[comp.unix.admin] High Capacity Tapes: Exabyte or DAT?

ken@sitename (Ken Seefried iii) (05/22/91)


I could use some advice on choosing a backup device...

I've finally reached the point where the multi-GB nightly back-
up's are taxing our Exabyte and my nerves.  Therefore, I'm going
to be going to multiple drives to handle the load.  Now, the easy
solution would have been to buy another Exabyte or three, but that
would be too simple...

Seems that one of our kernel jocks has a pal at <unamed mini-super-
computer> company in the quality assurance department that claims that
Exabytes just aren't the way to go...that, indeed, the DAT is the One
True Backup Device (tm), and that the Archive Python is the One True
Incarnation of said Device.


So I come to the net hoping someone has done the definative comparison
of backup device technology and can lay down the pros and cons of
each device, given that it will be used in a heavily networked, *very* 
heterogenous environment, and needs to be able to work with a wide 
variety of Unix machines (we have a habit of moving the things around).

Many, many thanks...


	ken seefried iii	"I'll have what the gentleman 
	ken@dali.cc.gatech.edu	 on the floor is having..."