gnu@sun.uucp (John Gilmore) (08/15/84)
Forwarded with edits from triton1!condor (Rick Kawala; I forget his callsign) Right now, there are two acts pending before Congress that would protect the rights of people to use satellite dishes to receive whatever they can. Call your Senator and urge her to support S.2437. Call your Representative and urge him to support H.R.5176. It's quite easy; all you do is call them (get the number from the Federal Information Center in your town) and say "I want to voice my support for bill number ...". They'll take your name and say thank you very much. If you think that's bullshit, remember this. There is a lot of neat stuff up there. And it's getting very cheap; $4K buys you a really good earth station, and $2K can buy you a relatively poor one. These prices are somewhat retail, and do not include installation. If you hunt and can do some work yourself, [or ask Lauren --gnu] I'll bet you could do it even cheaper. And if you don't call, they're gonna eventually have it set up so that you have to get permission to receive FM in your car. These things just sort of creep up on you; it never happens at once, but instead it happens thing by thing. Eighty years ago, it was quite OK to walk around with a loaded gun. That's gone today. Do something about it now. Enjoy, Rick [& John, KB6DQC]