too slow :-(   

Dante Artadi [archer!artadi@drd.com]  .  .  .  .  "Ritorna vincitor!"