From: Lee Richardson <RICHARDSON.B@USC-ISIF.ARPA> Following is a letter from the 220 mhz Spectrum Management Association, Van Nuys, CA, being distributed to their membership, with wider distribution encouraged. /Lee Richardson W6RFK Richardson.B@ISIF 220 SMA 220 MHZ SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 8306 VAN NUYS, CA 91409 U.S.A. August 4, 1984 QST QST QST It looks as though we could lose the entire 220 MHz to 225 MHz Amateur ================================== Radio band. The Land Mobile Communications Council has filed a Proposed Rule Making (PRM) # 4829 asking the Federal Communications Commission to allow for re-allocation of the present 220 MHz Amateur band to commercial use on a non-shared basis. AND as if this isn't enough, the Sideband Technology Incorporated has filed PRM # 4831 asking the Commission for 216 MHz to 222 MHz for Amplitude Compandored Sideband Channelization (ACSB). It is our purpose here and now to offer guidelines for all of us to voice our views on these grave issues. We believe that we must all unite behind defeat of these NPR's not only to save the 220 MHz band, but to stop any further encroachment upon valuable Amateur Radio Frequency Spectrum. Spectrum space is not renewable and cannot be created out of thin air. There is already under way action by a group to lay claim to our 6 Meter Ham band for commercial purposes!! With 2 Meters overflowing with activity and 440-450 MHz mostly closed, there is absolutely no other VHF band we can go to for clean, reliable FM two-way communications except the 220 MHz band. THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN YOUR LETTER: =========== 1) You must name the Proposed Rule Making Numbers. a) P.R.M. or RM # 4829 submitted by the Land Mobile Communications Council. b) P.R.M. or RM # 4831 submitted by Sideband Technology Incorporated. 2) You should identify yourself, give your callsign, and indicate your club affiliates. Your use and especially your public service use of =================== the band is important, but keep the letter brief and "to the point". 3) Demand immediate call to action by your Congress person, because the F.C.C. will make the decision as of August 29, 1984 !!! You should =============== make mention of that deadline in your letter as it is less than 30 DAYS AWAY !!! ====================== 4) Remember, even if you do not own any 220 gear now, you may want to use the band with its open repeaters in the future. Also, most of the Two Meter repeaters are controlled on 220 MHz, and without those controls available your favorite Two Meter repeater might be forced to be turned off !!! Let's fight now for the band and squelch any further attempts to steal spectrum from all of us who enjoy Amateur Radio. The address to mail your letters are as follows: For California Hams: Honorable Pete Wilson Honorable Alan Cranston 720 Hart Office Bldg. 112 Hart Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510 For out-of-California Hams: Write your local U.S. Senator; His address is found in your local telephone directory. For all hams as well: Honorable Barry Goldwater 363 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 If you write only one letter, write it to Barry Goldwater. He's a Ham (K7UGA). Karl Pagel, N6BVU President, 220 Sectrum Management Association Chuck Zabilski, WB6MOB Vice-President, 220 Spectrum Management Association Barry Rudolph, WA6MQG Board Member, 220 Spectrum Management Association Fried Heyn, WA6WZO Director, Southwestern Division, ARRL -------