[comp.unix.sysv386] node name, X386

yeh@cs.purdue.EDU (Wei Jen Yeh) (04/10/91)

  I have two questions for people running sVr4 and/or X386.

1) I installed X386 binary (for R4) last night.  The server came up ok, but
xterm and twm couldn't open the display.  I used the default node name
"amnesia".  Does anyone know what the problem might be?  This is what happened.
  / # startx (or xinit)
      "Setting TCP SO_DONTLINGER: Option not supported by protocol."
      The background bitmap came up with mouse cursor movable
      That's it.

If I switched to another VT, then X died with message "unable to open display
unix:0" in /.xerrors.  I tried setting DISPLAY to "amnesia:0" but got similar
results.  What's wrong here?  BTW, do I still have to modify kernel params as
was done in the install.sh script?

2) I then tried to rename the system name to "unix".  sysadm did that w/o
any problems.  I then rebooted the machine.  However, upon rebooting, the init
process displayed the messages:
svc_create_statd: warning: no well known address for statd on transport ticlts
svc_create: Bad file number
unable to create(NLM_PROG, NLM_VERS) for netpath.

Does anyone know how to fix it?  Any suggestions, Dell?
I then put "unix" (and later "unix:0") in /etc/X0.hosts and fired up X.
Still no luck.

I saw mentioning of AT&T sVr4.0.3.  Can anyone tell us the major bug fixes
or new features?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Wei Jen Yeh                      yeh@cs.purdue.edu
                                 Department of Computer Science
                                 Purdue University
                                 West Lafayette, Indiana

davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) (04/14/91)

In article <14253@medusa.cs.purdue.edu> yeh@cs.purdue.EDU (Wei Jen Yeh) writes:

| 2) I then tried to rename the system name to "unix".  sysadm did that w/o
| any problems.  I then rebooted the machine.  However, upon rebooting, the init
| process displayed the messages:

  Do you have localhost in the hosts table? Try localhost:0, I *think*
that's what I'm running, but I just pulled some boards out of the V.4
box to test something.
bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen)
    sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX
    moderator of comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 80386 mailing list
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me