[comp.unix.sysv386] X Windows under ISC 2.2

bfls@cain.anu.edu.au (Barbara La Scala) (09/16/90)

I am unable to get more than five clients to run using ISC's Xvga server.  Has
anyone come across such a phenomenon and can offer me some advice?  I have
RTFM and they suggest:
 (1) do a netstat -m to check STREAMS resource usages.
     I have done this and there have been no failures to allocate resources.
 (2) check how many pseudo terminals have been configured.
     I have sixteen ptys configured but the largest number of xterms I have
     been able to start is 5.  
 (3) check the values of NOFILES, NPROC, MAXUP
     I have and they all seem fine.

So does anyone else have any suggestions?  Please help as this is driving me

Barbara La Scala               "Give me chastity and continency, but not yet."
bfls@cain.anu.oz.au             St. Augustine, 'Confessions'

cpcahil@virtech.uucp (Conor P. Cahill) (09/16/90)

In article <BFLS.90Sep16155316@cain.anu.edu.au> bfls@cain.anu.edu.au (Barbara La Scala) writes:
>I am unable to get more than five clients to run using ISC's Xvga server.  Has
>anyone come across such a phenomenon and can offer me some advice?  I have
>RTFM and they suggest:

I have had a similar problem and found that the only solution was to put a
sleep between each x client initialization from .xinitrc.  Here is a sample
of my .xinitrc that starts up zillions of things (I have a 19" 1600x1200 
monitor, so I can start lots of things and still have room)

Good luck.

Sample .xinitrc file:


HOST="`uname -n`"

# The following two variables are used to pause the software initializations
# between each step.  When too many things are started at the same time, the
# server gets screwed up and gets into a state where all new connection 
# requests just hang (i.e. they are not refused, but they never succeed nor
# timeout).
# Set both to nothing (comment them out) if your server does not have this
# problem

case "$DISPLAY" in
	unix:0.0|unix:0|:0.0|:0) DISPLAY="${HOST}:0";;

DISPSET="-display ${DISPLAY}"

# merge in defaults and keymaps

if [ -f $userresources ]; then
    xrdb -merge $userresources

if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
    xmodmap $sysmodmap

if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
    xrdb -merge $sysresources

if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
    xmodmap $sysmodmap


# set bell frequence, and duration
xset b 95 1200 150

# start up motif windo manager
mwm &

# start up clock
xclock ${DISPSET} -update 1 -g 75x75+95+0 &

# start up load average windo for this system
xload ${DISPSET} -update 2 -g 250x75+190+0 &

# start window that shows who is on the system on virtech (and beeps when 
# the list changes)
xterm -n "who's on virtech" -T "who's on virtech" -geometry 37x10+720+0 \
	-e remsh virtech TERM=xterm DISPLAY=$DISPLAY /usr/local/bin/whoson &

# start up big local window  (iconified)
xterm -n 'ender 96x64' -T 'ender:xterm #1' ${DISPSET} -geometry 96x64+0+110 -i &

# start up mail notifyer for my virtech mailbox
rcmd virtech "xbiff -update 1 -file /usr/mail/$LOGNAME ${DISPSET} -geometry 75x75+0+0  &" 

# start up load average display for virtech
rcmd virtech 'xload ${DISPSET} -update 2 -geometry 250x75+455+0 &'

# start up three xterms that are rlogged into virtech (iconified)
xterm -i -n 'virtech 96x64' -T 'virtech #1' ${DISPSET} -geometry 96x64+0+110 -e rlogin virtech -e &

xterm -i -n 'virtech 80x44' -T 'virtech #3' ${DISPSET} -geometry 80x44+912+530 -e rlogin virtech -e &

xterm -i -n 'virtech 80x30' -T 'virtech #2' ${DISPSET} -geometry 80x30+912+16 -e rlogin virtech -e  &

# start up the login xterm (iconified)
exec xterm -i -geometry 80x24+0+0 -name login -T login

Conor P. Cahill            (703)430-9247        Virtual Technologies, Inc.,
uunet!virtech!cpcahil                           46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160
                                                Sterling, VA 22170 

support@ism780c.isc.com (Support account) (09/19/90)

In article <BFLS.90Sep16155316@cain.anu.edu.au> bfls@cain.anu.edu.au (Barbara La Scala) writes:
>I am unable to get more than five clients to run using ISC's Xvga server.  Has
>anyone come across such a phenomenon and can offer me some advice?  I have
>RTFM and they suggest:
> (1) do a netstat -m to check STREAMS resource usages.
>     I have done this and there have been no failures to allocate resources.
> (2) check how many pseudo terminals have been configured.
>     I have sixteen ptys configured but the largest number of xterms I have
>     been able to start is 5.  
> (3) check the values of NOFILES, NPROC, MAXUP
>     I have and they all seem fine.

Other X related system tunables are NSTREAM, NUMSP, and NQUEUE.
While the X documentation lists suggested settings for system
tunables and pseudo terminals, these settings will not be
optimum for every installation. If you experience problems
such as not being able to open more than a certain number of
windows, you may have to adjust tunables up or increase the
number of pseudo terminals configured. Try increasing NUMSP
first since that is the one related parameter not automatically
increased during X installation.
