shimon@bimacs.BITNET (shimon yitzhak) (06/23/91)
I'm developing a program that works in parallel on HP-345 (Re. 6.5) work-stations. The program uses file servers of the following types: HP-375 (Re. 6.5). HP-360 (Re. 6.5). SUN 3/60 (Re. 4.1.1.). Both the work-stations and the file servers have SCASI disks. I'm interested in improving the performance of the software I developed, by dividing the work between the work-stations according to the load on each work-station. I'm familiar with the parameters fetched from the UNIX rstat and rnusers commands, but, I'm interested in a formula that will sum-up the most importand parameters and will end up with one number (scalar) that will represent the totel load on a work-station. NOTE: Using the rstat command on a work-station that has a SCASI disk, doesn't return the transfer disk parameters. -- Shimon Yitschak Bar Ilan University, Israel. Internet: Binet: shimon@bimacs