(Paul L Schauble) (04/03/91)
I'm looking for reference material on a couple of Unix topics. Stuff available for ftp would do very well. There is at least one book out on writing Unix device drivers. Is there one recent enough to cover SVR4? Can someone give me title, author, and publisher(!)? I also need medium level descriptions of operation for the Kerboros and NFS protocols. Not the level of detail one would implement from, but rather what you would use to teach someone about the architecture and function. Pointers? Thanks in advance, ++PLS (Jonathan I. Kamens) (04/04/91)
I don't know about device drivers or NFS, but I know a bit about Kerberos. The file /pub/usenix/kerberos.PS on is a paper about Kerberos IV presented at a previous Usenix convention. It's a good high-level discussion of what kerberos does and how it does it. There's also some stuff in /pub/kerberos/doc you might find interesting. In fact, the usenix.PS in that directory is probably the same as /pub/usenet/kerberos.PS. If you don't have anonymous ftp access, this stuff is accessible via archive server; send mail to with subject and body of "help" to find out how to work the archive server. Remember that most of the high-level (i.e. readable :-) discussions of what Kerberos is for and how it works are based on Kerberos IV, not Kerberos V, the revision which is currently being designed and will be going into testing soon (yeah, right :-). The basic ideas haven't changed, but things may not be 100% accurate in the papers about Kerberos IV. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has written revised versions to talk about Kerboers V. -- Jonathan Kamens USnail: MIT Project Athena 11 Ashford Terrace jik@Athena.MIT.EDU Allston, MA 02134 Office: 617-253-8085 Home: 617-782-0710