[comp.unix.admin] SNMP - Where to get documentation

t891368@otto.bf.rmit.oz.au (Mark) (05/31/91)

Here is what I recieved in response to my request for SNMP docs.

Thanks go to Armin.Gruner@informatil.tu-muenchen.de for this information.

>RFC 1157
      Case, J.D.; Fedor, M.; Schoffstall, M.L.; Davin, C.  Simple Network 
      Management Protocol (SNMP).  1990 May; 36 p. (Format: TXT=74894 bytes)  
      (Obsoletes RFC 1098)

>RFC 1098
      Case, J.D.; Fedor, M.; Schoffstall, M.L.; Davin, C.  Simple Network 
>      Management Protocol (SNMP).  1989 April; 34 p. (Format: TXT=71563 bytes)
      (Obsoletes RFC 1067; Obsoleted by RFC 1157)

>Implementations have been made by CMU and others. You may check:


>169524 Mar  8 14:28 /pub/net/net-tools/cmu-snmp-1.1.tar.Z
>301545 Mar  8 14:28 /pub/net/net-tools/snmpmon-1.1beta.tar.Z

This connectivity thingie is cool :)


My words are my own.

rca@ingres.com (Bob Arnold) (06/08/91)

See also UNIX Review March 1990 for an article on SNMP by the RFC authors.

  __   _    _   Bob Arnold		ASK / Ingres Product Division
|/  \ / \  / \| 			1080 Marina Village Parkway
|    /    /   |				Alameda, CA, 94501
|    \__/ \__/| rca@ingres.com		415/748-2819