[comp.unix.admin] SUMMARY: mail spool used to store files

perf@efd.lth.se (Per Foreby) (10/20/90)

A few week I asked how to stop students from circumventing the quota
system by mailing files to themselves.

In all the answers I got, there are two major ways to attack the

1. Use quotas on the spooldisk or keep the files in the users home-
   directory (by using smail, symlinks or by hacking sendmail).
   The obvious disadvantage: The normal orderly user gets into trouble
   when sendmail exceeds his quota.

2. Don't let a few troblemakers make life complicated for you and the
   rest of the users. Explain the policy, and then delete misused
   mailboxes (They can easily be found with a find scrip run from

Since our problem only concerns a handfull of users, I think the
second method is preferable.

Thanks to the following who have responded to my posting:
rickert@cs.niu.edu, afoiani@NMSU.Edu, adams@ucunix.san.uc.EDU,
rowe@cme.nist.gov, russell@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz,
scott@castle.edinburgh.ac, bet@orion.mc.duke.edu,

This is ofcourse only a *short* summarey, Please email if you would
like the complete collection of replies.

Per Foreby					Email: perf@efd.lth.se
System manager at EFD, Lund Institute of Technology (Lund University)
Snail: E-huset, LTH, Box 118, S-221 00 LUND, Sweden. Phone: +46 46 107492