jean@pogo.hasler (09/21/90)
We have an INTEL 520 system (with UNIX System V/386 Rel. 3.2) and we try to produce a customized unix bootable tape(streamer). First we have difficulties to read the original tape: 'dd' and 'cpio' don't give much success! We have still to try with some combinations of 'tapecntl' and 'cpio'. Can we use the Intel 'sgib' command to install the Multibus II bootstrap loader? In fact the main problem is to know the format of the bootable tape and how to build it or modify it. We have written 3 UNIX drivers and we would prefer to have a single installation tape (also with a limited UNIX for disk space reason) instead of using several tapes with 'installpkg' followed by a rebuild(s) of the Kernel. We also did not succeed to install the Software on a small disk (80 Mybtes). Any information would be received gratefully. Thanks.