[comp.unix.xenix.sco] Wanted, small database for XENIX.

billsey@agora.rain.com (Bill Seymour) (01/01/91)

	I'm moving our old XENIX system over into engineering, and one the
the things I need to do with it is have it act like a 'card catalog' for
our engineering library. Any suggestions as to what I should be looking
for in the way of a small database program? Hopefully something that our
PC oriented engineers can handle. :-} I'm running the latest XENIX with
the latest developement system, but have no FTP access.
	Thanks in advance!
new address... billsey@agora.uucp or billsey@agora.rain.com
     -Bill Seymour                                            billsey@agora
***** American People/Link Amiga Zone Hardware Specialist  NES*BILL *****
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