[comp.unix.xenix.sco] UUX permissions problem HDB --> old L.sys

bill@twg.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) (10/17/90)

I  am  at  the end of my rope over this one!  I have a uucp link  over  a
direct  wire between two systems, one running HDB uucp (SCO XENIX  2.3.2)
and the other an Altos 2086 running some flavor of Altos Xenix with the
old style uucp.

I am able to uucp files from the Altos to the HDB system fine.  It is UUX
that is giving me the grief.  The command I run on the Altos is:

uux "TWG!ls TWG!/tmp > TWG!/tmp/test-list"

This  is supposed to run "ls" on TWG on TWG's /tmp directory and put  the
output  in TWG's /tmp directory in a file called test-list".  The entries
in TWG's .Log/uuxqt/Altos file are:

uucp Altos  (10/16-17:16:50,12034,0) root XQT-  STDIN/STDOUT/FILE ACCESS DENIED (ls /tmp )
uucp Altos  (10/16-17:16:51,12034,0) root XQT-  STDIN/STDOUT/FILE ACCESS DENIED (ls /tmp )
uucp Altos  (10/16-17:49:40,12698,0) root XQT-  STDIN/STDOUT/FILE ACCESS DENIED (ls /tmp )
uucp Altos  (10/16-17:59:21,12914,0) root XQT-  STDIN/STDOUT/FILE ACCESS DENIED (ls /tmp )
uucp Altos  (10/16-18:00:40,12962,0) root XQT-  STDIN/STDOUT/FILE ACCESS DENIED (/bin/ls /tmp )

I  do not have manuals for the old version of uucp running on the  Altos,
so  I'm  poking in the dark.  I believe I have setup the HDB  permissions
correctly  to allow the Altos system to do this.  Here is the Permissions

        COMMANDS=rmail:rnews:uucp:/bin/ls:/bin/who \
        READ=/usr/spool/uucppublic:/usr/tmp:/usr/spool/uucp/ualtos \
        WRITE=/usr/spool/uucppublic:/usr/tmp:/usr/spool/uucp/ualtos \
        SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes

I  have  given permission to execute the "ls" command and access  to  the
"/tmp" directory.  What am I missing here.

The  next  problem will be setting up permissions for TWG on  the  Altos.
The  "USERFILE"  is  supposed to contain a list of the  directories  that
access  is  allowed to, but nowhere do I see where the  commands  execute
permission  is  registered.   Someone  here told me  there  should  be  a
"L.cmds"  file  that lists the execute permissions.  I have no idea  what
the format of this file is supposed to be.

Anyone else familiar with L.cmds?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Bill Irwin    -       The Westrheim Group     -    Vancouver, BC, Canada
uunet!van-bc!twg!bill     (604) 431-9600 (voice) |     UNIX Systems
bill@twg.bc.ca            (604) 430-4329 (fax)   |     Integration

shwake@raysnec.UUCP (Ray Shwake) (10/18/90)

bill@twg.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) writes:

>I am able to uucp files from the Altos to the HDB system fine.  It is UUX
>that is giving me the grief.  The command I run on the Altos is:

>uux "TWG!ls TWG!/tmp > TWG!/tmp/test-list"

>This  is supposed to run "ls" on TWG on TWG's /tmp directory and put  the
>output  in TWG's /tmp directory in a file called test-list".  The entries

	Try, instead the following:

		uux TWG!"ls /tmp > TWG!/tmp/test-list"

	This approach works running from SCO UNIX to Zilog 8000 (running
second-generation UUCP).

bill@twg.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) (10/23/90)

As  many  people  pointed  out  to me through  mail,  I  had  only  given
permission to the remote for "/usr/tmp" and was attempting a uux on files
in the "/tmp" directory.  Thanks to all who replied.  Correcting this has
solved  the uux problem in one direction, running uux on the Altos  Xenix
old uucp system to a remote HDB system is working fine.

However,  there's  a catch (isn't there always a catch?).  I need to  run
uux  in  the  other  direction as well.  Here my  documentation  is  very
scanty.  Thanks to the person who emailed me the man pages for L.cmds and

Following  are the relevant entries in each of the files on the old  UUCP
system, the command I ran, and the LOGFILE entry.


TWG Any tty02 9600 tty5 gin:-EOT-gin:-EOT-gin: ualtos

uucp, /
, /
bill,TWG /tmp /usr/spool/uucppublic
utwg,TWG /tmp /usr/spool/uucppublic
root,Altos /usr/lib/uucp /usr/spool/uucppublic /tmp /usr/spool/uucp

uux command on Altos@@

uux "!ls !/tmp > !/tmp/uux-file"


root Altos (10/21-13:13) root XQT DENIED (ls /tmp )

I can't even get root on the Altos system allowed to run uux locally, let
alone  remotely!   I have a feeling something is missing from the  L.cmds
file.  Some people suggested that I have a L-cmds and uuxqtcmds files, so
I linked the L.cmds file to them so I have all three.

Is  it  obvious and I'm too thick to see it?  This should be a  piece  of
cake for anyone out there running pre HDB uucp in a flavour used by Altos
Xenix 3.4 who is doing uux, or allowing it to be done.
Bill Irwin    -       The Westrheim Group     -    Vancouver, BC, Canada
uunet!van-bc!twg!bill     (604) 431-9600 (voice) |     UNIX Systems
bill@twg.bc.ca            (604) 430-4329 (fax)   |     Integration