parnass@ihuxf.UUCP (01/19/84)
x Just when you thought the discussion of listening in on cordless telephones was over: While looking through an old issue of Popular Communica- tions, I found the following text in the Letters to the Edi- tor column, page 12, in the October 1982 issue. A Pop Com reader asks: "You mentioned listening in on cordless phones in the September issue of Popular Communications. That made me wonder if this constitutes wiretapping. How about discussing listening in on cordless phone conversa- tions?" Tom Kneitel, the Editor responds: ".....It doesn't require any direct wire connection to monitor them so it can't be considered wiretapping. However, since these units aren't FCC licensed (they operate under Part 15 regulations), they may well not be covered under the secrecy of communications provi- sions (Section 605) of the Communications Act...." -- ============================================================================ Robert S. Parnass, AT&T Bell Laboratories, ihnp4!ihuxf!parnass (312)979-5760