[comp.unix.sysv386] Host unknown

pax@megasys.com (Garry M. Paxinos) (12/27/90)

In article <1990Dec26.192115.23329@csrd.uiuc.edu> patrick@whistle.kai.com (Patrick Wolfe) writes:

      ----- Transcript of session follows -----
   550 nstar.rn.com (TCP)... 550 Host unknown
   554 <larry@nstar.rn.com>... 550 Host unknown (Valid name but no data [address])

I'm wondering, is this happening to alot of people?  It's been 
happening to both megasys.com and metrolink.com down here quite abit.
BTW, both systems use uunet.uu.net as a nameserver.  Uunet says it's
elsewhere... is it?  Both domains have primary and secondary forwarders
so it seems strange that this is happening...


E-Mail:pax@megasys.com pax@ankh.ftl.fl.us g.paxinos@compmail.com 
USNail:Megasystems, Inc.    2055 South Congress Ave,  Delray Beach,  FL  33445
UUCP  :{gatech!uflorida!novavax!ankh,  mthvax,  herctec,  attmail}!megasys!pax
Voice :407-243-2405   Data: 407-243-2407  Fax: 407-243-2408   Telex: 156281499
          "This is America, Right?!?!?"  member of 2 Live Crew

larry@nstar.rn.com (Larry Snyder) (12/28/90)

pax@megasys.com (Garry M. Paxinos) writes:

>In article <1990Dec26.192115.23329@csrd.uiuc.edu> patrick@whistle.kai.com (Patrick Wolfe) writes:
>   Ahem...

>      ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>   550 nstar.rn.com (TCP)... 550 Host unknown
>   554 <larry@nstar.rn.com>... 550 Host unknown (Valid name but no data [address])

>I'm wondering, is this happening to alot of people?  It's been 
>happening to both megasys.com and metrolink.com down here quite abit.
>BTW, both systems use uunet.uu.net as a nameserver.  Uunet says it's
>elsewhere... is it?  Both domains have primary and secondary forwarders
>so it seems strange that this is happening...

this just started a couple of days ago - I've sent mail off uunet
for nstar.rn.com and sure enough it bounces - yet 10 days ago it worked
great.   I don't understand - but it's nice to know that others have had
the same problem.  I guess I'll call SRI today --

       Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
  {larry@nstar.rn.com, uunet!nstar!larry, larry%nstar@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu}
                     backbone usenet newsfeeds available
         Public Access Unix Site (219) 289-0282 (5 high speed lines)

eric@egsner.cirr.com (Eric Schnoebelen) (12/29/90)

In article <PAX.90Dec27091610@megasys.megasys.> pax@megasys.com
		 (Garry M. Paxinos) writes:
- In article <1990Dec26.192115.23329@csrd.uiuc.edu> 
-			patrick@whistle.kai.com (Patrick Wolfe) writes:
-    Ahem...
-       ----- Transcript of session follows -----
-    550 nstar.rn.com (TCP)... 550 Host unknown
-    554 <larry@nstar.rn.com>... 550 Host unknown (Valid name but no data [address])
- I'm wondering, is this happening to alot of people?  It's been 
- happening to both megasys.com and metrolink.com down here quite abit.

        I haven't seen this happen to me, but then again, I'm not
directly connected.  I too use an MX like Larry does.  My MX points to
two sites, with both uunet and seismo holding the MX records.

- BTW, both systems use uunet.uu.net as a nameserver.  Uunet says it's
- elsewhere... is it?  Both domains have primary and secondary forwarders
- so it seems strange that this is happening...

        I would suspect that the problem is at the sending end, and that
the sendmail is not configured to use MX records.

        If the sending host is configured to use MX's, then it might be
a problem that the target host of the MX is not yet ready, but that is
just a guess.

	Followups have been redirected to comp.mail.misc.

Eric Schnoebelen		eric@cirr.com		schnoebe@convex.com
		    C Code.  C Code Run.  Run, Code, RUN!

larry@nstar.rn.com (Larry Snyder) (12/30/90)

eric@egsner.cirr.com (Eric Schnoebelen) writes:

>In article <PAX.90Dec27091610@megasys.megasys.> pax@megasys.com
>		 (Garry M. Paxinos) writes:
>- In article <1990Dec26.192115.23329@csrd.uiuc.edu> 
>-			patrick@whistle.kai.com (Patrick Wolfe) writes:
>-    Ahem...
>-       ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>-    550 nstar.rn.com (TCP)... 550 Host unknown
>-    554 <larry@nstar.rn.com>... 550 Host unknown (Valid name but no data [address])
>- I'm wondering, is this happening to alot of people?  It's been 
>- happening to both megasys.com and metrolink.com down here quite abit.

>        I haven't seen this happen to me, but then again, I'm not
>directly connected.  I too use an MX like Larry does.  My MX points to
>two sites, with both uunet and seismo holding the MX records.

>- BTW, both systems use uunet.uu.net as a nameserver.  Uunet says it's
>- elsewhere... is it?  Both domains have primary and secondary forwarders
>- so it seems strange that this is happening...

the problem in our case (for the domain rn.com) is that
our primary forwarder was specifing *.rn.com -> nstar -
which didn't forward everything like it should (he is using
sendmail).  if he put nstar.rn.com -> nstar everything works
just fine - so the problem is related to the *.rn.com in the
cf file.

like I mentioned in a previous article - everything was working
just dandy until about 10 days ago (with the *.rn.com)  

strange indeed..

       Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
  {larry@nstar.rn.com, uunet!nstar!larry, larry%nstar@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu}
                     backbone usenet newsfeeds available
         Public Access Unix Site (219) 289-0282 (5 high speed lines)