rjr@mgweed.UUCP (Bob Roehrig) (02/16/84)
I loaded the "RSGB MUF" program into my computer last night and thought I would submit the following comments: After a few changes it at least ran. plugging in numbers from the sample run shown in the minimuf article in Dec. 1982 QST, I do not get anywhere near the same muf values. So there are still problems. To get anything to happen I first had to remove the (N) contained in various lines from 750 - 1470. (What is this (N) for anyway?) The SF (for solar flux) in lines 180 and 185 had to be changed as my system calls more than one letter a string, so I called it S1. I then changed lines 190-210 so I could enter any "local" latitude and longitude. The result (other than the muf readings) was that the "BEARING" printout was erroneous in some cases. I was a bit confused by the positive or negative for North, South, East, West. North and East should always be positive, and South and West should always be negative. Removing line 160 corrected the BEARING error. I still do not know what "ROUTE" means. It does not enter into any calculations so I removed line 100. Later I removed line 300 as being unnecesary. Line 460 was changed to just print out the bearing. Finally, the following changes/additions were made: 1640 INPUT "ENTER 1 TO CONTINUE, 0 TO END";Z1 1650 IF Z1=1 THEN 80 1660 IF Z1=0 THEN END The following lines were redone (with 185, 220-290, 330-450 as is): 80 CLEAR 90 P1=3.141592654:J9=P1/180 100 INPUT "MONTH NO.= ";M0 110 INPUT "SOLAR FLUX NO.= ";S1 115 REM SOUTH LATITUDES & WEST LONGITUDES ARE ENTERED AS NEGATIVE NO'S 120 INPUT "YOUR LATITIDE= ";L5 130 INPUT "YOUR LONGITUDE= ";W5 140 INPUT "DX LATITUDE= ";L6 150 INPUT "DX LONGITUDE= ";W6 460 PRINT "BEARING IS "INT(H9/J9+.5)"DEGREES" 465 X1=-ATN(H1/SQR(-H1*H1+1))+1.5708 470 X2=X1*3956.1 475 PRINT "RANGE IS "X2"MILES":PRINT Some of this was done in order to enter thing in a more orderly order. Lines 460-475 are from the ARRL antenna handbook to print out the distance to the DX station. Final comments: I believe there is something wrong with the "long or short path" lines. I'm not sure what, but something does not look right. This is in lines 220, 230, 240, 260, 380, and 530. Any comments????? Also, is it possible that in line 530, it should be .01745 instead of .0172? (pi/180)??? Thanks again to N2IC for posting this program. I would be interested in what luck others have with it too, as well as what computer you use. 73 Bob K9EUI