[comp.unix.admin] SUMMARY nfs question/problem

bshaw@hcmv2.ti.com (bob shaw) (03/16/91)

This news group is GREAT !!!!!!!
This morning I posted a problem and it's now solved.

A big THANKS to : 
                 Elliott Dudley     and 
                 John Kupec
Both of you were right. 
I "thought" I had checked the mount point permissions but evidentally
I did not.

Thanks again

Bob Shaw

.........................  responses .......................

>From gould@theory.tn.cornell.edu Fri Mar 15 14:18:43 1991
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 12:38:23 EST
From: gould@theory.tn.cornell.edu (EWD)
Message-Id: <9103151738.AA13573@theory.TN.CORNELL.EDU>
To: bshaw@hcmv2.csc.ti.com
Subject: Re: NFS problem/question
Newsgroups: comp.unix.admin
In-Reply-To: <bshaw.669045106@hcmv2>
Organization: Cornell Theory Center

In article <bshaw.669045106@hcmv2> you write:
>.........   NFS question ......
>I have an Apollo nfs mounted to our Convex.  While on the Convex,
>if I cd to the nfs mounted dir and do a pwd I get an error.

Something to check would be the permissions of 
what I call the "mount point directory", the one you 
can't see any more after the mount.  Unmount the 
NFS filesystem to look at it.



Eliot W. Dudley                       edudley@rodan.acs.syr.edu
RD 1, Box 66
Cato, New York   13033                315 437 0215

Subject: Re: NFS problem/question (fwd)
To: bshaw@hcmv2.csc.ti.com
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 15:32:07 CST
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0]
Status: O

Forwarded message:
>From jwk@scripps.edu Fri Mar 15 14:37:05 1991
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 10:03:35 -0800
From: jwk@scripps.edu (John Kupec)
Message-Id: <9103151803.AA24384@scripps.edu>
To: bshaw@hcmv2.csc.ti.com
Subject: Re: NFS problem/question
Newsgroups: comp.unix.admin
In-Reply-To: <bshaw.669045106@hcmv2>
Organization: Research Institute of Scripps Clinic; La Jolla, CA

Check the permission/ownership of the mount point.

John Kupec, Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., La Jolla, CA
jwk@scripps.edu or uunet!agouron!kupec

=================  ORIGINAL QUESTION ==========================

.........   NFS question ......
I have an Apollo nfs mounted to our Convex.  While on the Convex,
if I cd to the nfs mounted dir and do a pwd I get an error.
(see below).   My Apollo is running SR10.3 and has the latest 
patches etc.  The Convex is running , I think , 8.1 . 
A big clue here is ......  I can mount this same apollo on 
my Sun and Decs  and I   DO-NOT have this problem.  This doesn't
appear to be a uid problem as we get the same results with 
differn't or same uids.  ALSO, another big clue, ROOT does NOT
have this problem. 
The problem does not show up on the Suns or Decs with a user or 
Truthfully, I'm not convinced if it's an Apollo problem or Convex
problem but it almost  looks like it may not be an Apollo problem.
Please see example below 
Any comments / suggestions will certainly be appreciated.

Thanks in advance 

Bob Shaw   Texas Instruments   Dallas , Texas  


[bshaw@vlsic2][4:16pm](216) pwd
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:16pm](217) cd /nfs/apollo_tcaddy1
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:17pm](219) pwd
pwd: getwd: can't open ..
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:17pm](220) dirs
/nfs/apollo_tcaddy1 ~ 
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:17pm](221) pwd
pwd: getwd: can't open ..
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:17pm](222) date
Sun Jan 27 16:17:39 CST 1991
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:17pm](223) which pwd
getwd: can't open ..
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:17pm](224) which ls
getwd: can't open ..
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:17pm](225) which cat
getwd: can't open ..
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:18pm](228) pwd
pwd: getwd: can't open ..
[bshaw@vlsic2][4:20pm](239) date
Sun Jan 27 16:20:05 CST 1991