[comp.unix.sysv386] Adaptec 1542 won't move off I/O port 330!!

mason@oct1.UUCP (David Mason) (12/04/90)

In a desparate attempt to prevent an I/O port conflict between a 1542B
and a Stallion port card at 330, I changed the port of the Adaptec by
fiddling the jumpers and changing it in /etc/conf/pack.d/dsk/space.c. 
But then as soon as I re-power the system after changing jumpers, the
Adaptec's bios screams that it can't find the card at I/O port 330! 

Is the port address of 330 hard-coded into the bios on the card?  Seems
very strange that the jumpers are avaliable to do it, yet the card's own
bios won't accept it.  Any comment from the Adaptec experts?

Anyway, I sweated blood and got the Stallion to move off 330.
David Mason                       | "Strange the mind, 
mason@oct1.UUCP                   |    that very fiery particle,
"olsa99!oct1!mason"@ddsw1.MCS.COM |  Should let itself be snuffed out
...!ddsw1!olsa99!oct1!mason       |     by an article."       Byron

dns@essnj1.ESSNJAY.COM (David N. Sears) (12/06/90)

In <1990Dec3.205338.21158@oct1.UUCP> mason@oct1.UUCP (David Mason) writes:

>In a desparate attempt to prevent an I/O port conflict between a 1542B
>and a Stallion port card at 330, I changed the port of the Adaptec by
>fiddling the jumpers and changing it in /etc/conf/pack.d/dsk/space.c. 
>But then as soon as I re-power the system after changing jumpers, the
>Adaptec's bios screams that it can't find the card at I/O port 330! 

>Is the port address of 330 hard-coded into the bios on the card?  Seems
>very strange that the jumpers are avaliable to do it, yet the card's own
>bios won't accept it.  Any comment from the Adaptec experts?

Yes, 330 is hard-coded into the bios. Look at the Adaptec User Manual.
The BIOS only operates with the "default" jumpers, but your
operating system driver doesn't care (ISC, at least). If your
AHA154[02][AB] is the only disk controller you have, then you
won't be able to boot a system. If you have a MFM controller as
well, then Unix will be able to use both; DOS will require
an additional device driver.

David Sears
EssnJay Systems, Inc.
Huntington, CT

chandler@beagle.UUCP (Jim Chandler) (12/07/90)

In article <1990Dec3.205338.21158@oct1.UUCP>, mason@oct1.UUCP (David Mason) writes:
> In a desparate attempt to prevent an I/O port conflict between a 1542B
> and a Stallion port card at 330, I changed the port of the Adaptec by
> fiddling the jumpers and changing it in /etc/conf/pack.d/dsk/space.c. 
> But then as soon as I re-power the system after changing jumpers, the
> Adaptec's bios screams that it can't find the card at I/O port 330! 
> Is the port address of 330 hard-coded into the bios on the card?  Seems

Yes, if you read the manual, it states that if you move the io port, then you
must get new firmware from Adaptec.  Hope this helps.

Jim Chandler

feustel@netcom.UUCP (David Feustel) (12/07/90)

Do you know whether multiple Adaptec 1542As can work on the same SCSI bus?
(I.e can one talk to the other?)
David Feustel, 1930 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805, (219) 482-9631
EMAIL: netcom.uucp

bob@ns.UUCP (Robert J. Mathias) (12/08/90)

In article <1990Dec3.205338.21158@oct1.UUCP> mason@oct1.UUCP (David Mason) writes:
>Is the port address of 330 hard-coded into the bios on the card?  Seems
>very strange that the jumpers are avaliable to do it, yet the card's own
>bios won't accept it.  Any comment from the Adaptec experts?
The Adaptec bios is hard-wired to use port address 330.  I believe the
main reason for allowing alternate addresses is to support multiple boards
in one system.  The bios on the second board is not used since the bios
is meant to support only up to two drives (c: and d:).

I agree that it would be nice if they would support other addresses in the
bios.  I would also like to see Adaptec support more than two drives (in
a Dos environment) in a reasonable manner.  Their current driver that
supports users with more than 2 drives is incompatible with practically
every disk cache program that I've tried.

Robert J. Mathias, Jr                uucp: ...!uunet!ccicpg!uis-oc!ns.UUCP!bob
Unisys Corporation                   voice: (714) 727-0323
A and V Series Systems Engineering   fax: (714) 727-0350
Irvine, California                  

dns@essnj1.ESSNJAY.COM (David N. Sears) (12/08/90)

In <18241@netcom.UUCP> feustel@netcom.UUCP (David Feustel) writes:

>Do you know whether multiple Adaptec 1542As can work on the same SCSI bus?
>(I.e can one talk to the other?)

The answer is yes and no. The Host Adapter supports target mode; yes.
Target mode requires specific driver support in the operating system.

I don't know of any vendor who supports this out of the box.

David Sears
EssnJay Systems, Inc.
Huntington, Ct.

karl@robot.in-berlin.de (Karl-P. Huestegge) (12/10/90)

mason@oct1.UUCP (David Mason) writes:

>In a desparate attempt to prevent an I/O port conflict between a 1542B
>and a Stallion port card at 330, I changed the port of the Adaptec by
>fiddling the jumpers and changing it in /etc/conf/pack.d/dsk/space.c. 
>But then as soon as I re-power the system after changing jumpers, the
>Adaptec's bios screams that it can't find the card at I/O port 330! 

>Is the port address of 330 hard-coded into the bios on the card?  Seems
>very strange that the jumpers are avaliable to do it, yet the card's own
>bios won't accept it.  Any comment from the Adaptec experts?

You're right. The Port adress is hard coded in the BIOS. (RTFM ;-)

Unix has it's own drivers. So you 'only' need the BIOS to boot. No Problem
if you have a 2nd AHA1542 at 330 or a normal ST506 Controller to boot

But there's another solution: You can get another BIOS for your 
desired Adress from Adaptec.

Binary Patching of the EPROM is not so simple, the adress is spread
all over the program.

You can also get the ASPI-MS-DOS Driver from Adaptec for your DOS purposes. 
You can specify the port adress in your config.sys file with this driver. 

Karl-Peter Huestegge                       karl@robot.in-berlin.de
Berlin Friedenau                           ..unido!fub!geminix!robot!karl

karl@robot.in-berlin.de (Karl-P. Huestegge) (12/10/90)

feustel@netcom.UUCP (David Feustel) writes:

>Do you know whether multiple Adaptec 1542As can work on the same SCSI bus?
>(I.e can one talk to the other?)

Yes, the AHA154x[AB] can handle both Initiator and Taget Mode.

SEND, RECEIVE' are supported. The Host Adapter then acts just like
any other SCSI device. You can select 8 LUN's at the Target Host Adpter
(maybe 8 processes receiving and sending at will ;-).

I havn't seen any application with this feature yet. Anybody else ?

Karl-Peter Huestegge                       karl@robot.in-berlin.de
Berlin Friedenau                           ..unido!fub!geminix!robot!karl

klm@gozer.UUCP (Kevin L. McBride) (12/15/90)

In article <1990Dec3.205338.21158@oct1.UUCP> mason@oct1.UUCP (David Mason) writes:
>In a desparate attempt to prevent an I/O port conflict between a 1542B
>and a Stallion port card at 330, I changed the port of the Adaptec by
>fiddling the jumpers and changing it in /etc/conf/pack.d/dsk/space.c. 
>But then as soon as I re-power the system after changing jumpers, the
>Adaptec's bios screams that it can't find the card at I/O port 330! 

Yup, that sounds about right.

>Is the port address of 330 hard-coded into the bios on the card?  Seems
>very strange that the jumpers are avaliable to do it, yet the card's own
>bios won't accept it.  Any comment from the Adaptec experts?

Yes, the port address of 330 is hardcoded into the bios.  Interactive's
aha driver doesn't care about this of course; you can set it up almost
anywhere.  The problem only comes in booting the damn machine from the
SCSI disk.  If the card is not at port 330, you can't use the SCSI bios
to boot.

>Anyway, I sweated blood and got the Stallion to move off 330.

Probably your best bet.

>David Mason

Kevin L. McBride     |Contract programming (on and offsite)   |Brewmeister and
President            |X, Motif, TCP/IP, UNIX, VAX/VMS,        |Bottle Washer
MSCG, Inc.           |Integration issues, Troubleshooting.    |McBeer Brewery
uunet!wang!gozer!klm |Reseller of ISC UNIX and Telebit Modems.|Nashua, NH