(ian reid) (12/17/90)
Apologies if I have missed something in the discussion on Roells X11R4 server, but I was wondering if it could be used on an EGA display. Now I realise that the EGA is a low rent display adapter these days and I can't ever recall anything but VGA's being discussed with regard to this new server, but out here in shipping product land some of us are tied into old technology. Now with Interactive X release 1.2 the same server supports both EGA and VGA, however they also provide another server which supports 256 colour VGA. So I guess there is a 50% chance. If it does work for an EGA can someone e-mail me with details of how I can get UUCP access to it. -- P.S. I doubt Herr Roell will be receiving any cards from PC X-vendors this Christmas, so Happy Christmas Thomas. -- Ian Reid #include <std/disclaimer.h> UUCP: ir@cel.uucp or or ...!{ukc,mcsun,uunet}!cel!ir "Computers..proof positive that no-one yet understands how to describe any real world situation in 0's and 1's."