dmocsny@uceng.UC.EDU (daniel mocsny) (10/04/90)
I am posting this article for an associate who does not have NET access just now. Please address replies to me: Thank you for any advice. ============================================================================ I have just purchased and installed a QMS JetScript board for my HP LJ II printer. The package consists of a board (8 bit slot) for the PC, a board for the LaserJet (for the option slot), and some drivers. This is intended to be used in a DOS environment. I am using it with Interactive 386 UNIX version 2.2. I have successfully installed the board, downloaded the Post- Script code into the board, and printed postscript documents. I can print from a VP/ix session, or from UNIX (via /dev/lp1). The problem is printing speed from the UNIX command line. A file that takes 1 minute 30 seconds to print from VP/ix takes an astounding 14 minutes from UNIX. Does anybody out there have ANY ideas about why I'm seeing such a horrible speed decrease here? I realize that the DOS device driver I'm running from VP/ix is probably optimized somewhat, but I can't believe that the difference should be this dramatic. Thanks for any help anyone can give me. =============================================================================