[comp.unix.sysv386] Interactive 386/IX 2.0.2 and CMS Jumbo tape drives

dvh@ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au (David Hawke) (03/04/91)

I am attempting to configure a CMS Jumbo (60Mb) tape drive into an 
Interactive 386/Ix 2.0.2 system.  The drive is installed as the 
second drive on the floppy controller. I have not been able to get the 
system to access the drive.

Can anyone assist please.

David Hawke (Geography, Aust Defence Force Academy)

|  dvh@ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au  |

From: dvh@ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au (David Hawke)
Path: ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!dvh
Newsgroups: unix.sysv386.comp
Subject: Interactive 386/IX and CMS Jumbo tape drives
Organization: Computer Centre, Australian Defence Force Academy

I am attempting to configure a CMS Jumbo (60Mb) tape drive into an 
Interactive 386/Ix 2.0.2 system.  The drive is installed as the 
second drive on the floppy controller. I have not been able to get the 
system to access the drive.

Can anyone assist please.

David Hawke (Geography, Aust Defence Force Academy)

|  dvh@ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au  |