[net.ham-radio] sports-related scanner frequencies

parnass@ihuxf.UUCP (Bob Parnass, AJ9S) (05/28/84)

I have a few friends that enjoy listening to race car drivers
on their portable scanners during a race. Some of the frequencies
racers use are contained in this list (please pardon the non-auto freqs):

  KNEU448   461.0500	AAR Toyota Motor Sports	(USA-wide)
  KNEU447   466.0250 mo	All American Racers, racing (USA-wide)
  KP3213    154.6000 2w	Allied Auto Racing (USA-wide)
  KB29116   154.6000 2w	American Bicycle Assn, sports (USA-wide)
  KA96286   151.9550	American Honda,	motorsports? (USA-wide)
  KB38932   469.5000 mo	American Speed Assn, racing (USA-wide)
  KT5645    467.8000 2w	Apple Jack Racing (Lake	Zurich)
o WQH523    464.9750	Arlington Park Racetrack, paging, sports (Arlington Hts)
o ?	    151.6250 it	Arlington Park Racetrack, sports (Arlington Hts)
o WQH523    464.4750		  "
  KCR961    151.6550	Arrowhead Golf Club, sports (Wheaton)
  KA52803   154.5300	Auto Race Promotions, sports (USA-wide)
  KS4358    154.5700 2w	Balmoral Racing	Club, sports (Illinois)
  KS4358    469.8250 mo		  "
  KS4358    469.8750 mo		  "
  KB40093   469.5500 mo	Baton Rouge Road Run..., racing? (USA-wide)
  KJ3823    469.5000 mo	Bayside	Racing Team (USA-wide)
  KK8624    469.5500 mo	BDR Racing (USA-wide)
  KNFW308   464.3250	Bon Temps Racing Inc (USA-wide)
  KA46958    42.9800 2w	Brinks Racing Team, sports (USA-wide)
  KB28380   466.3000 mo	Brune, Leslie V	Racing (USA-wide)
  KA92953   151.6250 it	Butler National	Golf Course, sports (Illinois)
  KX4444    151.6250 it	Butler National	Golf Course, sports (Oak Brook)
p ?	    154.6000 2w	Byron Dragway, sports
  KA80464   154.5700 2w	Calumet	Raceway	Assn, sports (Illinois)
  KA44115   464.7500	Championship Auto Racing (USA-wide)
  KA77887   151.6250 it	Chicago	Bears, sports (USA-wide)
  KA88023   151.9250	Chicago	Stadium	Corp, sports (Illinois)
  KA93479   151.6250 it	Chicago	White Sox, sports (USA-wide)
  KK7097    151.9550	Clarke Race Cars, sports (USA-wide)
  KB24827   469.5000 mo	Cobra Racing (USA-wide)
  KB24827   469.5500 mo		  "
  KA7851     35.0400 it	Competition Limited, sports (USA-wide)
  KB35171   154.5700 2w	Daredevil Attractions, sports (USA-wide)
  KWJ865    471.3625	Dependable Swimming, sports (Lake Zurich)
  KU4811    469.5000 mo	Desperado Racing (USA-wide)
  KB32647   469.5000 mo	Electronic Race	Patrol,	auto racing? (USA-wide)
  KA91151   466.9875 mo	Events and Entertainment, sports (Illinois)
  KS8119    154.6000 2w	Executive Sports (USA-wide)
  KVG357     35.0800	Exmoor Country Club, sports (Highland Park)
  KB30672   469.5000 mo	Falcon Racing (USA-wide)
  KAD6220   462.5750	Fast Trucks Inc, motorsports? (USA-wide)
  KA33486   464.7250	Fletcher Racing	(USA-wide)
  KA83937   151.7750	Gilmore	Enterprises, auto sports racing	(USA-wide)
  KCC776    151.8350	Glencoe	Golf Club, sports (Glencoe)
o ?	    151.6250 it	Goodyear Blimp,	sports,	entertainment
p WQP6	    132.0000		  "
p KA73209   154.5700 2w	Great Lakes Dragway, sports
  KA51269   464.5000 it	Gymnastic Federation, sports (USA-wide)
  KB35540   151.9550	Hallett	Motor Racing (USA-wide)
  KNHD830   463.5000	Hawkins, Bobby Racing (USA-wide)
p KN3447    154.6000 2w	Hawthorne Race Track, sports (Cicero)
  KB31930   464.4500	Hayes, Johnny Racing (USA-wide)
  WFX64	    464.1750	Hidden Cove Marina, sports (Lake Zurich)
  KNDX844   151.9250	High Sierra Sports, sports (USA-wide)
  KB34600   469.4250 mo	Hooker Racing Enterprises (USA-wide)
  KM7823    460.5500	I 70 Speedway Inc, sports (USA-wide)
  KM7823    460.8250		  "
p KMD637    151.8650	IL: Bureau of Race Track Police, sports
p KL3446    154.6000 2w	Indian Speedway, sports
  KB25794   461.1000	Jarrett, Glen Racing (USA-wide)
  KB36366   469.5000 mo	JET Racing (USA-wide)
  KA33482   464.7500	Kent & Bagly Racing (USA-wide)
  KNFP607   461.0250	Kent Racing Inc	(USA-wide)
  KNFP607   466.0250 mo		  "
  KAD3316   462.5500	Keystone Sports	Foundation (USA-wide)
  KNCV313   464.8000	Kyle Racing (USA-wide)
  KS9804    467.9000 2w	Malibu Grand Prix Inc, racing (USA-wide)
  KZ9888    467.8000 2w	Market Square Associates, Indy Sports Arena (Indianapolis)
  KNCP944   463.4000	Martin,	Mark Racing (USA-wide)
  KB33210   464.0500	Mash Racing (USA-wide)
  KKW345    151.6550	Medinah	Country	Club, sports (Medinah)
  KA90320   154.6000 2w	Megabucks Racing (USA-wide)
  KB24275   154.6000 2w	Midwest	Regional Gun..., sports	(USA-wide)
  KB28185   469.5000 mo	Milwaukee Sports Svc (USA-wide)
p KA70237   154.6000 2w	Mt Lawn	Speedway, sports
  KZU768    464.6750	National Jockey	Club, sports (Cicero)
  KQ3618    467.8250 2w		  "
  KAC3246   467.6000 mo	National Rifle Assn, sports (USA-wide)
  KNGX824   464.3250	Olympia	Fields Country Club, sports (Illinois)
  KNBV535    35.0400 it	P & S Racing (USA-wide)
  KC8627    469.5000 mo	Parnelli Jones Racing
  KNEE321   464.8250	Parrott, Buddy Racing (USA-wide)
  KA95649   464.5000 it	Patrick	Racing Team, auto sports racing	(USA-wide)
  KA95649   464.5500 it		  "
  KA95649   464.7000		  "
  KA95649   464.7500		  "
  KQ9180    469.7250 mo	Peles Racing (USA-wide)
  KV8498    154.6000 2w	Penske Speedway	Inc, auto sports racing	(USA-wide)
  KNAP470   464.7250	Petty Enterprises Inc, auto racing? (USA-wide)
  KB27126   469.5500 mo	Prime Time Racing (USA-wide)
  ?	    151.6250 it	Pro Golf Association, sports (Oak Brook)
  KB24788   464.5500 it		  "
  KB20325   461.7875	R & S Racing (USA-wide)
  KG2971    468.8125 mo	Road Inc, racing? (USA-wide)
  KB35895   463.8000	Rose Racing Inc	(USA-wide)
  KGU383    151.9250	Santa Fe Park Enterprises, sports, entertainment (Hinsdale)
  KNDD389   151.9250		  "
o KA72881   151.6250 it	Skip Barber Racing, spotter's ht (USA-wide)
  KB31929   464.4250	Skoal Bandit Racing (USA-wide)
  KQ3450    151.6250 it	Sports Car Club	of America, Chicago chapter (Chicago)
  KH8971    151.6250 it	Sports Car Club	of America, Raleigh NC (USA-wide)
  ?	    467.7750 2w	Sportsman Park (Cicero)
p ?	    464.6750		  "
p KZU769    464.9250		  "
  KA95890   151.9250	St Louis Drag Boat Assn, sports	(USA-wide)
  KA95890   151.9550		  "
  KA37393   151.9550	Stadium	Motorsports (USA-wide)
  KO7779    154.5150	Stadium	View Inc, sports? (Illinois)
  KU4287    469.5500 mo	Starr Racing (USA-wide)
  KYT865    151.8950	Sycamore Speedway, sports (Sycamore)
  KA96176   467.8500 2w	Teleview Racing	Patrol (USA-wide)
  KA96176   467.8750 2w		  "
  KJ8784    154.5700 2w	Tri City Speedway, sports (Illinois)
p KA75440   154.5700 2w	Tri State Speedway, sports
  KB29026   467.7500 2w	True Sports Company (USA-wide)
  KB29026   468.2500 mo		  "
  KA91935   460.7500	Ultralight Flying Machines, sports (USA-wide)
  KB39795   151.9250	United States Ski Team,	sports (USA-wide)
  KB39795   151.9550		  "
  KAD0450   467.7250 mo	United States Snowmobile..., sports/racing? (USA-wide)
  KJ9237    151.6250 it	US Auto	Club - Speedway, IN, sports (USA-wide)
  KB23467   469.5500 mo	US Figure Skating, sports (USA-wide)
  KMB476    151.7150	Villa Olivia Country Club, sports (Bartlett)
  KB38764   151.6550	Wicker Basket Balloon, sports (USA-wide)
  KA47606   464.5000 it	Womens Professional...,	sports?	(USA-wide)
  KU4357    457.5250 2w	YMCA (USA-wide)	sports
  KU4357    457.5500 2w		  "
  KU4357    457.5750 2w		  "
  KU4357    457.6000 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.7500 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.7750 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.8000 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.8250 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.8500 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.8750 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.9000 2w		  "
  KU4357    467.9250 2w		  "
  KNFY906   464.5750	YMCA, West Suburban (LaGrange) sports
Bob Parnass,  AT&T Bell Laboratories - ihnp4!ihuxf!parnass - (312)979-5414 

an@hou2h.UUCP (A.NGUYEN) (05/29/84)

Here's a couple more:

151.625 &	AAMRR motorcycle roadracing, Loudon, Pocono,
151.250		and Bridgehampton.