[comp.unix.sysv386] Location of Thomas Roell's X11R4 Server

cy5@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Conway Yee) (12/14/90)

Thanks to James Artsdalen and Rick Summerhill for their response to my
query concerning the location of Thomas Roell's X11R4 server.

They both cited flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de (
but I was hoping for a site within North America.  Anyone have
any ideas?

Please email, I will summarize to the net.  Thanks.

					Conway Yee, N2JWQ
yee@ming.mipg.upenn.edu    (preferred)             231 S. Melville St.
cy5@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (forwarded to above)    Philadelphia, Pa 19139
yee@bnlx26.nsls.bnl.gov    (rarely checked)        (215) 386-1312

cy5@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Conway Yee) (12/20/90)

Thanks to all who have responded to my request for
the location of Thomas Roell's X11R4 server.

It can be found at :

flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de (, under /pub/i386.

For those in North America,

freebie.engin.umich.edu (, in /pub/esix/XSERVER.tar.Z
atc.sp.unisys.com ( in directory /pub/esix
nstar.rn.com, a Public Access Unix Site (telephone # (219) 289-0282)

					Conway Yee, N2JWQ
yee@ming.mipg.upenn.edu    (preferred)             231 S. Melville St.
cy5@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (forwarded to above)    Philadelphia, Pa 19139
yee@bnlx26.nsls.bnl.gov    (rarely checked)        (215) 386-1312