(Bob Leffler) (09/28/90)
My system's floppy controller died recently, so I decided to replace it with a Western Digital 1006V-MM2 controller. My system is a Club AT 10Mhz (Model 1800b). I've experienced several problems in installing the controller, in addition to some run around by WD support. I thought I would solicit the net's opinion before I start calling WD again in the morning. Problem #1: The hard disk does not boot from a cold boot. The drive does spin up, but the disk I/O light does not show any activity. If you cold boot to a floppy (both Xenix and DOS have the same symptoms), then warm boot, the hard disk will then boot as normal. (The hard disk is a Seagate 4096) I can warm boot as many times as I want without a hitch. It is only a cold boot that presents a problem. Is there a difference in how IRQ 14 is handled between a cold and warm boot? Problem #2 Xenix/286 2.3 will only create a partition via fdisk when the cache is disabled. The error message is "could not get device, parameters: no such address or device." Once the partition is created, Xenix appears to work just fine with the cache enabled. Does anyone have any experience with the 1006 and Xenix? Did you experience similar symptoms? Dos doesn't appear to care whether or not cache is enabled or disabled. Please email to I'll post a summary of the responses once the problem has been resolved. thanks, bob