doug@netcom.COM (Doug Merritt) (05/24/91)
Anyone know if there's a way to prevent modem lines from getting hung? This happens practically daily on our Sparc running SunOs 4.1 (although I vaguely recall similar things happening elsewhere on Sun 3's under 4.0 and 3.5 as well) The symptom is that a process in the modem tty's control group shows permanently as "exiting" (in ps -aux), and turning the getty off/on doesn't fix it, a reboot is the only known cure. (This general sort of problem goes back to the dawn of time with many/most Unix systems; about ten years ago there seemed to be general agreement that tty drivers sucked because processes always went off into the weeds while in the tty driver and the process hung and the modem port was effectively dead for the duration. I guess its the same old same old.) But after all these years, I would think that Sun, at least, would have some reliable way of running modems, so we must be doing something wrong. Any guesses as to what? (We've got 4 modem lines, with 9600 bps Couriers and some clunky 2400 baud modem, and it happens on all of them.) Thanks, Doug -- Doug Merritt apple!netcom!doug