[comp.unix.admin] tn3270 - problem with make

edotto@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Ed Otto) (04/28/91)


Thank you for the responses to my request for informatioin on where to get
tn3270 source...


I have tried BOTH the Makefile_ultrix and the Makefile_4.2 (I have a
11/785 running Ultrix 3.1...sigh), and neither makefile will ld the
tn3270 program...all files are compiled, but the ld bombs with either
(with the -lcurses option) /lib/libcurses.something... redefined;
OR, WITHOUT the -lcurses I get about 40 missing things, and with the
sys_curses/syslib.a library removed I have a different set of 40 things missing./

NOW...I have gotten the source from 4 different machines to date, and all do
the same thing.

The archive is tn3270.4.1.1.tar.Z, and I need HELP!

*                             *  Netmail addresses:                           *
*  Edward C. Otto III         *    edotto@uipsuxb.ps.uiuc.edu                 *
*  University of Illinois     *    edotto@uiucux1.cso.uiuc.edu                *
*  Printing Services Office   *    UIPSA::OTTO (Decnet node 46.99)            *
*  54A E. Gregory Dr.         *    otto@uipsa.dnet.nasa.gov                   *
*  Champaign, IL  61820       *  Office phone: 217/333-9422                   *
*                             *                                               *

	"As knowledge is to ignorance, so is light unto the darkness."

		       ---     GO 'PODS!     ---
*                             *  Netmail addresses:                           *
*  Edward C. Otto III         *    edotto@uipsuxb.ps.uiuc.edu                 *
*  University of Illinois     *    edotto@uiucux1.cso.uiuc.edu                *