[comp.unix.xenix.sco] Need help with sendmail error/configuration

bryan@resource.Resource.COM (Bryan M. Beck) (06/25/91)

I have been trying to get sendmail to work properly between an IBM RS/6000
and a 486 running SCO UNIX with SCO TCP/IP.  I have everything
working pretty well when I mail from the 486 to the RS/6000, but when I try
to go the other direction the mail hangs up in the mail queue on the 486
and says:

                Mail Queue (1 request)
--QID-- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient------------
AA25063        5 Mon Jun 24 13:33 <root@pyro.resource.com>
                 (Deferred: Host Name Lookup Failure)

If I run /usr/lib/sendmail -q -v as a non-root user the mail gets delivered

Can Anyone give me some insight on what Deferred: Host Name Lookup Failure
means and how I can fix this.

Please E-mail all responses:


Bryan M. Beck                                       Resource Systems
UUCP: osu-cis!resource!bryan                        Suite 390 2545 Farmers Drive
INTERNET: bryan@resource.com                        Columbus, Ohio  43235
VOICE: (614) 764-7800                               FAX: (614) 764-7850