[comp.unix.xenix.sco] Xenix 286 and larn122

syoung@pecanpi.UUCP (Stan Young) (03/02/91)

Has anyone been able to make larn122 under Xenix 286 (2.2.3)?  If you have,
I'd sure like to know what compile and link options you used - so far, I've
tried a variety of memory models, make and makeL as appropriate, and the
best I've achieved is:

     action.o(action.c) : warning: model mismatch
      pos: 3d Record type: 88

<many painfully similar lines deleted...>

     nap.o(nap.c) : warning: model mismatch
      pos: 3a Record type: 88
      pos: 3c Record type: 88
     tok.o(tok.c) : warning: model mismatch
      pos: 3a Record type: 88
     vms.o(vms.c) : warning: model mismatch
      pos: 3a Record type: 88
     /bin/ld : fatal error:  : group larger than 64K bytes


This particular mess was created with:

     CFLAGS=  -Ml2 -Mt12 -LARGE -DDGK -DSYSV -D'LARNHOME="/usr/games/larncc/"'

     larn122: $(OBJ)
     	cc -o larn122 $(OBJ) -ltermcap


Stan Young               gatech!{emory,stiatl}!pecanpi!syoung

Stan Young               gatech!{emory,stiatl}!pecanpi!syoung