[comp.unix.admin] POLICY SURVEY RESULTS

policy@mtek.com (05/24/91)

The automated report attached below provides the results of the
recent survey of past practices and future forecasts in policy
administration based on returns received as of the report date.

Again, this survey isn't "Real Science (TM)", but it certainly
points to some encouraging trends now underway -- and some clear
and present dangers that may stubbornly endure.

Thanks to all the administrators and system managers who took
the time to provide their input.

Bud Hovell

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Copyright 1991 by Bergen B. Hovell, Jr. This document is distributable for
any non-profit-making purpose so long as its contents are unaltered and

                         POLICY SURVEY TABULATION
As of: 05/23/91
Total responses: 293

Count   %
----- -----

My *primary* job location is in:
    1   0.3 Africa
    9   3.1 Australia
   19   6.5 Canada
   40  13.7 Europe, except Soviet Union
    1   0.3 Far East, except Japan and Soviet Union
    0   0.0 Indian subcontinent
    2   0.7 Japan
    1   0.3 Mexico and Central America
    0   0.0 South America
    0   0.0 Soviet Union
  215  73.4 United States
    5   1.7 Other

My local organization is *primarily*:
   67  22.9 Commercial - hardware or software manufacture
   19   6.5 Commercial - hardware or software sales or service
   11   3.8 Commercial - other manufacture
    7   2.4 Commercial - other sales or service
  131  44.7 Educational [university or other]
   14   4.8 Governmental, except military
    5   1.7 Health-care
    2   0.7 Military
    0   0.0 Religious or fraternal
   24   8.2 Research, except educational
   13   4.4 Other

Multi-user facilities of some kind have been locally available:
    2   0.7 Fewer than six months
    8   2.7 More than six months
   10   3.4 More than  1 year
   18   6.1 More than  2 years
    8   2.7 More than  3 years
   13   4.4 More than  4 years
   94  32.1 More than  5 years
  140  47.8 More than 10 years

I have total system administration experience of:
    3   1.0 Fewer than six months
   13   4.4 More than six months
   45  15.4 More than  1 year
   30  10.2 More than  2 years
   33  11.3 More than  3 years
   37  12.6 More than  4 years
  104  35.5 More than  5 years
   28   9.6 More than 10 years

I have total experience as a user [including sysadmin] of:
    0   0.0 Fewer than six months
    0   0.0 More than six months
    7   2.4 More than  1 year
    8   2.7 More than  2 years
   16   5.5 More than  3 years
   16   5.5 More than  4 years
  100  34.1 More than  5 years
  146  49.8 More than 10 years

Total users on all systems I currently administer:
    8   2.7 1-5 users
   41  14.0 6-25 users
   40  13.7 26-50 users
   49  16.7 51-100 users
   82  28.0 101-500 users
   23   7.9 More than 500 users
   50  17.1 More than 1000 users

My *primary* administration activities are on systems which are:
  241  82.3 Un*x [any flavor]
   24   8.2 VMS
    0   0.0 PC LAN
   22   7.5 Combination - 2 or more of the above
    6   2.1 Other multi-user

Historically, our policies [written or not] have included:
   87  29.7 General guidelines
    6   2.1 Specific do's & don'ts
  159  54.3 Both of the above
   32  10.9 None of the above
    1   0.3 Don't know
    8   2.7 New site - no historical practice

Historically, actual policy has been *mainly* defined by:
   95  32.4 Informal day-to-day user practices
   13   4.4 User-committee decisions [or similar formal means]
    5   1.7 Directions of user's immediate supervisor
  152  51.9 Sysadmin or system manager decisions
   19   6.5 Upper management decisions
    4   1.4 Don't know
    5   1.7 New site - no historical practice

Historically, actual policy-enforcement authority came *mainly* from:
   28   9.6 No one - each user did what he needed to do
   17   5.8 Users, through active peer pressure
    8   2.7 User-committee decisions [or similar formal means]
   17   5.8 User's immediate supervisor or manager
  191  65.2 Sysadmin or system manager
   25   8.5 Upper management
    3   1.0 Don't know
    4   1.4 New site - no historical practice

Historically, policy information was presented to users *mainly* by:
   63  21.5 Verbal info, primarily from other users
   96  32.8 Verbal info from manager, supervisor, or sysadmin
   44  15.0 On-paper-only written info from manager, supervisor, or sysadmin
   84  28.7 On-line interactive [as well as on-paper] written policies
    2   0.7 Don't know
    4   1.4 New site - no historical practice

Recently, users raise policy questions:
   69  23.6 Virtually never
   65  22.2 Probably about once a year
  108  36.9 Probably about once a month
   41  14.0 Probably about once a week
   10   3.4 More frequently

Recently, middle and upper managers raise policy questions:
   96  32.8 Virtually never
   67  22.9 Probably about once a year
   97  33.1 Probably about once a month
   25   8.5 Probably about once a week
    8   2.7 More frequently

Future policies [written or not] will include:
   52  17.8 General guidelines
    6   2.1 Specific do's & don'ts
  207  70.7 Both of the above
   13   4.4 None of the above
   15   5.1 Don't know

Future actual policy will be *mainly* defined by:
   57  19.5 Informal day-to-day user practices
   35  12.0 User-committee decisions [or similar formal means]
    3   1.0 Directions of user's immediate supervisor
  160  54.6 Sysadmin or system manager decisions
   26   8.9 Upper management decisions
   12   4.1 Don't know

Future actual policy-enforcement authority will *mainly* come from:
   13   4.4 No one - each user will do what he needs to do
   13   4.4 Users, through active peer pressure
   10   3.4 User-committee decisions [or similar formal means]
   17   5.8 User's immediate supervisor or manager
  198  67.6 Sysadmin or system manager
   30  10.2 Upper management
   12   4.1 Don't know

Future policy information will be presented to users *mainly* by:
   29   9.9 Verbal info, primarily from other users
   44  15.0 Verbal info from manager, supervisor, or sysadmin
   52  17.8 On-paper-only written info from manager, supervisor, or sysadmin
  152  51.9 On-line interactive [as well as on-paper] written policies
   16   5.5 Don't know