[net.ham-radio] UO-11 Telemetry Decoding

karn@mouton.UUCP (06/22/84)

From the University of Surrey.

The following text is reproduced from one of our datasheet handouts, in
response to a couple of requests for the latest revision of Oscar-11
telemetry equations.

UoSAT-2 Telemetry Data Format

The telemetry system collects 60 analogue values from around the spacecraft,
digitises them and sends the results, together with 96 status points, a
'UOSAT-2' identifier and the time, to the beacon multiplexers as a serial
ASCII stream.  The data is transmitted at 300, 600, 1200 or 2400 baud, using
a standard character format of 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 even parity bit
and 2 stop bits.  There is no Morse code or RTTY available from the
telemetry system directly, but these formats could be generated by the 1802
computer.  The 2400 baud rate is experimental and can only be modulated
using a different format - a separate datasheet will explain this.

A typical 'frame' of data contains 7 rows of 10 'channels' of information.
This is illustrated below:

UOSAT-2           8405174112923
00380 01370 02661 03481 04059 05046 06027 07056 08040 09033
10512 11357 12000 13089 14000 15000 16000 17487 18467 19572
20523 21061 22659 23000 24000 25000 26104 27483 28600 29544
30435 31040 32283 33000 34000 35378 36434 37460 38529 39539
40855 41000 42674 43000 44171 45001 46000 47528 48541 49509
50569 51073 52702 53295 54990 55000 56000 57535 58532 59535
60800 615BC 62800 63024 64000 65000 66C00 67000 68000 69000

The first two digits in each channel are the channel identifier, a decimal
number between 0 and 69.  Channels 0 to 59 are the 60 analogue values, and
the 3-digit decimal number following the identifier is the value 'N' which
may be substituted into the calibration equations below.  Channels 60 to 67
contain the 96 status points, held as 3 hexadecimal digits, e.g.  channel 61
contains bits 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, with 13 as
the MSB and 24 as the LSB.  (i.e.  61400 means that bit 14 is set and bits
13 and 15-24 are zero).  Channels 68 and 69 are always zero.  A 1Eh cursor
home character preceeds 'UOSAT-2' in each frame, and the identifier is
followed by the date/time in the format YYMMDDWHHMMSS, where W is the day of
the week, 0 to 6.

Following experience on UoSAT-1, a checksum character has been included in
the telemetry system hardware (rather than using the computer as before).
The above frame, with checksums, is as follows:

UOSAT-2           8405174112923

The checksum characters have been substituted in the place of the spaces
following each channel.  By exclusive-or'ing the binary (0-15) values of all
6 characters in each channel, (2 identifiers, 3 data & 1 checksum), a
non-zero result indicates that the channel has been corrupted in
transmission.  A zero result, of course, does not guarantee a correct

A dwell format is also available, in which an unlimited number of channels
may be selected and displayed in virtually any format, checksummed or
non-checksummed.  The identifier and time-stamp are optional in this mode.

UoSAT-2 Telemetry Calibration Equations

Chan no.  Name                          Equation

00      Solar array current -Y          I=1.9(516-N) ma
01      Nav mag X axis                  H=(0.1485N-68) uT
02      Nav Mag Z axis                  H=(0.1523N-69.3) uT
03      Nav mag Y axis                  H=(0.1507N-69) uT
04      Sun sensor no. 1
05      Sun sensor no. 2
06      Sun sensor no. 3
07      Sun sensor no. 4
08      Sun sensor no. 5
09      Sun sensor no. 6
10      Solar array current +Y          I=1.9(516-N) mA
11      Nav mag (Wing) temp             T=(330-N)/3.45 C
12      Horizon sensor
13      Spare   (tbd)
14      DCE RAMUNIT current             I=(N-70.4)/6.7 mA
15      DCE CPU current                 I=(N-187.1)/2.0 mA
16      DCE GMEM current                I=(N-121.3)/2.1 mA
17      Facet temp +X                   T=(480-N)/5 C
18      Facet temp +Y                   T=(480-N)/5 C
19      Facet temp +Z                   T=(480-N)/5 C
20      Solar array current -X          I=1.9(516-N) mA
21      +10V line current               I=0.97N mA
22      PCM voltage +10V                V=0.015N V
23      P/W logic current (+5V)         I=0.14  (N<=500)
24      P/W Geiger current (+14V)       I=0.21N mA
25      P/W Elec sp.curr (+10V)         I=0.096N mA
26      P/W Elec sp.curr (-10V)         I=0.093 mA
27      Facet temp -X                   T=(480-N)/5 C
28      Facet temp -Y                   T=(480-N)/5 C
29      Facet temp -Z                   T=(480-N)/5 C
30      Solar array current +X          I=1.9(516-N) mA
31      -10V line current               I=0.48N mA
32      PCM voltage -10V                V=0.036N V
33      1802 comp curr  (+10V)          I=0.21N mA
34      Digitalker current (+5V)        I=0.13N mA  (N<=500)
35      145MHz beacon power O/P         P=(2.5N - 275) mW  (N>200)
36      145MHz beacon current           I=0.22N mA
37      145MHz beacon temp              T=(480-N)/5 C
38      Command decoder temp (+Y)       T=(480-N)/5 C
39      Telemetry temp (+X)             T=(480-N)/5 C
40      Solar array voltage (+30V)      V=(0.1N-51.6) V
41      +5V line current                I=0.97N mA
42      PCM voltage +5V                 V=0.0084N V
43      DSR current (+5V)               I=0.21N mA  (n<=500)
44      Command RX current              I=0.92N mA
45      435MHz beacon power O/P         P=(2.5N-200) mW  N>175
46      435MHz beacon current           I=0.44N mA
47      435MHz beacon temp              T=(480-N)/5 C
48      P/W temp (-X)                   T=(480-N)/5 C
49      BCR temp (-Y)                   T=(480-N)/5 C
50      Battery charge/dischg curr      I=8.8(N-513) mA
51      +14V line current               I-5N mA
52      Battery voltage (+14V)          V=0.021N V
53      Battery cell volts (MUX)        See below
54      Telemetry current (+10V)        I=0.02N mA
55      2.4GHz beacon power O/P         P=((N+50)**2)/480 mW
56      2.4GHz beacon current           I=0.45N mA
57      Battery temp                    T=(480-N)/5 C
58      2.4GHz beacon temp              T=(480-N)/5 C
59      CCD imager temp                 T=(480-N)/5 C
60-67   Status points 1-96

Multiplexed Battery Scheme (channel 53)

Six consecutive TLM frames will carry the total volts, the
following ten frames will be individual cells, starting with
cell no.  10.  Each cell has its own equation.  The
calibrations will be supplied later.

UOSAT-2 Status Points

Telemetry   No.   Item                                   State
Frame No.

60 (MSB)   1   145 MHz General Beacon power            Off/On
60         2   435 MHz Engineering Beacon power        Off/On
60         3   2401 MHz Engineering Beacon power       Off/On
60         4   Telemetry channel mode select           Run/Dwell
60         5   Telemetry channel dwell address load    Off/On
60         6   Telemetry channel dwell address source  Gnd/Computer
60         7   Primary Spacecraft Computer power       Off/On
60         8   Primary Spacecraft Computer error count Bit 1
60         9   Primary Spacecraft Computer error count Bit 2
60        10   Primary Spacecraft Computer bootstrap   PROM/UART
60        11   Primary Spacecraft Computer error count Bit 3
60 (LSB)  12   Primary Spacecraft Computer bootstrap   A/B

61 (MSB)  13   Gravity gradient boom deployment pyros  Safe/Arm
61        14   Gravity gradient boom deployment pyros  Hold/Fire
61        15   Gravity gradient boom deployment        Safe/Arm
61        16   Gravity gradient boom deployment        Hold/Deploy
61        17   Gravity gradient boom deployment        Extend/Retract
61        18   Attitude Control Magnetorquers          Safe/Arm
61        19   Attitude Control Magnetorquer -X        On/Off
61        20   Attitude Control Magnetorquer -Y        On/Off
61        21   Attitude Control Magnetorquer -Z        On/Off
61        22   Attitude Control Magnetorquer           Reverse/Forward
61        23   435 MHz PSK mode                        NRZI/NRZIC
61 (LSB)  24   2401 MHz PSK mode                       NRZI/NRZIC

62 (MSB)  25   Attitude Control Magnetorquers          High/Low power
62        26   Digitalker expt. power                  Off/On
62        27   CCD Camera expt. power                  Off/On
62        28   CCD Camera expt. integration period     Bit 0
62        29   CCD Camera expt. integration period     Bit 1
62        30   CCD Camera expt. video amp gain         Bit 0
62        31   CCD Camera expt. video amp gain         Bit 1
62        32   DSR power                               Off/On
62        33   DSR mode                                Read/Write
62        34   DSR mode                                Run/Reset
62        35   Radiation Detectors Geiger-A EHT power  Off/On
62 (LSB)  36   Radiation Detectors Geiger-B EHT power  Off/On

63 (MSB)  37   Radiation Detectors Geiger-C EHT power  Off/On
63        38   Electron Spectrometer sensor EHT power  Off/On
63        39   DCE expt. power                         Off/On
63        40   DCE expt.                               Reset/Run
63        41   DCE expt. PROM select                   A/B
63        42   DCE expt. CPU clock rate select         0.9/1.8 MHz
63        43   Navigation Magnetometer power           Off/On
63        44   Space Dust experiment power             Off/On
63        45   Status calibrate
63        46   BCR status                              0/1
63        47   435 MHz beacon modulation select        AFSK/PSK
63 (LSB)  48   2401 MHz beacon modulation select       AFSK/PSK

64 (MSB)  49   Engineering data                        Bit 1
64        50   Engineering data                        Bit 2
64        51   Engineering data                        Bit 3
64        52   Engineering data                        Bit 4
64        53   Engineering data                        Bit 5
64        54   Command Watchdog                        Disable/Enable
64        55   Command Watchdog reset                  0/1
64        56   145 MHz beacon data select              A
64        57   145 MHz beacon data select              B
64        58   145 MHz beacon data select              C
64        59   145 MHz beacon data select              D
64 (LSB)  60   145 MHz beacon data select              E

65 (MSB)  61   145 MHz beacon data select              F
65        62   145 MHz beacon data rate                A
65        63   145 MHz beacon data rate                B
65        64   435 MHz beacon data rate                A
65        65   435 MHz beacon data rate                B
65        66   435 MHz beacon data rate                C
65        67   Particle / Wavecounter control          Count/Reset
65        68   Beacon lockout latch                    Enable/Disable
65        69   Engineering data                        Bit 6
65        70   Engineering data                        Bit 7
65        71   Engineering data                        Bit 8
65 (LSB)  72   Engineering data                        Bit 9

66 (MSB)  73   P/W channel plate control               Bit 0
66        74   P/W channel plate control               Bit 1
66        75   P/W channel plate control               Bit 2
66        76   Space Dust (MSB)
66        77   Space Dust
66        78   Space Dust
66        79   Space Dust
66        80   Space Dust
66        81   Space Dust
66        82   Space Dust
66        83   Space Dust (LSB)
66 (LSB)  84   DSR write cycle complete

67 (MSB)  85   1802 CWO output
67        86   1802 Telemetry port (MSB)
67        87   1802 Telemetry port
67        88   1802 Telemetry port
67        89   1802 Telemetry port
67        90   1802 Telemetry port
67        91   1802 Telemetry port
67        92   1802 Telemetry port
67        93   1802 Telemetry port
67        94   1802 Telemetry port
67        95   1802 Telemetry port
67 (LSB)  96   1802 Telemetry port (LSB)

 The 'engineering data' bits contain the internal status of certain
modules and are unlikely to be of general interest.