[comp.unix.xenix.sco] Any good books on SCO Xenix- Pl Recommend.

) (11/03/90)

Can any of you Xenix specialists recommend any good reference books for
setting up and using SCO Xenix.
There is so much literature in the market..it is hard to make a 
choice since I am new to xenix and too poor to be able to invest 
in a lot of books. If you think you know of a 
book that would be good for beginners and intermidiate level, could
you please let me know.. I would appreciate it!!

Supinder Thakkar!

Supinder Thakkar (Alias : Supy)     [Phone# 302-738-1705]  (\/\/)
E-Mail:                                                    \ || /
freakout@brahms.udel.EDU OR! On CompuServe: 72561,62        \  / 
Snail-Mail: 903 Christiana West Tower, Newark DE 19717.      ~~