dmdoyle@ihuxr.UUCP (Dan Doyle, WB9JXN ) (08/03/84)
-- CQ CQ CQ de WB9JXN My machine had some trouble with mail.(What else is new?) So I am posting this again. > I'm thinking about purchasing the ICOM IC-751 XCVR. >I would like to here from anyone who has this rig. > > Are there any problems with it? > Is it as good as ICOM says? > > 73s -- ========================================================================== Dan Doyle, AT&T Bell Laboratories - ihnp4!ihuxr!dmdoyle - (312)979-2946 WB9JXN Naperville, IL *8-367-2946
Being an IC-701 owner, I have heard that the IC-751 has much more rugged finals. The Dallas repair center for Icom tested the 751 key down for an hour - and they told me the only finals they have replaced were in a rig hit by lightning! (in contrast - the 701 has a terrible record on the finals) The 701 has 150W transistors vs 290W for the 751 and 745. Have not heard anything bad about the 751 and have worked a few on the air and the owners seem very pleased. 73 - Kent - AA6P
Taylor.WBST@XEROX.ARPA (08/21/84)
The latest issue of CQ Magazine has a detailed review of the IC-751. Jim (W2OZH)