[comp.unix.admin] seestat utility on Convex

jlol@REMUS.EE.BYU.EDU (Jay Lawlor) (12/19/90)

Has anyone out there ever made use of the seestat(8) utility on the
Convex machines?  I have been trying to use it but apparently it
expects a printronix (?) type printer to print out the graphs it
makes.  Our laser printer sure didn't like it.  There are no options
for any other type of output.

These are the statistics it is supposed to let you see, plotted over a
period of a day or week, etc.:

             1. Buffered I/O latency         2. Buffered I/O Mb/s
             3. Buffered I/O hits %          4. Disk Mb/s
             5. Stripe Mb/s                  6. Network packets in
             7. Network packets out          8. Network input errors
             9. Network output errors       10. Network collisions
            11. CPU user time pct           12. CPU niced time pct
            13. CPU system time pct         14. CPU idle time pct
            15. Virtual memory activated    16. Free virtual memory
            17. Page ins/sec                18. Page outs/sec
            19. Device interrupts/sec       20. System calls/sec
            21. Load average                22. Disk request size
            23. Real memory available       24. System users
            25. Page reclaims/sec           26. Page faults/sec
            27. Page hits %                 28. Total # processes
            29. Pages scanned by clock/sec  30. Context switches/sec

We are running release 8.1 of the OS, and seestat came with the release.

I found the source code for seestat (and associated stat daemon) on a
Convex users group archive but it was about 4 years old and is
completely outdated.  I was hoping to modify it to ouput postscript or
display under X windows, etc. 

Does anyone (who can give it out) have current source for seestat, and
better yet, a good way to display the output?  Obviously Convex has
kept their version somewhat current since they distribute the binaries
with the system.

If you can help me, email (jlol@ee.byu.edu) or post.



jlol@REMUS.EE.BYU.EDU (Jay Lawlor) (12/19/90)

Oh, I forgot.  Even just knowing the format of the files created by
the stat daemon that Convex ships would be helpful.

If you can help me, email (jlol@ee.byu.edu) or post.

