I'm trying to put together a 386 system running UNIX and X11 for relatively little money. It looks like I can get the following h/w for a good price: 386: 33MHz 8Mb (board/BIOS unspecified) PT2014F VGA card (Tseng) Qume QM835 VGA Colour Monitor S5240 AT Bus + 2 floppy controller Seagate ST1239A 210Mb Hard Disk etc. I'm considering getting ESIX+VP/ix to run on this but I'm told the AT-bus is not supported - does anyone know if it works? Also, I was hoping to run Roell's X11 - is there any problem with this? My alternative is to upgrade my 386/ix from 2.0.2 to 2.2.1 at a higher cost - it is not clear that there is any real advantage in doing this (though the 386/ix salesthing claims that their system is 4 times faster than any other UNIX for a 386). Any info. on the above concerns would be appreciated. b++