[comp.unix.sysv386] Need helping getting X386 started.

thssdwv@iitmax.iit.edu (David William Vrona) (04/01/91)

I have installed the X386 1.1a binaries on my machine and have attempted to
start the server as root login by typing /usr/bin/X11/X386.  Upon doing so,
I get a quick flash of a garbled color graphics screen and then the following

Binding TCP socket:  Protocol driver not attached
Cannot open %s
: No such device

Fatal server bug!
failed to initialize core devices
User signal 2

My machine is a Mylex 386 with 8MB, PVGA clone card with the Western Digital
chips.  I have ISC 2.02 UNIX with TCP/IP and Streams.  I am quite sure I have
Xconfig configured correctly.

I would appreciate any help I can get.  I can't wait to get this running!!

#  I was gonna run up on ya and do a  #  David W. Vrona                      #
#  Rambo.... O.J. Jones               #  Illinois Institute of Technology    #
#  Internet:  thssdwv@iitmax.iit.edu  #  UUCP:                               #