jim@applix.com (Jim Morton [ext 237]) (10/10/90)
Well, it's been one year, one VP/ix release, and one Prodigy software release since I last asked this question: Has anyone gotten Prodigy to work under SCO VP/ix???????? It's close this time -- real close. I even got into the service once before getting a communication error. This is the exact same computer and modem (Compaq 386/16, Hayes 1200 external) that I can boot up DOS and run Prodigy, but no dice under VP/ix. Also, "cu" works fine to this modem under Xenix. So if anyone has gotten this to work, please email some tips on how you accomplished it! Thanks. -- Jim Morton, APPLiX Inc., Westboro, MA ...uunet!applix!jim jim@applix.com