[comp.unix.xenix.sco] UUCP and RTS/CTS handshaking

6600joef@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Joe Foster) (05/30/91)

	Help! I'm trying to get uucp, cu, etc. to talk to my high-speed
modem using hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control instead of using XON/XOFF.
Right now, I have my Dialers file set up to talk to this modem, and UUCP
works most of the time when I'm receiving files, but I sometimes encounter
problems when I'm transmitting. I think this is because I'm overflowing the
modem's internal buffers. "uutry -r -x9 wherever" isn't terribly specific
in this matter. My modem is probably signaling furiously using RTS/CTS, but
since the tty port is configured for XON/XOFF and not RTS/CTS (I checked this
with "stty -a /dev/tty2A" during the transfers), the serial driver never knows.
Is there a way to specify stty flags and other things from within the Dialers
file, or do I get to muck with one of the dialICKY-NASTY-UGH.c files? <:-(

	BTW, there's no problem with the port <-> modem connection using
RTS/CTS at 38400 baud from within a DOS communications program in VP/ix. It's
only from within uucico that I'm encountering troubles (besides not being able
to use uucp while VP/ix is running without "vpixcmd serial release"). 

						Joe Foster

P.S. The modem is a ViVa model 9642e 9600 baud V.42bis, external, and is
connected to a Pioneer Vantage 486/25 through a serial card using NS16450
UART's. uucico is talking to the modem through the tty2A modem-control port.
My XENIX version is 386GT 2.3.3, with SLS's xnx129b (updated UUCP binaries)
and xnx155b (lots o' screwy changes) installed.

jpr@jpradley.jpr.com (Jean-Pierre Radley) (06/23/91)

In article <11680@hub.ucsb.edu> 6600joef@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Joe Foster) writes:
>	Help! I'm trying to get uucp, cu, etc. to talk to my high-speed
>modem using hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control instead of using XON/XOFF.
>Right now, I have my Dialers file set up to talk to this modem, and UUCP
>works most of the time when I'm receiving files, but I sometimes encounter
>problems when I'm transmitting. I think this is because I'm overflowing the
>modem's internal buffers. "uutry -r -x9 wherever" isn't terribly specific
>in this matter. My modem is probably signaling furiously using RTS/CTS, but
>since the tty port is configured for XON/XOFF and not RTS/CTS (I checked this
>with "stty -a /dev/tty2A" during the transfers), the serial driver never knows.
>Is there a way to specify stty flags and other things from within the Dialers
>file, or do I get to muck with one of the dialICKY-NASTY-UGH.c files? <:-(
>	BTW, there's no problem with the port <-> modem connection using
>RTS/CTS at 38400 baud from within a DOS communications program in VP/ix. It's
>only from within uucico that I'm encountering troubles (besides not being able
>to use uucp while VP/ix is running without "vpixcmd serial release"). 
>P.S. The modem is a ViVa model 9642e 9600 baud V.42bis, external, and is
>connected to a Pioneer Vantage 486/25 through a serial card using NS16450
>UART's. uucico is talking to the modem through the tty2A modem-control port.
>My XENIX version is 386GT 2.3.3, with SLS's xnx129b (updated UUCP binaries)
>and xnx155b (lots o' screwy changes) installed.

I've checked into this same problem with uucp on SCO Xenix and SCO Unix.
My dialTBIT.c source clearly sets RTS and CTS. If I do an stty on the dial port
just as uucico has called dialTBIT, I can see this setting. It also promptly
goes away, so I suspect that SCO's uucico, once addressing the connection,
resets RTS and CTS off.

Jean-Pierre Radley   Unix in NYC   jpr@jpr.com   jpradley!jpr   CIS: 72160,1341

asfy@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (06/24/91)

In article <1991Jun22.180055.13559@jpradley.jpr.com>,
jpr@jpradley.jpr.com (Jean-Pierre Radley) writes: 
> In article <11680@hub.ucsb.edu> 6600joef@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Joe Foster) writes:
>>	Help! I'm trying to get uucp, cu, etc. to talk to my high-speed
>>modem using hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control instead of using XON/XOFF.
>>P.S. The modem is a ViVa model 9642e 9600 baud V.42bis, external, and is
>>connected to a Pioneer Vantage 486/25 through a serial card using NS16450
>>UART's. uucico is talking to the modem through the tty2A modem-control port.
>>My XENIX version is 386GT 2.3.3, with SLS's xnx129b (updated UUCP binaries)
>>and xnx155b (lots o' screwy changes) installed.
> I've checked into this same problem with uucp on SCO Xenix and SCO Unix.
> My dialTBIT.c source clearly sets RTS and CTS. If I do an stty on the dial port
> just as uucico has called dialTBIT, I can see this setting. It also promptly
> goes away, so I suspect that SCO's uucico, once addressing the connection,
> resets RTS and CTS off.

Compare the maximum window size in UUCP (7 * 64 bytes + protocol
overhead) to the size of io buffers in MNP or V.42 modems, and
you won't see much to worry about.  The g protocol itself does
"flow control" that is adequate for most situations.
