karn@mouton.UUCP (05/14/84)
Posted: Mon May 14, 1984 3:30 PM GMT Msg: FGIE-1790-6513 From: LKAYSER To: MSweeting, AMSAT Subj: We heard it!!!!! TO TMAIL MSWEETING,AMSAT FROM L. S. Kayser, WA3ZIA UO11 finally heard in Ottawa!!!!! at 1425 to 1436 Z this date UO11 was copied by VE3BNO in Ottawa. Congratulations all, we will start now collecting Telem regularly. It has been worth the wait! Surrey note please PRIME link wont be bsck until I return to work around june 1. Regards, Larry Posted: Mon May 14, 1984 4:24 PM GMT Msg: BGIE-1790-7269 From: LKAYSER To: msweeting, amsat Subj: Again!!! UO11 To Msweeting,AMSAT To PRNET ALL From L. S. Kayser, WA3ZIA UO11 AOS 1601, LOS 1611, strong signals, sounds good, telemetry follows de Larry Posted: Mon May 14, 1984 5:08 PM GMT Msg: SGIE-1790-7766 From: MSWEETING To: AMSAT Subj: Oscar-11 The following report was circulated within the G.B; it is the only output we are likely to generate for a few hours. The telemetry received so far appears very good. Following persistent commanding from the Guildford command station, the University of Surrey's second spacecraft, UoSAT-Oscar-11 (UoSAT-2) is now transmitting telemetry data after weeks of silence. Over the weekend of 11th to 13th May, dedicated radio amateurs at Stanford Research International in California and their outpost in Greenland heard very weak signals emanating from the satellite command RECEIVERS which, by their nature of operation, generate small signals on a frequency near to that which they normally listen. These signals told the University satellite team that their craft was still alive, although at this time the chances of complete recovery were not known. Although this observation, the first one confirmed since launch, did not lead directly to recovering the satellite, it did confirm that the orbital predictions provided by the NASA tracking organisations were correct and that the object being tracked by the Surrey team was indeed UoSAT-2. This morning (14th May) at 10:24 GMT, with Dr. Martin Sweeting (UoSAT project manager) abroad on holiday, Neville Bean and Roger Peel, full time satellite researchers in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering continued to command the satellite using its 144MHz uplink, to no effect. At 11:01GMT (12:01 BST), Neville made further command attempts on 438MHz, and after a brief stream of initialisation commands, the main UoSAT-2 beacon (145.825MHz) was powered up at 11:05. The signals from the spacecraft were as strong as the last ones heard from it on the 1st March, when it stopped transmitting shortly after launch. Telemetry data, from the initial two orbital passes over Guildford, appears to be very encouraging, with temperatures around -5 to 0 degrees centigrade, as expected, and a battery voltage of 14.6 volts. The spacecraft is still spinning, but this will have stabilised since the previous data received immediately after launch, ready for attitude control manoeuvres. These will not start until after the causes of the 11 week silence have been investigated, a process that itself may take many weeks in order to exercise the caution necessary in this situation. The UoSAT-2 spacecraft will be transmitting telemetry data continuously for the next few days while initial checks are made on the telecommand system, but after this other data formats will be generated using the spacecraft computer to check further the spacecraft's health. Initially, the University of Surrey is encouraging radio amateurs and schools used to collecting data from UoSAT-1 to send them all the telemetry they receive from UoSAT-2, so that the picture of its current state can be generated as soon as possible. The AMSAT series of amateur-radio oriented satellites benefit greatly from the thousands of receiving stations around the world who are able to send such data back to the controlling organisation. Roger G8NEF Outgoing messages: c amsat First UO-11 Telem Frames at KA9Q Here are the first two frames that were solidly recieved at KA9Q on the first pass this morning. A decoded version of these same frames is on the 'eng' bb. I've got tons more of this stuff. Enjoy! Phil UOSAT-2 0002523191217 00522501300202492D03693F04055405040106023707051308037C09031B 10475711339912000313094F14000515000416000717505618543B195195 20512421059F22661123000124000625000726103627478E28313B29501F 30406131038932283833000034000735392E36456237434738511E39512C 40837841000542677043000744169E45002346000247499748518049472C 50544051074752695D53292F54967955000056000357508F58501959514C 60800E615BC562800C63024364000265000366C00C67000168000E69000F UOSAT-2 0002523191222 00522501314702495A03700404055405040106023707051308037C09031B 10497B11339912000313094F14000515000416000717505618542A195184 20523621061422661123000124000625000726103627478E28312A29501F 30382A31039832283833000034000735392E36456237434738511E39512C 40851841000542677043000744169E45002346000247499748518049472C 50543751073052696E53295854002355000056000357508F58501959514C 60800E615BC562800C63024364000265000366C00C67000168000E69000F . y c eng Decoded UO-11 Frames The program echoes each raw format line, then follows it with the interpretation. Note that the clock was running, but it had not been intialized. 73, Phil UOSAT-2 0002523191217 Date: 02/52/00 Time: 19:12:17 Day of wk: 3 00522501300202492D03693F04055405040106023707051308037C09031B 00522: -11.400 mA Solar array current -Y 01300: -63.545 uT Nav mag X axis 02492: 5.632 uT Nav mag Z axis 03693: 35.435 uT Nav mag Y axis 04055: 0.000 sun sensor 05040: 0.000 sun sensor 06023: 0.000 sun sensor 07051: 0.000 sun sensor 08037: 0.000 sun sensor 09031: 0.000 10475711339912000313094F14000515000416000717505618543B195195 10475: 77.900 mA Solar array current +Y 11339: -2.609 C Nav mag (wing) temp 12000: 0.000 horizon sensor 13094: 0.000 (spare) 14000: 0.000 DCE ramunit current 15000: 0.000 DCE cpu current 16000: 0.000 DCE gmem current 17505: -5.000 C Facet temp +X 18543: -12.600 C Facet temp +Y 19519: -7.800 C Facet temp +Z 20512421059F22661123000124000625000726103627478E28313B29501F 20512: 7.600 mA Solar array current -X 21059: 57.230 mA +10v line current 22661: 9.915 V PCM voltage +10v 23000: -70.000 mA P/W logic current (+5v) 24000: 0.000 mA P/W geiger current 25000: 0.000 mA P/W elec sp.curr (+10v) 26103: 9.579 mA P/W elec sp.curr (-10v) 27478: 0.400 C Facet temp -X 28313: 33.400 C Facet temp -Y 29501: -4.200 C Facet temp -Z 30406131038932283833000034000735392E36456237434738511E39512C 30406: 209.000 mA Solar array current +X 31038: 18.240 mA -10v line current 32283: 10.188 V PCM voltage -10v 33000: 0.000 mA 1802 comp curr (+10v) 34000: 0.000 mA Digitalker current (+5v) 35392: 705.000 MW 145mhz beacon power o/p 36456: 100.320 mA 145mhz beacon current 37434: 9.200 C 145mhz beacon temp 38511: -6.200 C Command decoder temp (+Y) 39512: -6.400 C Telemetry temp (+X) 40837841000542677043000744169E45002346000247499748518049472C 40837: 32.100 V Solar array voltage (+30v) 41000: 0.000 mA +5v line current 42677: 5.687 V PCM voltage +5v 43000: 0.000 mA DSR current (+5v) 44169: 155.480 mA Command rx current 45002: -195.000 MW 435mhz beacon power o/p 46000: 0.000 mA 435mhz beacon current 47499: -3.800 C 435 mhz beacon temp 48518: -7.600 C P/W temp (-x) 49472: 1.600 C P/W BCR temp 50544051074752695D53292F54967955000056000357508F58501959514C 50544: 272.800 mA Battery charge/dischg current 51074: 370.000 mA +14v line current 52695: 14.595 V Battery voltage (+14v) 53292: 0.000 Battery cell volts (mux) 54967: 19.340 mA Telemetry current (+10v) 55000: 5.208 mw 2.4GHZ beacon power o/p 56000: 0.000 mA 2.4GHZ beacon current 57508: -5.600 C Battery temp 58501: -4.200 C 2.4GHZ beacon temp 59514: -6.800 C CCD imager temp 60800E615BC562800C63024364000265000366C00C67000168000E69000F 01: 1 145 MHZ general downlink power off/on 02: 0 435 MHZ engineering downlink power off/on 03: 0 2401 MHZ engineering downlink power off/on 04: 0 Telemetry channel mode select run/dwell 05: 0 Telemetry channel dwell address load off/on 06: 0 Telemetry channel dwell address source gnd/computer 07: 0 Primary spacecraft computer power off/on 08: 0 Primary spacecraft computer error count bit-1 09: 0 Primary spacecraft computer error count bit-2 10: 0 Primary spacecraft computer bootstrap prom/uart 11: 0 Primary spacecraft computer error count bit-3 12: 0 Primary spacecraft computer bootstrap a/b 13: 0 Gravity gradient boom deployment pyros safe/arm 14: 1 Gravity gradient boom deployment pyros hold/fire 15: 0 Gravity gradient boom deployment safe/arm 16: 1 Gravity gradient boom deployment hold/deploy 17: 1 Gravity gradient boom deployment extend/retract 18: 0 Attitude control magnetorquers safe/arm 19: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer -x on/off 20: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer -y on/off 21: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer -z on/off 22: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer reverse/forward 23: 0 435 MHZ PSK mode NRZI/NRZIC 24: 0 2401 MHZ PSK mode NRZI/NRZIC 25: 1 Attitude control magnetorquers high/low power 26: 0 Digitalker expt. power off/on 27: 0 CCD camera expt. power off/on 28: 0 CCD camera expt. integration period bit 0 29: 0 CCD camera expt. integration period bit 1 30: 0 CCD camera expt. video amp. gain bit 0 31: 0 CCD camera expt. video amp. gain bit 1 32: 0 DSR power off/on 33: 0 DSR mode read/write 34: 0 DSR mode run/reset 35: 0 Radiation detectors geiger-a EHT power off/on 36: 0 Radiation detectors geiger-b EHT power off/on 37: 0 Radiation detectors geiger-c EHT power off/on 38: 0 Electron spectrometer sensor EHT power off/on 39: 0 DCE experiment power off/on 40: 0 DCE expt. reset/run 41: 0 DCE expt. prom select a/b 42: 0 DCE expt. cpu clock rate select 0.9/1.8 mhz 43: 1 Navigation magnetometer power off/on 44: 0 Space dust experiment power off/on 45: 0 Spare dust experiment level select bit 0 46: 1 BCR status 0/1 47: 0 435 MHZ downlink modulation select AFSK/PSK 48: 0 2401 MHZ downlink modulation select AFSK/PSK 49: 0 1802 serial command disable/enable 50: 0 DCE expt serial command disable/enable 51: 0 52: 0 53: 0 54: 0 Command watchdog enable 55: 0 Command watchdog reset 56: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select a 57: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select b 58: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select c 59: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select d 60: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select e 61: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select f 62: 0 145 MHZ downlink data rate a 63: 0 145 MHZ downlink data rate b 64: 0 435 MHZ downlink data rate a 65: 0 435 MHZ downlink data rate b 66: 0 435 MHZ downlink data rate c 67: 0 Particle/wavecounter control count/reset 68: 0 Downlink lockout enable/disable 69: 0 (spare) 70: 0 71: 0 72: 0 73: 1 P/W channel plate control bit 0 74: 1 P/W channel plate control bit 1 75: 0 P/W channel plate control bit 2 76: 0 Space dust 77: 0 Space dust 78: 0 Space dust 79: 0 Space dust 80: 0 Space dust 81: 0 Space dust 82: 0 Space dust 83: 0 Space dust 84: 0 DSR write cycle complete 85: 0 1802 CWO output 86: 0 1802 tlm port (msb) 87: 0 1802 tlm port 88: 0 1802 tlm port 89: 0 1802 tlm port 90: 0 1802 tlm port 91: 0 1802 tlm port 92: 0 1802 tlm port 93: 0 1802 tlm port 94: 0 1802 tlm port 95: 0 1802 tlm port 96: 0 1802 tlm port (lsb) UOSAT-2 0002523191222 Date: 02/52/00 Time: 19:12:22 Day of wk: 3 00522501314702495A03700404055405040106023707051308037C09031B 00522: -11.400 mA Solar array current -Y 01314: -63.337 uT Nav mag X axis 02495: 6.088 uT Nav mag Z axis 03700: 36.490 uT Nav mag Y axis 04055: 0.000 sun sensor 05040: 0.000 sun sensor 06023: 0.000 sun sensor 07051: 0.000 sun sensor 08037: 0.000 sun sensor 09031: 0.000 10497B11339912000313094F14000515000416000717505618542A195184 10497: 36.100 mA Solar array current +Y 11339: -2.609 C Nav mag (wing) temp 12000: 0.000 horizon sensor 13094: 0.000 (spare) 14000: 0.000 DCE ramunit current 15000: 0.000 DCE cpu current 16000: 0.000 DCE gmem current 17505: -5.000 C Facet temp +X 18542: -12.400 C Facet temp +Y 19518: -7.600 C Facet temp +Z 20523621061422661123000124000625000726103627478E28312A29501F 20523: -13.300 mA Solar array current -X 21061: 59.170 mA +10v line current 22661: 9.915 V PCM voltage +10v 23000: -70.000 mA P/W logic current (+5v) 24000: 0.000 mA P/W geiger current 25000: 0.000 mA P/W elec sp.curr (+10v) 26103: 9.579 mA P/W elec sp.curr (-10v) 27478: 0.400 C Facet temp -X 28312: 33.600 C Facet temp -Y 29501: -4.200 C Facet temp -Z 30382A31039832283833000034000735392E36456237434738511E39512C 30382: 254.600 mA Solar array current +X 31039: 18.720 mA -10v line current 32283: 10.188 V PCM voltage -10v 33000: 0.000 mA 1802 comp curr (+10v) 34000: 0.000 mA Digitalker current (+5v) 35392: 705.000 MW 145mhz beacon power o/p 36456: 100.320 mA 145mhz beacon current 37434: 9.200 C 145mhz beacon temp 38511: -6.200 C Command decoder temp (+Y) 39512: -6.400 C Telemetry temp (+X) 40851841000542677043000744169E45002346000247499748518049472C 40851: 33.500 V Solar array voltage (+30v) 41000: 0.000 mA +5v line current 42677: 5.687 V PCM voltage +5v 43000: 0.000 mA DSR current (+5v) 44169: 155.480 mA Command rx current 45002: -195.000 MW 435mhz beacon power o/p 46000: 0.000 mA 435mhz beacon current 47499: -3.800 C 435 mhz beacon temp 48518: -7.600 C P/W temp (-x) 49472: 1.600 C P/W BCR temp 50543751073052696E53295854002355000056000357508F58501959514C 50543: 264.000 mA Battery charge/dischg current 51073: 365.000 mA +14v line current 52696: 14.616 V Battery voltage (+14v) 53295: 0.000 Battery cell volts (mux) 54002: 0.040 mA Telemetry current (+10v) 55000: 5.208 mw 2.4GHZ beacon power o/p 56000: 0.000 mA 2.4GHZ beacon current 57508: -5.600 C Battery temp 58501: -4.200 C 2.4GHZ beacon temp 59514: -6.800 C CCD imager temp 60800E615BC562800C63024364000265000366C00C67000168000E69000F 01: 1 145 MHZ general downlink power off/on 02: 0 435 MHZ engineering downlink power off/on 03: 0 2401 MHZ engineering downlink power off/on 04: 0 Telemetry channel mode select run/dwell 05: 0 Telemetry channel dwell address load off/on 06: 0 Telemetry channel dwell address source gnd/computer 07: 0 Primary spacecraft computer power off/on 08: 0 Primary spacecraft computer error count bit-1 09: 0 Primary spacecraft computer error count bit-2 10: 0 Primary spacecraft computer bootstrap prom/uart 11: 0 Primary spacecraft computer error count bit-3 12: 0 Primary spacecraft computer bootstrap a/b 13: 0 Gravity gradient boom deployment pyros safe/arm 14: 1 Gravity gradient boom deployment pyros hold/fire 15: 0 Gravity gradient boom deployment safe/arm 16: 1 Gravity gradient boom deployment hold/deploy 17: 1 Gravity gradient boom deployment extend/retract 18: 0 Attitude control magnetorquers safe/arm 19: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer -x on/off 20: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer -y on/off 21: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer -z on/off 22: 1 Attitude control magnetorquer reverse/forward 23: 0 435 MHZ PSK mode NRZI/NRZIC 24: 0 2401 MHZ PSK mode NRZI/NRZIC 25: 1 Attitude control magnetorquers high/low power 26: 0 Digitalker expt. power off/on 27: 0 CCD camera expt. power off/on 28: 0 CCD camera expt. integration period bit 0 29: 0 CCD camera expt. integration period bit 1 30: 0 CCD camera expt. video amp. gain bit 0 31: 0 CCD camera expt. video amp. gain bit 1 32: 0 DSR power off/on 33: 0 DSR mode read/write 34: 0 DSR mode run/reset 35: 0 Radiation detectors geiger-a EHT power off/on 36: 0 Radiation detectors geiger-b EHT power off/on 37: 0 Radiation detectors geiger-c EHT power off/on 38: 0 Electron spectrometer sensor EHT power off/on 39: 0 DCE experiment power off/on 40: 0 DCE expt. reset/run 41: 0 DCE expt. prom select a/b 42: 0 DCE expt. cpu clock rate select 0.9/1.8 mhz 43: 1 Navigation magnetometer power off/on 44: 0 Space dust experiment power off/on 45: 0 Spare dust experiment level select bit 0 46: 1 BCR status 0/1 47: 0 435 MHZ downlink modulation select AFSK/PSK 48: 0 2401 MHZ downlink modulation select AFSK/PSK 49: 0 1802 serial command disable/enable 50: 0 DCE expt serial command disable/enable 51: 0 52: 0 53: 0 54: 0 Command watchdog enable 55: 0 Command watchdog reset 56: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select a 57: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select b 58: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select c 59: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select d 60: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select e 61: 0 145 MHZ downlink data select f 62: 0 145 MHZ downlink data rate a 63: 0 145 MHZ downlink data rate b 64: 0 435 MHZ downlink data rate a 65: 0 435 MHZ downlink data rate b 66: 0 435 MHZ downlink data rate c 67: 0 Particle/wavecounter control count/reset 68: 0 Downlink lockout enable/disable 69: 0 (spare) 70: 0 71: 0 72: 0 73: 1 P/W channel plate control bit 0 74: 1 P/W channel plate control bit 1 75: 0 P/W channel plate control bit 2 76: 0 Space dust 77: 0 Space dust 78: 0 Space dust 79: 0 Space dust 80: 0 Space dust 81: 0 Space dust 82: 0 Space dust 83: 0 Space dust 84: 0 DSR write cycle complete 85: 0 1802 CWO output 86: 0 1802 tlm port (msb) 87: 0 1802 tlm port 88: 0 1802 tlm port 89: 0 1802 tlm port 90: 0 1802 tlm port 91: 0 1802 tlm port 92: 0 1802 tlm port 93: 0 1802 tlm port 94: 0 1802 tlm port 95: 0 1802 tlm port 96: 0 1802 tlm port (lsb) . y c eng C-language UO-11 decoder fix For those of you using my C-language telemetry decoding program for UO-11, I've discovered two minor bugs: Change the line which reads if(sscanf(cp,"UOSAT-2%2d%2d%2d%1d%2d%2d%2d",&year,&month,&day, to if(sscanf(cp,"\036UOSAT-2%2d%2d%2d%1d%2d%2d%2d",&year,&month,&day, Since I had never received telemtry direct before, I didn't know about the leading "funny character" which the various electronic mail systems had stripped off. Also change the line which reads n = sscanf(cp,"%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d%1x",&chan1,&chan0,&n2,&n1,&n0,&chk); to n = sscanf(cp,"%1d%1d%1x%1x%1x%1x",&chan1,&chan0,&n2,&n1,&n0,&chk); I didn't notice that hex digits were valid in the status bit channels of the telemetry (those greater than 60.) In particular, this kept channels 61 and 66 from decoding. 73, Phil . y
karn@mouton.UUCP (05/14/84)
Posted: Mon May 14, 1984 3:30 PM GMT Msg: FGIE-1790-6513 From: LKAYSER To: MSweeting, AMSAT Subj: We heard it!!!!! TO TMAIL MSWEETING,AMSAT FROM L. S. Kayser, WA3ZIA UO11 finally heard in Ottawa!!!!! at 1425 to 1436 Z this date UO11 was copied by VE3BNO in Ottawa. Congratulations all, we will start now collecting Telem regularly. It has been worth the wait! Surrey note please PRIME link wont be bsck until I return to work around june 1. Regards, Larry Posted: Mon May 14, 1984 4:24 PM GMT Msg: BGIE-1790-7269 From: LKAYSER To: msweeting, amsat Subj: Again!!! UO11 To Msweeting,AMSAT To PRNET ALL From L. S. Kayser, WA3ZIA UO11 AOS 1601, LOS 1611, strong signals, sounds good, telemetry follows de Larry Posted: Mon May 14, 1984 5:08 PM GMT Msg: SGIE-1790-7766 From: MSWEETING To: AMSAT Subj: Oscar-11 The following report was circulated within the G.B; it is the only output we are likely to generate for a few hours. The telemetry received so far appears very good. Following persistent commanding from the Guildford command station, the University of Surrey's second spacecraft, UoSAT-Oscar-11 (UoSAT-2) is now transmitting telemetry data after weeks of silence. Over the weekend of 11th to 13th May, dedicated radio amateurs at Stanford Research International in California and their outpost in Greenland heard very weak signals emanating from the satellite command RECEIVERS which, by their nature of operation, generate small signals on a frequency near to that which they normally listen. These signals told the University satellite team that their craft was still alive, although at this time the chances of complete recovery were not known. Although this observation, the first one confirmed since launch, did not lead directly to recovering the satellite, it did confirm that the orbital predictions provided by the NASA tracking organisations were correct and that the object being tracked by the Surrey team was indeed UoSAT-2. This morning (14th May) at 10:24 GMT, with Dr. Martin Sweeting (UoSAT project manager) abroad on holiday, Neville Bean and Roger Peel, full time satellite researchers in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering continued to command the satellite using its 144MHz uplink, to no effect. At 11:01GMT (12:01 BST), Neville made further command attempts on 438MHz, and after a brief stream of initialisation commands, the main UoSAT-2 beacon (145.825MHz) was powered up at 11:05. The signals from the spacecraft were as strong as the last ones heard from it on the 1st March, when it stopped transmitting shortly after launch. Telemetry data, from the initial two orbital passes over Guildford, appears to be very encouraging, with temperatures around -5 to 0 degrees centigrade, as expected, and a battery voltage of 14.6 volts. The spacecraft is still spinning, but this will have stabilised since the previous data received immediately after launch, ready for attitude control manoeuvres. These will not start until after the causes of the 11 week silence have been investigated, a process that itself may take many weeks in order to exercise the caution necessary in this situation. The UoSAT-2 spacecraft will be transmitting telemetry data continuously for the next few days while initial checks are made on the telecommand system, but after this other data formats will be generated using the spacecraft computer to check further the spacecraft's health. Initially, the University of Surrey is encouraging radio amateurs and schools used to collecting data from UoSAT-1 to send them all the telemetry they receive from UoSAT-2, so that the picture of its current state can be generated as soon as possible. The AMSAT series of amateur-radio oriented satellites benefit greatly from the thousands of receiving stations around the world who are able to send such data back to the controlling organisation. Roger G8NEF